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熟悉 Bash 快捷键来提高效率

2016-04-23 14:55 309 查看
Bash是GNU计划的一部分,是多数Linux发行版提供的默认Shell。 Linux的精髓就在于命令行的高效,而学习命令行的第一步便是学习如何快速地输入命令。

其实包括Bash在内的多数Linux Shell都是使用一个叫GNU Readline Library的库来接受用户输入。 所以这些快捷键在多数Shell下都适用~


Ctrl + a
go to the start of the command line
Ctrl + e
go to the end of the command line
Ctrl + k
delete from cursor to the end of the command line
Ctrl + u
delete from cursor to the start of the command line
Ctrl + w
delete from cursor to start of word (i.e. delete backwards one word)
Ctrl + y
paste word or text that was cut using one of the deletion shortcuts (such as the one above) after the cursor
Ctrl + xx
move between start of command line and current cursor position aand back again
Alt + b
move backward one word (or go to start of word the cursor is currently on)
Alt + f
move forward one word (or go to end of word the cursor is currently on)
Alt + d
delete to end of word starting at cursor (whole word if cursor is at the beginning of word)
Alt + c
capitalize to end of word starting at cursor (whole word if cursor is at the beginning of word)
Alt + u
make uppercase from cursor to end of word
Alt + l
make lowercase from cursor to end of word
Alt + t
swap current word with previous
Ctrl + f
move forward one character
Ctrl + b
move backward one character
Ctrl + d
delete character under the cursor
Ctrl + h
delete character before the cursor
Ctrl + t
swap character under cursor with the previous one


Ctrl + r
search the history backwards
Ctrl + g
escape from history searching mode
Ctrl + p
previous command in history (i.e. walk back through the command history)
Ctrl + n
next command in history (i.e. walk forward through the command history)
Alt + .
use the last word of the previous command


Ctrl + l
clear the screen
Ctrl + s
stops the output to the screen (for long running verbose command)
Ctrl + q
allow output to the screen (if previously stopped using command above)
Ctrl + c
terminate the command
Ctrl + z
suspend/stop the command
Ctrl + d
end of input
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