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java ArrayList 的实现原理

2016-08-31 15:55 225 查看

* Constructs a new instance of {@code ArrayList} with the specified
* initial capacity.
* @param capacity
*            the initial capacity of this {@code ArrayList}.
public ArrayList(int capacity) {
if (capacity < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("capacity < 0: " + capacity);
array = (capacity == 0 ? EmptyArray.OBJECT : new Object[capacity]);

* Constructs a new {@code ArrayList} instance with zero initial capacity.
public ArrayList() {
array = EmptyArray.OBJECT;

* Constructs a new instance of {@code ArrayList} containing the elements of
* the specified collection.
* @param collection
*            the collection of elements to add.
public ArrayList(Collection<? extends E> collection) {
if (collection == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("collection == null");

Object[] a = collection.toArray();
if (a.getClass() != Object[].class) {
Object[] newArray = new Object[a.length];
System.arraycopy(a, 0, newArray, 0, a.length);
a = newArray;
array = a;
size = a.length;

* The minimum amount by which the capacity of an ArrayList will increase.
* This tuning parameter controls a time-space tradeoff. This value (12)
* gives empirically good results and is arguably consistent with the
* RI's specified default initial capacity of 10: instead of 10, we start
* with 0 (sans allocation) and jump to 12.
private static final int MIN_CAPACITY_INCREMENT = 12;

* The number of elements in this list.
int size;

* The elements in this list, followed by nulls.
transient Object[] array;

* Adds the specified object at the end of this {@code ArrayList}.
* @param object
*            the object to add.
* @return always true
@Override public boolean add(E object) {
Object[] a = array;
int s = size;
if (s == a.length) {
Object[] newArray = new Object[s +
System.arraycopy(a, 0, newArray, 0, s);
array = a = newArray;
a[s] = object;
size = s + 1;
return true;
果然,新建了一个数组,然后数据拷贝,然后新数据的赋值,在这个类中频繁的使用到了 System.arraycopy,Arrays.fill

* Removes the object at the specified location from this list.
* @param index
*            the index of the object to remove.
* @return the removed object.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
*             when {@code location < 0 || location >= size()}
@Override public E remove(int index) {
Object[] a = array;
int s = size;
if (index >= s) {
throwIndexOutOfBoundsException(index, s);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") E result = (E) a[index];
System.arraycopy(a, index + 1, a, index, --s - index);
a[s] = null;  // Prevent memory leak
size = s;
return result;


* This method controls the growth of ArrayList capacities.  It represents
* a time-space tradeoff: we don't want to grow lists too frequently
* (which wastes time and fragments storage), but we don't want to waste
* too much space in unused excess capacity.
* NOTE: This method is inlined into {@link #add(Object)} for performance.
* If you change the method, change it there too!
private static int newCapacity(int currentCapacity) {
int increment = (currentCapacity < (MIN_CAPACITY_INCREMENT / 2) ?
MIN_CAPACITY_INCREMENT : currentCapacity >> 1);
return currentCapacity + increment;
到这里,可以了解到ArrayList 实际就是一个数组,他不能保证线程安全。
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标签:  Java ArrayList LinkedList