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Go语言学习之interface(The way to go)

2017-04-11 14:28 831 查看
生命不止,继续Go go go.






type Men interface {
Sing(lyrics string)




type Human struct {
name string
age int
phone string

type Student struct {
Human //an anonymous field of type Human
school string
loan float32

type Employee struct {
Human //an anonymous field of type Human
company string
money float32

// A human likes to stay... err... *say* hi
func (h *Human) SayHi() {
fmt.Printf("Hi, I am %s you can call me on %s\n", h.name, h.phone)

// A human can sing a song, preferrably to a familiar tune!
func (h *Human) Sing(lyrics string) {
fmt.Println("La la, la la la, la la la la la...", lyrics)

// A Human man likes to guzzle his beer!
func (h *Human) Guzzle(beerStein string) {
fmt.Println("Guzzle Guzzle Guzzle...", beerStein)

// Employee's method for saying hi overrides a normal Human's one
func (e *Employee) SayHi() {
fmt.Printf("Hi, I am %s, I work at %s. Call me on %s\n", e.name,
e.company, e.phone) //Yes you can split into 2 lines here.

// A Student borrows some money
func (s *Student) BorrowMoney(amount float32) {
loan += amount // (again and again and...)

// An Employee spends some of his salary
func (e *Employee) SpendSalary(amount float32) {
e.money -= amount // More vodka please!!! Get me through the day!

type Men interface {
Sing(lyrics string)
Guzzle(beerStein string)

type YoungChap interface {
Sing(song string)
BorrowMoney(amount float32)

type ElderlyGent interface {
Sing(song string)
SpendSalary(amount float32)


package main

import "fmt"

type Human struct {
name  string
age   int
phone string

type Student struct {
Human  //an anonymous field of type Human
school string
loan   float32

type Employee struct {
Human   //an anonymous field of type Human
company string
money   float32

//A human method to say hi
func (h Human) SayHi() {
fmt.Printf("Hi, I am %s you can call me on %s\n", h.name, h.phone)

//A human can sing a song
func (h Human) Sing(lyrics string) {
fmt.Println("La la la la...", lyrics)

//Employee's method overrides Human's one
func (e Employee) SayHi() {
fmt.Printf("Hi, I am %s, I work at %s. Call me on %s\n", e.name,
e.company, e.phone) //Yes you can split into 2 lines here.

// Interface Men is implemented by Human, Student and Employee
// because it contains methods implemented by them.
type Men interface {
Sing(lyrics string)

func main() {
mike := Student{Human{"Mike", 25, "222-222-XXX"}, "MIT", 0.00}
paul := Student{Human{"Paul", 26, "111-222-XXX"}, "Harvard", 100}
sam := Employee{Human{"Sam", 36, "444-222-XXX"}, "Golang Inc.", 1000}
Tom := Employee{Human{"Sam", 36, "444-222-XXX"}, "Things Ltd.", 5000}

//a variable of the interface type Men
var i Men

//i can store a Student
i = mike
fmt.Println("This is Mike, a Student:")
i.Sing("November rain")

//i can store an Employee too
i = Tom
fmt.Println("This is Tom, an Employee:")
i.Sing("Born to be wild")

//a slice of Men
fmt.Println("Let's use a slice of Men and see what happens")
x := make([]Men, 3)
//These elements are of different types that satisfy the Men interface
x[0], x[1], x[2] = paul, sam, mike

for _, value := range x {


This is Mike, a Student:

Hi, I am Mike you can call me on 222-222-XXX

La la la la… November rain

This is Tom, an Employee:

Hi, I am Sam, I work at Things Ltd.. Call me on 444-222-XXX

La la la la… Born to be wild

Let’s use a slice of Men and see what happens

Hi, I am Paul you can call me on 111-222-XXX

Hi, I am Sam, I work at Golang Inc.. Call me on 444-222-XXX

Hi, I am Mike you can call me on 222-222-XXX




Student does not implement Men (missing Fuck method)



// a is an empty interface variable
var a interface{}
var i int = 5
s := "Hello world"
// These are legal statements
a = i
a = s


type Interface interface {
sort.Interface //嵌入字段sort.Interface
Push(x interface{}) //a Push method to push elements into the heap
Pop() interface{} //a Pop elements that pops elements from the heap


// _Interfaces_ are named collections of method
// signatures.

package main

import "fmt"
import "math"

// Here's a basic interface for geometric shapes.
type geometry interface {
area() float64
perim() float64

// For our example we'll implement this interface on
// `rect` and `circle` types.
type rect struct {
width, height float64
type circle struct {
radius float64

// To implement an interface in Go, we just need to
// implement all the methods in the interface. Here we
// implement `geometry` on `rect`s.
func (r rect) area() float64 {
return r.width * r.height
func (r rect) perim() float64 {
return 2*r.width + 2*r.height

// The implementation for `circle`s.
func (c circle) area() float64 {
return math.Pi * c.radius * c.radius
func (c circle) perim() float64 {
return 2 * math.Pi * c.radius

// If a variable has an interface type, then we can call
// methods that are in the named interface. Here's a
// generic `measure` function taking advantage of this
// to work on any `geometry`.
func measure(g geometry) {

func main() {
r := rect{width: 3, height: 4}
c := circle{radius: 5}

// The `circle` and `rect` struct types both
// implement the `geometry` interface so we can use
// instances of
// these structs as arguments to `measure`.
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