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oracel 2个数据库对象比较,并且创建不同的对象

2017-04-19 00:00 162 查看
摘要: A 库和B库 对比,将A库新增或更改的 视图 、存储过程、 函数、 表、 类型、 序列、视图 同步到 B库

--host 对应数据库的ip地址
--service_name = ORACLE SID
create database link cq
connect to xzcq identified by "123"
----------------------------------------------------------存储过程 函数----------------------------------------------------
create or replace procedure pr_riseobj(ctype varchar2) AUTHID CURRENT_USER is
str clob;
cursor c_cur is
select name from ( select * from user_source@cq where type = ctype ) highversion where name not in ( select name from user_source where type =ctype )
select name from (
select highversion.* from ( select * from user_source@cq where type = ctype ) highversion
inner join (select * from user_source where type = ctype ) lowversion on highversion.name = lowversion.name and highversion.line = lowversion.line
and replace( replace( replace (replace(highversion.text,chr(10),''),' ','' ),chr(9),'' ),' ','' ) != replace( replace(replace( replace(lowversion.text,chr(10),''),' ',''),chr(9),''),' ','')
group by name;

for c in c_cur loop
str := 'create or replace ';
for f in ( select text from user_source@cq where type = ctype and name = c.name order by line ) loop
str := str||f.text;
end loop;
execute immediate str;
end loop;
end pr_riseobj;

create or replace procedure pr_risesequences AUTHID CURRENT_USER is
str varchar2(500);
cursor c_cur is
select * from ( select * from user_sequences@cq ) highversion where sequence_name not in ( select sequence_name from user_sequences );
for c in c_cur loop
str := 'create sequence '||c.sequence_name||' minvalue '||c.min_value||' maxvalue '||c.max_value||' start with 1 increment by '||c.increment_by ;
execute immediate str;
end loop;
end pr_risesequences;
create or replace procedure pr_riseTable AUTHID CURRENT_USER is
str varchar2(1000); --创建表语句
pk varchar2(100); --创建主键
un varchar2(100); --创建唯一约束
cursor c_cur is

select tname from ( select table_name tname from user_tab_columns@cq where table_name not like '%$%' group by table_name) highversion
where tname not in ( select table_name tname from user_tab_columns where table_name not like '%$%' group by table_name )

group by tname;

for c in c_cur loop
str := 'create table '||c.tname||'( ';
for f in ( select column_name cn ,data_type dt ,data_length dl,nullable from user_tab_columns@cq where table_name = c.tname ) loop
if f.dt = 'CLOB' or f.dt = 'BLOB' or f.dt = 'NUMBER' or f.dt = 'DATE' or f.dt = 'FLOAT' or f.dt = 'INTEGER' then
str := ' '||str||lower(f.cn)||' '||f.dt||'';
str := ' '||str||lower(f.cn)||' '||f.dt||'('||f.dl||')';
end if;
--判断当前字段属性 是否为空
if f.nullable = 'N' then
str := str||' not null,';
str := str||',';
end if;
end loop;
str := substr(str,0,length(str)-1);
str := str||' ) ';
execute immediate str;
select ' alter table '||c.tname||' add constraint '||cn||' primary key ( ' into pk from (
select cu.constraint_name cn from user_cons_columns@cq cu, user_constraints@cq au where cu.constraint_name = au.constraint_name and au.constraint_type = 'P' and au.table_name = c.tname
) where rownum = 1;

for p in (
select cu.column_name cn from user_cons_columns@cq cu, user_constraints@cq au where cu.constraint_name = au.constraint_name and au.constraint_type = 'P' and au.table_name =c.tname
) loop
pk := pk||p.cn||',';
end loop;
pk := substr(pk,0,length(pk)-1);
pk := pk||' ) ';
execute immediate pk;
for u in (
select au.constraint_name cn from user_cons_columns@cq cu, user_constraints@cq au
where cu.constraint_name = au.constraint_name and au.constraint_type = 'U' and au.table_name =c.tname
group by au.constraint_name
) loop
un:= ' ALTER TABLE '||c.tname||' ADD CONSTRAINT '||u.cn||' UNIQUE (' ;
for uc in (
select cu.column_name cname from user_cons_columns@cq cu, user_constraints@cq au
where cu.constraint_name = au.constraint_name and au.constraint_type = 'U'
and au.table_name =c.tname
and au.constraint_name = u.cn
) loop
un := un||uc.cname||',';

end loop;
un := substr(un,0,length(un)-1);
un := un||' ) ';
execute immediate un;
end loop;
end loop;
end pr_riseTable;
create or replace procedure pr_riseFiled AUTHID CURRENT_USER is
str clob;
un varchar2(100); --创建唯一约束
ucount int;
cursor c_cur is
select * from ( select table_name tname,column_name cname,data_type dt,data_length dl from user_tab_columns@cq where table_name not like '%$%' ) highversion
where tname||cname not in ( select table_name||column_name from user_tab_columns where table_name not like '%$%');

for c in c_cur loop
if c.dt = 'CLOB' or c.dt = 'BLOB' or c.dt = 'NUMBER' or c.dt = 'DATE' or c.dt = 'FLOAT' or c.dt = 'INTEGER' then
str := 'alter table '||c.tname||' add '||lower(c.cname)||' '||c.dt;
str := 'alter table '||c.tname||' add '||lower(c.cname)||' '||c.dt||'('||c.dl||')';
end if;
execute immediate str;

