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package com.servlet.demo.framework.db;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.sql.DataSource;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

* JDBCTemplate<br>
* 线程安全的。 2015-12-07 10:48:36
* @author yuanqy
public final class JdbcTemplate {
private String jdbcUrl;
private String user;
private String password;
private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JdbcTemplate.class);
private DataSource datasource;
private ThreadLocal<Connection> connection = new ThreadLocal<Connection>();
private ThreadLocal<PreparedStatement> pstmt = new ThreadLocal<PreparedStatement>();
private ThreadLocal<ResultSet> resultSet = new ThreadLocal<ResultSet>();

private boolean tx = false;// 是否开启事物

public JdbcTemplate(DataSource datasource) {
this.datasource = datasource;

public JdbcTemplate(String jdbcUrl, String user, String password) throws ClassNotFoundException {
init("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", jdbcUrl, user, password);

public JdbcTemplate(String driverClass, String jdbcUrl, String user, String password) throws ClassNotFoundException {
init(driverClass, jdbcUrl, user, password);

private void init(String driverClass, String jdbcUrl, String user, String password) throws ClassNotFoundException {
try {
this.jdbcUrl = jdbcUrl;
this.user = user;
this.password = password;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ClassNotFoundException("找不到驱动程序类 [" + driverClass + "],加载驱动失败!");

* 增加、删除、改
* @param sql
* @param params
* @return
* @throws SQLException
public boolean update(String sql, Object... params) throws SQLException {
boolean flag = false;
try {
initParam(sql, params);
int result = pstmt.get().executeUpdate();
flag = result > 0 ? true : false;
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw e;
} finally {
return flag;

* 查询单条记录
* @param sql
* @param params
* @return
* @throws SQLException
public Map<String, Object> query(String sql, Object... params) throws SQLException {
Map<String, Object> map = null;
try {
initParam(sql, params);
resultSet.set(pstmt.get().executeQuery());// 返回查询结果
ResultSet rset = resultSet.get();
ResultSetMetaData metaData = rset.getMetaData();
map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
while (rset.next()) {
map = getMap(rset, metaData);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw e;
} finally {
return map;

* 查询多条记录
* @param sql
* @param params
* @return
* @throws SQLException
public List<Map<String, Object>> queryList(String sql, Object... params) throws SQLException {
List<Map<String, Object>> list = null;
try {
initParam(sql, params);
ResultSet rset = resultSet.get();
ResultSetMetaData metaData = rset.getMetaData();
list = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
while (rset.next()) {
list.add(getMap(rset, metaData));
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw e;
} finally {
return list;

* 通过反射机制查询单条记录
* @param sql
* @param params
* @param cls
* @return
* @throws ReflectiveOperationException
* @throws Exception
public <T> T queryBean(String sql, Class<T> cls, Object... params) throws SQLException, ReflectiveOperationException {
T resultObject = null;
try {
initParam(sql, params);
ResultSet rset = resultSet.get();
ResultSetMetaData metaData = rset.getMetaData();
while (rset.next()) {
resultObject = getBean(rset, metaData, cls);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw e;
} catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
throw e;
} finally {
return resultObject;

* 通过反射机制查询多条记录
* @param sql
* @param params
* @param cls
* @return
* @throws ReflectiveOperationException
* @throws Exception
public <T> List<T> queryListBean(String sql, Class<T> cls, Object... params) throws SQLException, ReflectiveOperationException {
List<T> list = null;
try {
initParam(sql, params);
ResultSet rset = resultSet.get();
ResultSetMetaData metaData = rset.getMetaData();
list = new ArrayList<T>();
while (rset.next()) {
list.add(getBean(rset, metaData, cls));
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw e;
} catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
throw e;
} finally {
return list;

* 释放数据库连接
public void destroy() {
if (!tx) {
if (resultSet.get() != null) { // 关闭记录集
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
log.error("An SQLException occurs when the ResultSet do close()", e);
} finally {
if (pstmt.get() != null) { // 关闭声明
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
log.error("An SQLException occurs when the PreparedStatement do close()", e);
} finally {
if (connection.get() != null) { // 关闭连接对象
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
log.error("An SQLException occurs when the Connection do close()", e);
} finally {

