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Tomcat的Manager显示403 Access Denied

2017-03-11 21:03 375 查看
管理tomcat的时候遇到了以下问题:  1.刚开始需要用户名密码,不知道用户名和密码是什么,但是输入什么都不正确。  解决办法:  自己在tomcat-users.xml中按格式添加用户 conf文件夹里面  默认是注释掉了的,这主要是考虑到服务器的安全,如果是本地测试,去掉以下这段注释,然后重启动服务器,再输入   <role rolename="tomcat"/>    <role rolename="role1"/>    <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat"/>    <user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1"/>    <user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1"/>  用户和密码都一目了然了。    2.进入manager界面之后,显示的是403 Access Denied。  解决办法:  在conf/tomcat-users.xml文件中看到这么一段话:  NOTE:  By default, no user is included in the "manager-gui" role required    to operate the "/manager/html" web application.  If you wish to use this app,    you must define such a user - the username and password are arbitrary.  也就是说,为了考虑安全,tomcat默认还是没有manager-gui的管理权限的,如果想要使用manager  的话,需要自行加入管理权限(角色)。  需要加一个这样的权限(角色)  <role rolename="manager-gui"/>  然后再加到需要的用户名中去  <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,manager-gui"/>  这样OK了。
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
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NOTE:  By default, no user is included in the "manager-gui" role required
to operate the "/manager/html" web application.  If you wish to use this app,
you must define such a user - the username and password are arbitrary.
NOTE:  The sample user and role entries below are wrapped in a comment
and thus are ignored when reading this file. Do not forget to remove
<!.. ..> that surrounds them.
<role rolename="tomcat"/>
<role rolename="role1"/>
<user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat"/>
<user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1"/>
<user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1"/>
<role rolename="manager-gui"/>
<role rolename="admin-gui"/>
<user username="admin" password="admin" roles="manager-gui,admin-gui"/>

内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息
标签:  tomcat