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VB.NET 贪吃蛇 (画圆)

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VB.NET 贪吃蛇小游戏







2.地图类代码 Class Map

Public Class Map

Public width As Integer
Public height As Integer
Public cellWidth As Integer
Public cellHeight As Integer
Public Sub New(ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal cellWidth As Integer, ByVal cellHeight As Integer)
Me.width = width
Me.height = height
Me.cellWidth = cellWidth
Me.cellHeight = cellHeight
End Sub

End Class


3.蛇代码 Class Snake

Public Class Snake
Class SnakeBody
Public x As Integer
Public y As Integer
Public r As Integer '半径
Public c As Color   '颜色
Public Sub New(ByVal x%, ByVal y%, ByVal r%, ByVal c As Color)
Me.x = x
Me.y = y
Me.r = r
Me.c = c
End Sub
End Class

Public head As SnakeBody
Public body() As SnakeBody
Public bodyNum As Integer
Public Sub New(ByVal x%, ByVal y%, ByVal r%, ByVal c As Color)
head = New SnakeBody(x, y, r, c)
End Sub
Public Sub Move(ByVal Direction As Char, ByVal cellWidth As Integer, ByVal cellHeight As Integer)
Dim i As Integer
If bodyNum >= 2 Then
For i = bodyNum - 1 To 1 Step -1
body(i).x = body(i - 1).x
body(i).y = body(i - 1).y
End If
If bodyNum >= 1 Then
body(0).x = head.x
body(0).y = head.y
End If

'head 移动
Select Case Direction
Case "w"c
head.y -= cellHeight
Case "s"c
head.y += cellHeight
Case "a"c
head.x -= cellWidth
Case "d"c
head.x += cellWidth
End Select
End Sub

End Class


4蛋类,Class Egg

Public Class Egg

Public x As Integer
Public y As Integer
Public r As Integer '半径
Public c As Color '颜色
Public rand As Random
Public Sub New()
rand = New Random()
End Sub
Public Sub RandInfo(ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer)
r = rand.Next(5, 20)
x = rand.Next(r, width - r)
y = rand.Next(r, height - r)
Dim cr As Integer
cr = rand.Next(10)
Select Case cr
Case 0
c = Color.Red
Case 1
c = Color.Orange
Case 2
c = Color.Yellow
Case 3
c = Color.Green
Case 4
c = Color.Beige
Case 5
c = Color.Blue
Case 6
c = Color.Peru
Case 7
c = Color.Pink
Case 8
c = Color.SkyBlue
Case 9
c = Color.Salmon
End Select
End Sub

End Class


5. Game类 Class Game




Public Class Game
Public mySnake As Snake
Public myMap As Map
Public myEgg As Egg
Public Score As Integer
Public Direction As Char = "w"c '一出来往上走
Public lk As Integer = 10  '窗体周围留空大小

Public Sub New(ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal cellWidth As Integer, ByVal cellHeight As Integer)
myMap = New Map(width, height, cellWidth, cellHeight)
mySnake = New Snake(myMap.width \ 2, myMap.height \ 2, myMap.cellWidth, Color.Black)
myEgg = New Egg()
myEgg.RandInfo(myMap.width, myMap.height)
End Sub

Public Function JudgeDie() As Boolean
'超出map范围返回True,没超出 检测是否撞了自己
If mySnake.head.x - mySnake.head.r < 0 Or mySnake.head.x + mySnake.head.r > myMap.width Or
mySnake.head.y - mySnake.head.r < 0 Or mySnake.head.y + mySnake.head.r > myMap.height Then
Return True
ElseIf mySnake.bodyNum > 2 Then '从body(2)开始检测是否与head撞了
Dim i As Integer
For i = 2 To mySnake.bodyNum - 1
Dim d As Single
d = (mySnake.head.x - mySnake.body(i).x) ^ 2 + (mySnake.head.y - mySnake.body(i).y) ^ 2
d = Math.Sqrt(d)
Dim r1, r2 As Integer
r1 = mySnake.head.r
r2 = mySnake.body(i).r
If (d < r1 + r2) Then 'head 与body 撞了
Return True
End If
Return False
Return False
End If
End Function

Public Function JudgeScore() As Boolean '是否吃到蛋需要加分
Dim d As Single
d = (mySnake.head.x - myEgg.x) ^ 2 + (mySnake.head.y - myEgg.y) ^ 2
d = Math.Sqrt(d)
Dim r1, r2 As Integer
r1 = mySnake.head.r
r2 = myEgg.r
If (d < r1 + r2) Then ' eat egg
'inc score
Score += myEgg.r
'inc snakebody
Dim x, y As Integer
Select Case Direction
Case "w"
x = mySnake.head.x
y = mySnake.head.y - myEgg.r
Case "s"
x = mySnake.head.x
y = mySnake.head.y + myEgg.r
Case "a"
x = mySnake.head.x + myEgg.r
y = mySnake.head.y
Case "d"
x = mySnake.head.x - myEgg.r
y = mySnake.head.y
End Select
ReDim Preserve mySnake.body(mySnake.bodyNum + 1)
mySnake.body(mySnake.bodyNum) = New Snake.SnakeBody(x, y, mySnake.head.r, myEgg.c)

mySnake.bodyNum += 1
'randinfo egg
myGame.myEgg.RandInfo(myMap.width, myMap.height)

Return True
End If
Return False
End Function

Public Sub WriteToFile()
Dim path As String = Application.StartupPath & "\record.txt"
If (Not IO.File.Exists(path)) Then
Dim sw As IO.StreamWriter = IO.File.CreateText(path)
Using (sw)
sw.WriteLine(Now() & " " & "Score= " & Score)
End Using
Exit Sub
End If
Dim sw1 = IO.File.AppendText(path)
Using (sw1)
sw1.WriteLine(Now() & " " & "Score= " & Score)
End Using
End Sub