* 开启事物
* @throws SQLException
public void openTransaction() throws SQLException {
tx = true;
// connection.setTransactionIsolation(TransactionIsolationLevel.REPEATABLE_READ.getLevel());

public void openTransaction(int isolationLevel) throws SQLException {

/** 事物回滚 */
public void rollback() {

/** 事物提交 */
public void commit() {

private void dotx(boolean bo) {
if (connection.get() != null) {
try {
if (bo)
} catch (SQLException e) {
log.error("An SQLException occurs when the Connection do rollback() or commit()", e);
tx = false;

* 获得数据库的连接
* @return
* @throws SQLException
private Connection initConnect() throws SQLException {
if (connection.get() == null || connection.get().isClosed()) {
try {
if (datasource != null)
connection.set(DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl, user, password));
} catch (SQLException e) {
log.error("JDBC连接失败:", e);
throw e;
return connection.get();

* 拼接参数
private PreparedStatement initParam(String sql, Object... params) throws SQLException {
int index = 1;
if (params != null && params.length >= 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
pstmt.get().setObject(index++, params[i]);
return pstmt.get();

private Map<String, Object> getMap(ResultSet rset, ResultSetMetaData metaData) throws SQLException {
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
int col_len = metaData.getColumnCount();
for (int i = 0; i < col_len; i++) {
String cols_name = metaData.getColumnLabel(i + 1);
map.put(cols_name, rset.getObject(cols_name));
return map;

private <T> T getBean(ResultSet rset, ResultSetMetaData metaData, Class<T> cls) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, SQLException {
int mi = cls.getModifiers();
int count = metaData.getColumnCount();
T bean = null;
// ================================
if (Modifier.isInterface(mi) || Modifier.isAbstract(mi)) throw new InstantiationException(cls.getName());
// ================================
if (count == 1) {
Constructor<T> consTemp = null;
Constructor<?>[] cons = cls.getConstructors();
for (Constructor<?> constructor : cons) {
if (constructor.getParameterTypes().length == 1) {
consTemp = (Constructor<T>) constructor;
if (consTemp != null) {
String clabel = metaData.getColumnLabel(1);
bean = consTemp.newInstance(format(cls, rset, clabel));
return bean;
// ================================
// 通过反射机制创建一个实例
bean = cls.newInstance();
// == Set方法 ===========================================
Method[] ms = cls.getMethods();
for (Method m : ms) {
if (m.getName().startsWith("set") && m.getParameterTypes().length == 1) {
String clabel = firstCharToLowerCase(m.getName().substring("set".length()));
if (isExistColumn(rset, clabel))
m.invoke(bean, format(m.getParameterTypes()[0], rset, clabel));
return bean;

* 将Obj转换成指定类型返回,
* @throws SQLException
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
private Object format(Class<?> type, ResultSet rset, String clabel) throws SQLException {
if (type.equals(String.class)) return rset.getString(clabel);
if (type.equals(short.class) || type.equals(Short.class)) return rset.getShort(clabel);// short:16位,最大数据存储量是65536,数据范围是-32768~32767之间。
if (type.equals(int.class) || type.equals(Integer.class)) return rset.getInt(clabel);// int:32位,最大数据存储容量是2的32次方减1,数据范围是负的2的31次方到正的2的31次方减1。
if (type.equals(long.class) || type.equals(Long.class)) return rset.getLong(clabel);// long:64位,最大数据存储容量是2的64次方减1,数据范围为负的2的63次方到正的2的63次方减1。
if (type.equals(float.class) || type.equals(Float.class)) return rset.getFloat(clabel);// float:32位,数据范围在3.4e-45~1.4e38,直接赋值时必须在数字后加上f或F。
if (type.equals(double.class) || type.equals(Double.class)) return rset.getDouble(clabel);// double:64位,数据范围在4.9e-324~1.8e308,赋值时可以加d或D也可以不加。
if (type.equals(boolean.class) || type.equals(Boolean.class)) return rset.getBoolean(clabel);// boolean:只有true和false两个取值。
if (type.equals(java.math.BigDecimal.class)) return rset.getBigDecimal(clabel);
if (type.equals(java.sql.Date.class)) return rset.getDate(clabel);
if (type.equals(java.util.Date.class)) return rset.getDate(clabel) == null ? null : new java.util.Date(rset.getDate(clabel).getTime());
if (type.equals(java.sql.Time.class
)) return rset.getTime(clabel);
if (type.equals(java.sql.Timestamp.class)) return rset.getTimestamp(clabel);
if (type.isEnum()) return Enum.valueOf((Class<? extends Enum>) type, rset.getString(clabel));

