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2017-04-06 16:35 381 查看



Exception handlers should preserve the original exceptions

Either log or rethrow this exception.

When handling a caught exception, the original exception’s message and stack trace should be logged or passed forward.


// Noncompliant - exception is lost
try { /* ... */ } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.info("context"); }

// Noncompliant - exception is lost (only message is preserved)
try { /* ... */ } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.info(e.getMessage()); }

// Noncompliant - exception is lost
try { /* ... */ } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("context"); }


try { /* ... */ } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.info(e); }

try { /* ... */ } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }

try {
/* ... */
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
// Conversion into unchecked exception is also allowed
throw new RuntimeException(e);


protected int analyzeJobStep1(String jobName) {
try {
return analyzeJobStep2(jobName)
} catch (Exception e) {
return 0;

protected int analyzeJobStep1(String jobName) {
int nRet=0;
try {
nRet = analyzeJobStep2(jobName);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("notifyBHandler trigger exception", e);
return nRet;

Don’t directly use Exception and RuntimeException

Sonarrule:Generic exceptions should never be thrown (squid:S00112)

Using such generic exceptions as Error, RuntimeException, Throwable, and Exception prevents calling methods from handling true, system-generated exceptions differently than application-generated errors.

Noncompliant Code Example

public void foo(String bar) throws Throwable {  // Noncompliant
throw new RuntimeException("My Message");     // Noncompliant

Compliant Solution

public void foo(String bar) {
throw new MyOwnRuntimeException("My Message");

Another related rule: Generic exceptions should never be thrown

the below should be avoided.

public void myMethod() throws Exception {...}

Define and throw a dedicated exception instead of using a generic one.

Exceptions should not be thrown in finally blocks

try {
/* some work which end up throwing an exception */
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
} finally {
/* clean up */
throw new RuntimeException();       // Noncompliant; will mask the IllegalArgumentException

Compliant Solution

try {
/* some work which end up throwing an exception */
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
} finally {
/* clean up */                                         // Compliant

Checked exceptions should not be thrown

The purpose of checked exceptions is to ensure that errors will be dealt with, either by propagating them or by handling them, but some believe that checked exceptions negatively impact the readability of source code, by spreading this error handling/propagation logic everywhere.

This rule verifies that no method throws a new checked exception.


public void myMethod1() throws CheckedException {
throw new CheckedException(message);   // Noncompliant
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); // Compliant; IllegalArgumentException is unchecked

Solution Example

public void myMethod2() throws CheckedException {  // Compliant; propagation allowed

Public methods should throw at most one checked exception

Using checked exceptions forces method callers to deal with errors, either by propagating them or by handling them. Throwing exceptions makes them fully part of the API of the method.

But to keep the complexity for callers reasonable, methods should not throw more than one kind of checked exception.


public void delete() throws IOException, SQLException {      // Noncompliant
/* ... */


public void delete() throws SomeApplicationLevelException {
/* ... */
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标签:  异常 java