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大根堆 - max heapify

2016-04-18 20:55 316 查看

def heapify(dList, root, boundary):
child = root * 2 + 1
large = root
if child <= boundary and dList[large] <= dList[child]:
large = child
if child+1 <= boundary and dList[large] <= dList[child+1]:
large = child + 1
if large != root:
dList[root], dList[large] = dList[large], dList[root]
heapify(dList, large, boundary)
return dList


def heapifyNOR(dList, root, boundary):
child = root * 2 + 1
large = root
while child <= boundary:
if dList[large] <= dList[child]:
large = child
if child+1 <= boundary and dList[large] <= dList[child+1]:
large = child + 1
if large == root:
dList[root], dList[large] = dList[large], dList[root]
root = large
child = root * 2 + 1
return dList

大根堆 -> 得到递增序列

小根堆 -> 得到递减序列


-> 初始化序列成大根堆

-> 从每个子堆开始调整,

-> 因此,调整堆的操作既可用于建堆,又可用于调整堆
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