Public Sub ReadFile()
Dim path As String = Application.StartupPath & "\record.txt"
If (Not IO.File.Exists(path)) Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim txt As String = IO.File.ReadAllText(path)
End Sub
End Class



Module Module1
Public myGame As Game
End Module


Option Explicit On

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
myGame = New Game(500, 500, 10, 10)
PicShow.Width = myGame.myMap.width + 1
PicShow.Height = myGame.myMap.height + 1 '为什么都+1,把+1去掉后运行一下看看就知道了
PicShow.Left = myGame.lk
PicShow.Top = 3 * myGame.lk
Me.Width = PicShow.Width + 4 * myGame.lk
Me.Height = PicShow.Height + 8 * myGame.lk
Timer1.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub PicShow_Paint(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs) Handles PicShow.Paint

'Paint the grid
Dim x, y, i As Integer
Dim sw, sh, w, h As Integer
sw = myGame.myMap.cellWidth
sh = myGame.myMap.cellHeight
w = myGame.myMap.width
h = myGame.myMap.height
x = w \ sw
y = h \ sh
Dim mygraphics As Graphics
mygraphics = e.Graphics
For i = 0 To x Step x
mygraphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, i * sw, 0, i * sw, h)
For i = 0 To y Step y
mygraphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 0, i * sh, w, i * sh)

'paint the snake head
Dim mybrush As New SolidBrush(myGame.mySnake.head.c)
Dim r As Integer
x = myGame.mySnake.head.x
y = myGame.mySnake.head.y
r = myGame.mySnake.head.r
Dim rect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(x - r, y - r, 2 * r, 2 * r)
myGraphics.DrawEllipse(Pens.Black, rect)
myGraphics.FillEllipse(mybrush, rect)
mybrush = Nothing
'paint the snake body
If (myGame.mySnake.bodyNum > 0) Then
For i = 0 To myGame.mySnake.bodyNum - 1
x = myGame.mySnake.body(i).x
y = myGame.mySnake.body(i).y
r = myGame.mySnake.body(i).r
Dim mybrush1 As New SolidBrush(myGame.mySnake.body(i).c)
Dim mypen As New Pen(myGame.mySnake.body(i).c)
myGraphics.DrawEllipse(mypen, x - r, y - r, 2 * r, 2 * r)
myGraphics.FillEllipse(mybrush1, x - r, y - r, 2 * r, 2 * r)
End If
'paint the egg
x = myGame.myEgg.x
y = myGame.myEgg.y
r = myGame.myEgg.r
Dim mybrush2 As New SolidBrush(myGame.myEgg.c)
Dim mypen2 As New Pen(myGame.myEgg.c)
myGraphics.DrawEllipse(mypen2, x - r, y - r, 2 * r, 2 * r)
myGraphics.FillEllipse(mybrush2, x - r, y - r, 2 * r, 2 * r)

End Sub

Private Sub MnuStart_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MnuStart.Click
Select Case MnuStart.Text
Case "开始游戏(Enter)"
myGame = New Game(500, 500, 10, 10)
Dim gr As Graphics
gr = PicShow.CreateGraphics()
Dim mybrush As New SolidBrush(myGame.mySnake.head.c)
Dim x, y, r As Integer
x = myGame.mySnake.head.x
y = myGame.mySnake.head.y
r = myGame.mySnake.head.r
Dim rect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(x - r, y - r, 2 * r, 2 * r)
gr.DrawEllipse(Pens.Black, rect)
gr.FillEllipse(mybrush, rect)
Timer1.Enabled = True
MnuStart.Text = "暂停游戏(Enter)"
Case "暂停游戏(Enter)"
Timer1.Enabled = False
MnuStart.Text = "继续游戏(Enter)"
Case "继续游戏(Enter)"
Timer1.Enabled = True
MnuStart.Text = "暂停游戏(Enter)"
End Select
End Sub

Private Sub MnuQuit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MnuQuit.Click
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Dim sw, sh As Integer
sw = myGame.myMap.cellWidth
sh = myGame.myMap.cellHeight
myGame.mySnake.Move(myGame.Direction, sw, sh)
If myGame.JudgeDie Then
Timer1.Enabled = False
MessageBox.Show("撞死了!您的分数为: " & myGame.Score, "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
MnuStart.Text = "开始游戏(Enter)"
MnuScore.Text = "分数: 0"
Exit Sub
End If
If myGame.JudgeScore Then
MnuScore.Text = "分数: " & myGame.Score
Exit Sub
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
Select Case e.KeyCode
Case Keys.W
If (myGame.Direction = "s"c) Then Exit Sub
myGame.Direction = "w"c
Case Keys.S
If (myGame.Direction = "w"c) Then Exit Sub
myGame.Direction = "s"c
Case Keys.A
If (myGame.Direction = "d"c) Then Exit Sub
myGame.Direction = "a"c
Case Keys.D
If (myGame.Direction = "a"c) Then Exit Sub
myGame.Direction = "d"c
Case Keys.Enter
MnuStart_Click(sender, e)
End Select
End Sub

Private Sub MnuRecord_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MnuRecord.Click
End Sub

Private Sub 帮助ToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles 帮助ToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim msg As String
msg = "游戏方法:" & vbCrLf
msg &= "使用w,a,s,d来控制方向" & vbCrLf
msg &= "按回车键 开始/暂停"
MessageBox.Show(msg, "帮助")
End Sub
End Class


刚转入VB.NET几天,这是第一个VB.NET的小游戏!还是蛮开心的0 0
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