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package math

// Dim returns the maximum of x-y or 0.
// Special cases are:
//  Dim(+Inf, +Inf) = NaN
//  Dim(-Inf, -Inf) = NaN
//  Dim(x, NaN) = Dim(NaN, x) = NaN
func Dim(x, y float64) float64

func dim(x, y float64) float64 {
return max(x-y, 0)

func dim(x, y float64) float64 ,返回x-y与0的较大者


// Max returns the larger of x or y.
// Special cases are:
//  Max(x, +Inf) = Max(+Inf, x) = +Inf
//  Max(x, NaN) = Max(NaN, x) = NaN
//  Max(+0, ±0) = Max(±0, +0) = +0
//  Max(-0, -0) = -0
func Max(x, y float64) float64

func max(x, y float64) float64 {
// special cases
switch {
case IsInf(x, 1) || IsInf(y, 1):
return Inf(1)
case IsNaN(x) || IsNaN(y):
return NaN()
case x == 0 && x == y:
if Signbit(x) {
return y
return x
if x > y {
return x
return y

case x == 0 && x == y:

// Min returns the smaller of x or y.
// Special cases are:
//  Min(x, -Inf) = Min(-Inf, x) = -Inf
//  Min(x, NaN) = Min(NaN, x) = NaN
//  Min(-0, ±0) = Min(±0, -0) = -0
func Min(x, y float64) float64

func min(x, y float64) float64 {
// special cases
switch {
case IsInf(x, -1) || IsInf(y, -1):
return Inf(-1)
case IsNaN(x) || IsNaN(y):
return NaN()
case x == 0 && x == y:
if Signbit(x) {
return x
return y
if x < y {
return x
return y



case x == 0 && x == y:



package math

// Floor returns the greatest integer value less than or equal to x.
// Special cases are:
//  Floor(±0) = ±0
//  Floor(±Inf) = ±Inf
//  Floor(NaN) = NaN
func Floor(x float64) float64

func floor(x float64) float64 {
if x == 0 || IsNaN(x) || IsInf(x, 0) {
return x
if x < 0 {
d, fract := Modf(-x)
if fract != 0.0 {
d = d + 1
return -d
d, _ := Modf(x)
return d

func floor(x float64) float64,返回小于等于x的最大整数


// Modf returns integer and fractional floating-point numbers
// that sum to f.  Both values have the same sign as f.
// Special cases are:
//  Modf(±Inf) = ±Inf, NaN
//  Modf(NaN) = NaN, NaN
func Modf(f float64) (int float64, frac float64)

func modf(f float64) (int float64, frac float64) {
if f < 1 {
switch {
case f < 0:
int, frac = Modf(-f)
return -int, -frac
case f == 0:
return f, f // Return -0, -0 when f == -0
return 0, f

x := Float64bits(f)
e := uint(x>>shift)&mask - bias

// Keep the top 12+e bits, the integer part; clear the rest.
if e < 64-12 {
x &^= 1<<(64-12-e) - 1
int = Float64frombits(x)
frac = f - int



// Ceil returns the least integer value greater than or equal to x.
// Special cases are:
//  Ceil(±0) = ±0
//  Ceil(±Inf) = ±Inf
//  Ceil(NaN) = NaN
func Ceil(x float64) float64

func ceil(x float64) float64 {
return -Floor(-x)

func ceil(x float64) float64,写的很妙,可以参考,大概就是-x的下界其实就是x上界的相反数


// Trunc returns the integer value of x.
// Special cases are:
//  Trunc(±0) = ±0
//  Trunc(±Inf) = ±Inf
//  Trunc(NaN) = NaN
func Trunc(x float64) float64

func trunc(x float64) float64 {
if x == 0 || IsNaN(x) || IsInf(x, 0) {
return x
d, _ := Modf(x)
return d

func trunc(x float64) float64,返回的就是f的整数部分
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