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Freemaker初接触(二) 简单生成html文件

2016-07-11 18:04 411 查看


import java.io.BufferedWriter;

import java.io.File;

import java.io.FileOutputStream;

import java.io.IOException;

import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;

import java.io.Writer;

import java.util.Map;

import org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker.FreeMarkerConfigurer;

import freemarker.template.Configuration;

import freemarker.template.Template;

import freemarker.template.TemplateException;

public class FreeMakerUtil {


  * @param freeMarkerConfigurer

  * @param parms

  * @param templateName

  * @param htmlPath

  * @param htmlName

  * @throws IOException

  * @throws TemplateException


 public static void useFreemakerMakerHtml(FreeMarkerConfigurer freeMarkerConfigurer, Map<String, Object> parms, String templateName, String htmlPath,String htmlName) throws IOException, TemplateException {

  Writer out = null;

  try {

   File file = new File(htmlPath);








   Configuration configuer = freeMarkerConfigurer.getConfiguration();

   Template template = configuer.getTemplate(templateName);

   String fileName =htmlPath+htmlName;

   File file1 = new File(fileName);




   out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(htmlPath+"/"+htmlName), "UTF-8"));

   template.process(parms, out);


  } catch (IOException e) {


   throw e;

  } catch (TemplateException e) {


   throw e;

  } finally {

   if (out != null) {

    try {


    } catch (IOException e) {







public ModelAndView index(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {

 Map<String,Object> parms =getParms();

 String htmlPath = "D:/WEB-INF/view/";

 String htmlName ="test1.html";

 String templateName ="freemaker.ftl";

// String templateName1 ="freemaker1.ftl";

// String htmlName1 ="test2.html";

 FreeMakerUtil.useFreemakerMakerHtml(freeMarkerConfigurer, parms,  templateName, htmlPath, htmlName);

// FreeMakerUtil.useFreemakerMakerHtml(freeMarkerConfigurer, parms,  templateName1, htmlPath, htmlName1);

 return new ModelAndView();


public Map<String,Object> getParms(){

 Map<String,Object> parms = new HashMap<String, Object>();

 parms.put("a2", "test1");

 User user1 = new User(1,1,"1");

 parms.put("a1", user1);

 ArrayList<User>users = new ArrayList<User>();

 User user2 = new User(2,2,"2");

 User user3 = new User(3,3,"3");

 User user4 = new User(4,4,"4");




 parms.put("userList", users);

 User testNullUser =new User(5,5,"test5");

 parms.put("testNullUser", testNullUser); 

 return parms;

实体类 实体类的使用,我今天犯的错误是,为了方便测试,我将类写成了内部类,而不是public,这样写会造成,在模板文件中,比如遍历list的时候,能找到对象,但是对象里的值都会为空,(这个问题浪费了我将近一小时的时间)。

public class User{

 private int age;

 private int id;

 private String name;

 public int getAge() {

  return age;


 public void setAge(int age) {

  this.age = age;


 public int getId() {

  return id;


 public void setId(int id) {

  this.id = id;


 public String getName() {

  return name;


 public void setName(String name) {

  this.name = name;


 public User(int age, int id, String name) {

  this.age = age;

  this.id = id;

  this.name = name;




<head >

<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html;charset=utf-8">



 this is the others ftl   








  <#list userList as user>




   <#if user.id==2> user id是${user.id}

   <#elseif  user.name=="2">











  <#if a2!="test1">

   this is compare to str ,use operater is "==" a2 value is ${a2}

   <#else >

    this is compare to str a2 value is  not ${a2} 



  判断是否为空值 用两个??进行判断,注意,else里面才是处理的为空的情况

  <#if testNullUser.nullValue??>




   对空值进行处理的方式为在取值后加上!"XXX",在XXX的值为预设值 ${testNullUser.nullValue!"Set this value is NullValue"}




  <#if testNullUser.atongmu ??>

   testNullUser.atongmu 不是空值




<#if testNullStr??>

   对于值为  “”的空串,freemaker不认为其为空 ----------




   对于值为  “”的空串,freemaker认为其为空 ${testNullStr!"认为为空"}






freemaker 的过程控制语句为<#XX>格式如<#if ><#esle >等等
<#if XX??>

${XX! "YY"} !后面的“YY”为值为空的时候的预设值



<head >

<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html;charset=utf-8">



 this is the others ftl   











    user id是2


















    this is compare to str a2 value is  not test1 


  判断是否为空值 用两个??进行判断,注意,else里面才是处理的是不为空的值


   对空值进行处理的方式为在取值后加上!"XXX",在XXX的值为预设值 Set this value is NullValue






  对于值为  “”的空串,freemaker不认为其为空 ----------




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