if (type.equals(byte.class) || type.equals(Byte.class)) return rset.getByte(clabel);// byte:8位,最大存储数据量是255,存放的数据范围是-128~127之间。
if (type.equals(byte[].class) || type.equals(Byte[].class)) return rset.getBytes(clabel);
if (type.equals(java.io.InputStream.class)) return rset.getBinaryStream(clabel);
if (type.equals(java.io.Reader.class)) return rset.getCharacterStream(clabel);

if (type.equals(java.sql.Array.class)) return rset.getArray(clabel);
if (type.equals(java.sql.Blob.class)) return rset.getBlob(clabel);
if (type.equals(java.sql.Clob.class)) return rset.getClob(clabel);

if (type.equals(java.sql.Ref.class)) return rset.getRef(clabel);
if (type.equals(java.sql.RowId.class)) return rset.getRowId(clabel);
if (type.equals(java.sql.SQLXML.class)) return rset.getSQLXML(clabel);
if (type.equals(java.net.URL.class)) return rset.getURL(clabel);
log.warn("Type conversion failed,[ClassType:" + type.getName() + ",value:" + rset.getObject(clabel) + "],Please check the set method for parameters");
return null;

* 首字母变小写
private String firstCharToLowerCase(String str) {
Character firstChar = str.charAt(0);
String tail = str.substring(1);
str = Character.toLowerCase(firstChar) + tail;
return str;

* 判断查询结果集中是否存在某列
private boolean isExistColumn(ResultSet rs, String columnName) {
try {
if (rs.findColumn(columnName) > 0) return true;
} catch (SQLException e) {
return false;
return false;


package com.servlet.demo.test;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import com.servlet.demo.framework.db.JdbcTemplate;
import com.servlet.demo.framework.utill.JsonUtil;

* @author yuanqy
* @time 2017年11月23日 下午2:58:51
public class JdbcTest {
// 测试表与数据
//    CREATE TABLE `demo` (
//        `id` bigint(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
//        `name` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL,
//        `age` int(3) DEFAULT NULL,
//        `sex` varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL,
//        `money` decimal(10,2) DEFAULT NULL,
//        `birthday` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
//        `married` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1',
//        `score` double(5,2) DEFAULT NULL,
//        PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
//      );
//      insert  into `demo`(`id`,`name`,`age`,`sex`,`money`,`birthday`,`married`,`score`) values (1001,'马云',55,'man','35000.00','1991-10-02 19:50:42',1,59.50);
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
JdbcTemplate jdbc = new JdbcTemplate("jdbc:mysql://", "root", "password");
Entity en = jdbc.queryBean("select *,now() as nowTime from demo where id=?", JdbcTest.Entity.class, 1001);
List<Long> ids = jdbc.queryListBean("select id from demo", Long.class);
Map<String, Object> map = jdbc.query("select *,now() as nowTime from demo where id=?", 1001);

} catch (Exception e) {

public enum Sex {
man, women, center, ohter
public static class Entity {
long id;
String name;
int age;
Sex sex;
BigDecimal money;
java.sql.Timestamp nowTime;
java.util.Date birthday;
boolean married;
double score;

public void setId(long id) {
this.id = id;

public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;

public void setAge(int age) {
this.age = age;

public void setSex(String sex) {
this.sex = Sex.valueOf(sex);

public void setMoney(BigDecimal money) {
this.money = money;

public void setMarried(boolean married) {
this.married = married;

public void setScore(double score) {
this.score = score;

public double getScore() {
return score;

public java.sql.Timestamp getNowTime() {
return nowTime;

public void setNowTime(java.sql.Timestamp nowTime) {
this.nowTime = nowTime;

public java.util.Date getBirthday() {
return birthday;

public void setBirthday(java.util.Date birthday) {
this.birthday = birthday;

public long getId() {
return id;

public String getName() {
return name;

public int getAge() {
return age;

public Sex getSex() {
return sex;

public BigDecimal getMoney() {
return money;

public boolean isMarried() {
return married;

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