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declare @t table( t1 int)
declare @tt table(t1 int ,t2 varchar(10))

insert into @t values(1)
insert into @t values(2)
insert into @t values(3)
insert into @t values(4)

insert into @tt values(1,'ab')
insert into @tt values(1,'acd')
insert into @tt values(2,'ab')
insert into @tt values(3,'a')
insert into @tt values(2,'a')

set statistics profile on

select *
from @t x
left outer join @tt y
on x.t1 = y.t1
where x.t1 = 1 and y.t2 like '%a%'


select *  from @t x  left outer join @tt y    on x.t1 = y.t1   where x.t1 = 1 and y.t2 like '%a%'

  |--Nested Loops(Inner Join)

       |--Table Scan(OBJECT:(@tt AS [y]), WHERE:(@tt.[t1] as [y].[t1]=(1) AND @tt.[t2] as [y].[t2] like '%a%'))

       |--Table Scan(OBJECT:(@t AS [x]), WHERE:(@t.[t1] as [x].[t1]=(1)))


2、把上面语句中的left outer join 改为inner join后


select *  from @t x  inner join @tt y    on x.t1 = y.t1   where x.t1 = 1 and y.t2 like '%a%'

  |--Nested Loops(Inner Join)

       |--Table Scan(OBJECT:(@tt AS [y]), WHERE:(@tt.[t1] as [y].[t1]=(1) AND @tt.[t2] as [y].[t2] like '%a%'))

       |--Table Scan(OBJECT:(@t AS [x]), WHERE:(@t.[t1] as [x].[t1]=(1)))


3、如果过滤条件放到 on 子句里面,把上面的SQL改为:

select *

from @t x

left outer join @tt y    

  on x.t1 = y.t1   and    y.t2 like '%a%'

where  x.t1 = 1


select *  from @t x  left outer join @tt y        on x.t1 = y.t1 and y.t2 like '%a%'  where x.t1 = 1

  |--Nested Loops(Left Outer Join)

       |--Table Scan(OBJECT:(@t AS [x]), WHERE:(@t.[t1] as [x].[t1]=(1)))

       |--Table Scan(OBJECT:(@tt AS [y]), WHERE:(@tt.[t1] as [y].[t1]=(1) AND @tt.[t2] as [y].[t2] like '%a%'))


其实对比上面的1、2、3,会发现在Table Scan里都是一样的 :

      |--Table Scan(OBJECT:(@t AS [x]), WHERE:(@t.[t1] as [x].[t1]=(1)))

      |--Table Scan(OBJECT:(@tt AS [y]), WHERE:(@tt.[t1] as [y].[t1]=(1) AND @tt.[t2] as [y].[t2] like '%a%'))

而且在两个表关联之前,在Table Scan中已经用where子句过滤条件进行过滤,如果用到on子句,就会转化成where子句条件,



用left outer join做关联时:

一、当把右边表的字段过滤条件写在where中时(不用转化),在执行计划中是:Nested Loops(inner join)。

这里SQL Server 做了优化(inner join的效率优于left outer join)。

之所以可以做这样的优化,是由于把右边表的字段过滤条件直接放到where子句中,对联接产生的结果集合中左边表有,而右边表没有的记录,在联接结果集中此字段的值必定为NULL,那么通过这个字段的过滤,必定把NULL的记录都过滤掉了,此时效果等同于inner join,所以把外联接(left outer join)转化成内联接(inner join)。 

二、当把右边表的字段过滤条件写在on中时(把on转化成where子句),执行计划中是:Nested Loops(left outer join),无法优化。

因为由left outer join产生的结果集与inner join产生的结果集是不同的,无法优化。
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