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2017-01-20 10:12 429 查看

The Graphics View Framework

1.The Graphics View Architecture(图形试图框架)

--The Scene(场景)

--The View(视图)

--The Item(对象)

2.Classes in the Graphics View Framework(图形视图框架中的类)

3.The Graphics View Coordinate System(图形视图坐标系)

--Item Coordinates(对象坐标)

--Scene Coordinates(场景坐标)

--View Coordinates(视图坐标)

--Coordinate Mapping(坐标映射)

4.Key Features(主要特征)

--Zooming and rotating(缩放和旋转)


--Drag and Drop(拖拉拖放)

--Cursors and Tooltips(光标和提示框)


--OpenGL Rendering(OpenGL渲染)

--Item Groups(对象组)

--Widgets and Layouts(组件和布局)

--Embedded Widget Support(嵌入式组件支持)


--Floating Point Instructions(浮点运算指令)

Graphics View provides a surface for managing and interacting with a large number of custom-made 2D graphical items, and a view widget for visualizing the items, with support for zooming and

The framework includes an event propagation architecture that allows precise double-precision interaction capabilities for the items on the scene. Items can handle key events, mouse press, move, release and double click
events, and they can also track mouse movement.

Graphics View uses a BSP (Binary Space Partitioning) tree to provide very fast item discovery, and as a result of this, it can visualize large scenes in real-time, even with millions of items.

Graphics View was introduced in Qt 4.2, replacing its predecessor, QCanvas.

图形视图提供一个可管理和交互大量可定制2D图形对象的surface ,和一个可视化的视图组件,并且支持缩放和旋转。


图形视图使用BSP树(Binary Space Partitioning/二进制空间分区)来提供非常快的对象的发现,当然,它能在实时中可视化大的场景,即使有百万计的对象。


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标签:  qt 图形 框架 widget opengl