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2016-01-23 11:25 351 查看
注:问号以及未注释部分 会在x265-1.8版本内更新

* Copyright (C) 2013 x265 project
* Authors: Steve Borho <steve@borho.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02111, USA.
* This program is also available under a commercial proprietary license.
* For more information, contact us at license @ x265.com.

#include "common.h"
#include "primitives.h"
#include "bitcost.h"

using namespace x265;
/** 函数功能             :建立当前qp下的MVD占用的cost:λ*bits = 2^(qp/6-2) * s_bitsizes[i]
* \参数 qp               :当前ME下的qp大小
* \返回                  :null * */
void BitCost::setQP(unsigned int qp)
if (!s_costs[qp])                  //如果当前还没有申请空间并初始化,在下面将其申请空间并初始化 s_costs,所有的me共有,每个qp只初始化一次
ScopedLock s(s_costCalcLock);  //加锁防止多线程读取脏数据

// Now that we have acquired the lock, check again if another thread calculated
// this row while we were blocked
if (!s_costs[qp])
x265_emms(); // just to be safe 清除MMX寄存器中的内容,即初始化(以避免和浮点数操作发生冲突)。

CalculateLogs(); //建立MVD估计占用bits表格,例如:当前MV.x = 3 ,则其占用bits 为 s_bitsizes[3] 2*(log2(3+1))+e-1
s_costs[qp] = new uint16_t[4 * BC_MAX_MV + 1] + 2 * BC_MAX_MV;  //申请空间为4*32768+1  并指向当前地址2*32768
double lambda = x265_lambda_tab[qp];  //2^(qp/6-2)

// estimate same cost for negative and positive MVD
for (int i = 0; i <= 2 * BC_MAX_MV; i++)
s_costs[qp][i] = s_costs[qp][-i] = (uint16_t)X265_MIN(s_bitsizes[i] * lambda + 0.5f, (1 << 16) - 1);//其值为 s_bitsizes[i] * lambda  四舍五入取整

m_cost = s_costs[qp];   //将m_cost指针指向当前qp所对应的MVD cost表(MVD为0的位置),在计算MVD的cost就是通过MVD寻址m_cost表

* Class static data and methods

uint16_t *BitCost::s_costs[BC_MAX_QP]; //所有的me共有,每个qp只初始化一次

float *BitCost::s_bitsizes;//申请空间大小为 2*32768+1   MVD估计占用bits表格,例如:当前MV.x = 3 ,则其占用bits 为 s_bitsizes[3] 2*(log2(3+1))+e-1
s_bitsizes[0] = e - 2   s_bitsizes[i]= 2*(log2(i+1))+e-1  log2 表示以2为底
s_bitsizes[1] = 2log2(2) + e -1

Lock BitCost::s_costCalcLock;//多线程锁

/** 函数功能             :建立MVD估计占用bits表格,例如:当前MV.x = 3 ,则其占用bits 为 s_bitsizes[3] 2*(log2(3+1))+e-1
* \返回                  :null * */
void BitCost::CalculateLogs()
if (!s_bitsizes)     //没有申请空间,在此申请,所有ME共有,所以一般只进入一次
s_bitsizes = new float[2 * BC_MAX_MV + 1];  //空间大小:32786*2+1
s_bitsizes[0] = 0.718f;
float log2_2 = 2.0f / log(2.0f);  // 2 x 1/log(2) double log (double); 以e为底的对数 e = 2.718281828459
for (int i = 1; i <= 2 * BC_MAX_MV; i++)
s_bitsizes[i] = log((float)(i + 1)) * log2_2 + 1.718f;
s_bitsizes[0] = e - 2, s_bitsizes[i]= 2*(log2(i+1))+e-1, log2表示以2为底
s_bitsizes[1] = 2log2(2) + e -1
/** 函数功能   : 释放空间内存
* \返回        : null */
void BitCost::destroy()
for (int i = 0; i < BC_MAX_QP; i++)
if (s_costs[i])
delete [] (s_costs[i] - 2 * BC_MAX_MV);

s_costs[i] = 0;

delete [] s_bitsizes;
s_bitsizes = 0;
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