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2016-01-15 16:15 811 查看
项目中用到了redis sharding , 为了能了解redis的实时性能情况 , 每次去服务器上打info命令明显不太合适, 所以推荐使用可视化的监控工具

1 . redis live -- 实时redis监控面板

可以同时监控多个redis实例 , 包括 内存使用 、分db显示的key数、客户端连接数、 命令处理数、 系统运行时间 , 以及各种直观的折线图柱状图.

缺点是使用了monitor 命令监控 , 对性能有影响 ,最好不要长时间启动 .

官网: http://www.nkrode.com/article/real-time-dashboard-for-redis

Install Dependencies

tornado pip install tornado
redis.py pip install redis
python-dateutil pip install python-dateutil
You'll also need argparse if you're running Python < 2.7:

argparse pip install argparse
Get RedisLive

Clone the repo git clone https://github.com/kumarnitin/RedisLive.git , or download the latest release

edit redis-live.conf :
update the value of the key RedisServers to the redis instances you want to monitor. You can monitor multiple instances by appending more values to the RedisServers list.
update the value of the key RedisStatsServer to the redis instance you will use to store RedisLive data (this redis instance is different from the redis instances you are monitoring).
passwords can be added as an optional parameter for any redis instance
if you don't have a spare redis instance to use to store Redis Live data, then you can configure to use sqlite by changing "DataStoreType" : "sqlite"

Start RedisLive

start the monitoring script ./redis-monitor.py --duration=120 duration is in seconds (see caveat)
start the webserver ./redis-live.py
RedisLive is now running @ http://localhost:8888/index.html[/code] 

2 . redis-stat

使用info命令来监控系统 , 而不是使用monitor ,性能影响较小 , 也具有web可视化界面

官网: https://github.com/junegunn/

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