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sql server语法介绍(一)

2016-09-27 18:31 218 查看
最近在sql server 的时候,发现网上有很多标题为sql server语法的教程,不过有部分语句不能用,所以我就自己又在网上查了查,并把所有的敲了一遍。

create database ZhouDatabess

drop database ZhouDatabess

drop table student

create table student(stuID integer not null primary key,stuName varchar(5),stuAge integer) 

select * into newstudent from student

exec sp_addumpdevice 'disk' ,'testBack' ,'d:\360Downloads'
backup database ZhouDatabess to testBack

alter table student add  size varchar(10)

insert into student(stuID,stuName) values(123,'张三')

--添加数据(2) ps:据说比第一种要快
insert into student(stuID,stuName)
select 135,'zxcz'
union all
select 133,'xcvxv'
union all
select 134,'zzz';

insert into student(stuID,stuName)

delete from student
where stuID=123

delete from student where stuID in(123,124,125)

--查找数据(1) ps:desc为倒序,asc为正序
select Top 5 stuID,stuName from student where stuID<140
order by stuID asc;

select * from student where stuName like '%z%'

update  student set stuName='zxc'  where stuID<133


alter table student add primary key(stuID)

alter table newstudent drop constraint 主键名

【注,这里的主键名并不是上面设置的stuID,你可以用下面那个语句查找,也可以在sql server主键里面找到】

select name from sys.indexes where object_id=object_id('student')
and is_primary_key=1


create index studentindex on student(stuID)

drop index studentindex on student

create view studentview As select * from student

drop view studentview


select * from student order by stuID desc


select SUM(stuID) from student 


select AVG(stuID) from student


select COUNT(stuAge) from student

--其他函数 max min 等等
内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息
标签:  sql server