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java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URLDecoder: Illegal hex characters in escape (%) pattern - For input string: " 0"

2017-02-14 15:48 1021 查看
value = URLDecoder.decode(request.getParameter(paraName), "UTF-8");

前端用了 encodeURI 来编码参数,后端用 URLDecoder 解码,报错:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URLDecoder: Illegal hex characters in escape (%) pattern - For input string: " 0"
Characters that get encoded have % and + signs in them, so although this helps with % and + characters in a string, it also doesn't decode things like %20 (space) because you are taking out the percent before decoding.

A solution is to replace %2B (+) and %25 (%) instead. Something like:

public static String replacer(StringBuffer outBuffer) {
String data = outBuffer.toString();
try {
data = data.replaceAll("%(?![0-9a-fA-F]{2})", "%25");
data = data.replaceAll("\\+", "%2B");
data = URLDecoder.decode(data, "utf-8");
} catch (Exception e) {
return data;

"+" is a special character which denotes a quantifier meaning one of more occurrences. So one should use "\+"
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