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2016-03-07 15:16 441 查看
Importing in Eclipse

These instructions were tested on Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers Luna SR2. You can get it from http://eclipse.org/downloads/

To checkout and run the project in Eclipse, do:

File -> Import…

Check out Maven Projects from SCM

Choose Git from SCM menu

If you do not see “Git” in the SCM menu, click “Find more SCM connectors in the m2e Marketplace” and install “m2e-egit”. Restart Eclipse and start over.

Set the repository URL to https://github.com/vaadin/addressbook.git

Right click the imported “addressbook” and choose Run As -> Maven Build…

Set the goal to “jetty:run” and click “Run”

You should now have a Jetty server running on localhost:8080. Navigate to http://localhost:8080/ to play with the application

To use the built in server adapters of Eclipse, instead of doing “Run As -> Maven Build…” you can do

Run As -> Run on Server

Select the server you want to run on, e.g. Apache Tomcat 8 and click ok

Do not use the suggested J2EE Preview server as it is outdated, deprecated and does not support Servlet 3, which is required for this application
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