for u in (
select au.constraint_name cn from user_cons_columns@cq cu, user_constraints@cq au
where cu.constraint_name = au.constraint_name and au.constraint_type = 'U' and au.table_name =c.tname
and au.constraint_name = (
select i.Index_name from user_ind_columns@cq t,user_indexes@cq i
where t.index_name = i.index_name and t.table_name = i.table_name and t.table_name = c.tname and column_name = c.cname
group by au.constraint_name
) loop
un:= ' ALTER TABLE '||c.tname||' ADD CONSTRAINT '||u.cn||' UNIQUE (' ;
for uc in (
select cu.column_name cname from user_cons_columns@cq cu, user_constraints@cq au
where cu.constraint_name = au.constraint_name and au.constraint_type = 'U'
and au.table_name =c.tname
and au.constraint_name = u.cn
) loop
un := un||uc.cname||',';

end loop;
select count(constraint_name) into ucount from user_constraints where table_name = c.tname and constraint_name = u.cn;
if ucount > 0 then
execute immediate 'drop index '||u.cn;
end if;

un := substr(un,0,length(un)-1);
un := un||' ) ';
execute immediate un;

end loop;
end loop;
end pr_riseFiled;
create or replace procedure pr_riseuserview AUTHID CURRENT_USER is
str clob;
v_isexist number(3,0);
i int;
v_isexist := 0;
select count(1) into v_isexist from sys.all_objects where object_name='T_USER_VIEWS_ROW' and object_type = 'TYPE';
if v_isexist>0 then
execute immediate 'drop type t_user_views_table';
execute immediate 'drop type t_user_views_row';
end if;
execute immediate 'create type t_user_views_row as object
(view_name varchar2(60),text_length number,text clob)';
execute immediate 'create type t_user_views_table is table of t_user_views_row';
execute immediate 'create or replace function fu_get_user_views_high
return t_user_views_table
rs t_user_views_table:= t_user_views_table();
for cur in (select view_name,text_length,text from user_views@cq) loop
rs(rs.count) := t_user_views_row(cur.view_name,cur.text_length,cur.text);
end loop;
return rs;
end fu_get_user_views_high;';
execute immediate 'create or replace function fu_get_user_views_low
return t_user_views_table
rs t_user_views_table:= t_user_views_table();
for cur in (select view_name,text_length,text from user_views) loop
rs(rs.count) := t_user_views_row(cur.view_name,cur.text_length,cur.text);
end loop;
return rs;
end fu_get_user_views_low;';
for c in ( select view_name vn,text from table( fu_get_user_views_high()) ) loop
for c1 in (select view_name vn,text from table( fu_get_user_views_low()) ) loop
if (c1.vn = c.vn and replace( replace( replace (replace(c.text,chr(10),''),' ','' ),chr(9),'' ),' ','' ) !=replace( replace( replace (replace(c1.text,chr(10),''),' ','' ),chr(9),'' ),' ','' )) then
--dbms_output.put_line('reate or replace view '||c.vn||' as '||c.text);
execute immediate 'create or replace view '||c.vn||' as '||c.text;
end if;

end loop;

end loop;
end pr_riseuserview;
create or replace procedure pr_riseusertype AUTHID CURRENT_USER is
childStr clob;
ustr varchar2(1000);
--step 1 新建
for c in (
select name,rn from ( select name,referenced_name rn from user_dependencies@cq where type='TYPE' and Referenced_owner != 'SYS') highversion
where name not in (select name from user_dependencies where type='TYPE' and Referenced_owner != 'SYS')
) loop
childStr := 'create or replace ';
for childs in ( select text t from user_source@cq where type = 'TYPE' and name = c.rn order by line) loop
childStr := childStr||childs.t;
end loop;
execute immediate childStr;
execute immediate 'create or replace type '||c.name||' is table of '||c.rn;
end loop;
childStr := '';
--step 2 更新
for cu in (
select name,Referenced_name rn from user_dependencies where type='TYPE' and Referenced_owner != 'SYS' and Referenced_name in (
select lowversion.name from (
select * from user_source@cq where type = 'TYPE' and name in ( select referenced_name from user_dependencies@cq where type='TYPE' and Referenced_owner != 'SYS')
inner join (
select * from user_source where type = 'TYPE' and name in ( select referenced_name from user_dependencies where type='TYPE' and Referenced_owner != 'SYS')
on highversion.name = lowversion.name and highversion.line= lowversion.line
and replace( replace( replace (replace(highversion.text,chr(10),''),' ','' ),chr(9),'' ),' ','' ) != replace( replace( replace (replace(lowversion.text,chr(10),''),' ','' ),chr(9),'' ),' ','' )
group by lowversion.name
) loop
execute immediate 'drop type '||cu.name;
execute immediate 'drop type '||cu.rn;
childStr := 'create or replace ';
for r in ( select * from user_source@cq where type = 'TYPE' and name = cu.name ) loop
childStr := childStr||r.text;
end loop;
execute immediate childStr;
execute immediate 'create or replace type '||cu.name||' is table of '||cu.rn;

end loop;

end pr_riseusertype;

---------------------------- 查询视图 Long 转clob-----------------------------
create or replace type t_user_views_row as object (view_name varchar2(60),text_length number,text clob)
create or replace type t_user_views_table is table of t_user_views_row

v_isexist number(3,0):=0;
select count(1) into v_isexist from sys.all_objects where object_name='T_USER_VIEWS_ROW' and object_type = 'TYPE';
if v_isexist>0 then
execute immediate 'drop type t_user_views_table';
execute immediate 'drop type t_user_views_row';
execute immediate 'create type t_user_views_row as object
(view_name varchar2(60),text_length number,text clob)';
execute immediate 'create type t_user_views_table is table of t_user_views_row';
execute immediate 'create or replace function fu_get_user_views
return t_user_views_table
rs t_user_views_table:= t_user_views_table();
for cur in (select view_name,text_length,text from user_views@cq) loop
rs(rs.count) := t_user_views_row(cur.view_name,cur.text_length,cur.text);
end loop;
return rs;
end fu_get_user_views;';
end if;
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