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ORBSLAM code, use Eclipse to import project from cmake

2016-11-22 13:15 375 查看

1, first we should make sure the compile with build.sh under ORB_SLAM2-master is OK.

2, then if we want to build debug version, we need to duplicate the build.sh to build_debug.sh and change the "-DCMAKE-BUILD_TYPE=Release"  to "-DCMAKE-BUILD_TYPE=Debug"

3, make sure build_debug.sh can also build pass.

It's convenient to use Eclipse to manage and build your code, in order to utilize Eclipse, we need to convert the project managed by cmake to project managed by Eclipse, how to do it?

1, at the same level as your ORB slam code, make dir "build_debug".

for example, your Slam code is at  ~/Downloads/larry/ORB2/ORB_SLAM2-master

then you need to create a dir : ~/Downloads/larry/ORB2/build_debug

the reason we don't create build_debug under ORB_SLAM2-master is that Eclipse doesn't support this kind of structure well right now.


$ cd ORB2

$ cd build_debug

$ cmake -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../ORB_SLAM2-master

$ you will find the ".cproject" and ".project", which are the project files generated for Eclipse and can be used for later import from Eclipse.


Eclipse import the project generated from cmake:

In Eclipse:

File -> Import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace -> Next

In "Import Projects" Dialogue, select "Select root directory" and import the generated eclipse project from "~/Downloads/larry/ORB2/build_debug"

4, Then we can build from Eclipse: 

    Click the button "Build Default" in Eclipse to build the whole project, pay attention to the Console output.
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标签:  eclipse cmake ORBSLAM