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2015-12-16 17:08 316 查看


BIG5, CP932, GB2312, GBK and SJIS are blacklisted as they
may introduce a SQL injection vulnerability


mysql_query('SET NAMES gbk');
$var = mysql_real_escape_string("\xbf\x27 OR 1=1 /*");
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM test WHERE name = '$var' LIMIT 1");


Selecting a Character Set

mysql_query('SET NAMES gbk');

For this attack to work, we need the encoding that the server's expecting on the connection both to encode
as in ASCII i.e. 0x27 and to have some character whose final byte is an ASCII \ i.e. 0x5c. As it turns out, there are 5 such encodings
supported in MySQL 5.6 by default: big5, cp932, gb2312, gbk and sjis. We'll select gbk here.

Now, it's very important to note the use of SET NAMES here. This sets the character set ON THE SERVER. If we used the call to the C API function
, we'd be fine (on MySQL releases since 2006). But more on why in a minute...

The Payload

The payload we're going to use for this injection starts with the byte sequence 0xbf27. In gbk, that's an invalid multibyte character; in latin1, it's the string ¿'. Note that in latin1 and gbk, 0x27 on its own is a literal ' character.

We have chosen this payload because, if we called addslashes() on it, we'd insert an ASCII \ i.e. 0x5c, before the ' character. So we'd wind up with 0xbf5c27, which in gbk is a two character sequence: 0xbf5c followed by 0x27. Or in other words, a valid character
followed by an unescaped '. But we're not using addslashes(). So on to the next step...


The C API call to
differs from addslashes() in that it knows the connection character set. So it can perform the escaping properly for the character set that the server is expecting. However, up to this point, the
client thinks that we're still using latin1 for the connection, because we never told it otherwise. We did tell the server we're using gbk, but the client still thinks it's latin1.问题就出在latin1转成gbk过程中。

Therefore the call to
inserts the backslash, and we have a free hanging ' character in our "escaped" content! In fact, if we were to look at $var in the gbk character set, we'd see:

縗' OR 1=1 /*

The Query

This part is just a formality, but here's the rendered query:

SELECT * FROM test WHERE name = '縗' OR 1=1 /*' LIMIT 1


If you:

Use Modern Versions of MySQL (late 5.1, all 5.5, 5.6, etc) AND mysql_set_charset() / $mysqli->set_charset() / PDO's DSN charset parameter (in PHP ≥ 5.3.6)


Don't use a vulnerable character set for connection encoding (you only use utf8 / latin1 / ascii / etc)

You're 100% safe.

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5741187/sql-injection-that-gets-around-mysql-real-escape-string/12118602#12118602 http://shiflett.org/blog/2006/jan/addslashes-versus-mysql-real-escape-string
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