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《CLR Via C#》使用CSC.exe进行单文件的编译

2016-03-21 15:18 489 查看


using System;

namespace MyConsoleApp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello world!");


打开Developer Command Prompt for VS2013,并转到目录E:\LiuSen\VS\test下,并使用如下命令进行编译:
csc.exe /out:Program.exe /t:exe /r:MSCorLib.dll Program.cs





MSCorLib.dll is a special file in that it contains all the core types: Byte, Char, String, Int32, and many more. In fact, these types are so frequently used that the C# compiler automatically references the MSCorLib.dll assembly. In other words, the following command line (with the /r switch omitted) gives the same results as the line shown earlier.【MSCorLib.dll是一个经常被引用的类库,,因此/r MSCorLib.dll参数可以省略】
csc.exe /out:Program.exe /t:exe Program.cs

4.2、/out: Program.exe 和 /t:exe 也可以省略掉

Furthermore, because the /out:Program.exe and the /t:exe command-line switches also match what the C# compiler would choose as defaults, the following command line gives the same results too.
csc.exe Program.cs


If, for some reason, you really don't want the C# compiler to reference the MSCorLib.dll assembly, you can use the /nostdlib switch. Microsoft uses this switch when building the MSCorLib.dll assembly itself. For example, the following command line will generate an error when CSC.exe attempts to compile the Program.cs file because the System.Console type is defined in MSCorLib.dll.【如果不想让c# compiler引用MSCore.dll文件,可以加上 /nostdlib参数】


Windows supports three types of applications. To build a console user interface (CUI) application, specify the /t:exe switch; to build a graphical user interface (GUI) application, specify the /t:winexe switch; and to build a Windows Store app, specify the /t:appcontainerexe switch.【在这里,主要注意/t参数的三种类型】
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标签:  exe CSC Program