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ORACLE Instant Client 安装

2015-11-21 14:34 1286 查看

我们安装oracle 数据库软件时,会默认的安装客户端,但是有些时候我们可能不需要安装oracle数据库软件,只是需要安装某一个客户端。例如 我想在某台应用服务器上使用sql*plus客户端登录另一台服务器上的数据库,那么我就需要安装sql*plus客户端。

二:Instant Client downloads >>下载oracle instant Client包
三:oracle 客户端安装方法(下面的安装方法 出自oracle官方文档)

See the Instant ClientHome Page for more information. >>关于Instant Client安装更详细的信息请参考Instant
ClientHome Page

1. Installation of ZIPfiles: >>zip包安装方法

1). Download the desired Instant Client ZIP files. Allinstallations require the Basic or Basic Lite package. >>下载相应版本的zip包(所有的客户端安装都必须安装Basic

2). Unzip the packages into a single directory such as"/opt/oracle/instantclient_12_1" that is accessible to yourapplication.


3). Create the appropriate libclntsh.so and libocci.so linksfor the version of Instant Client. For example:

ln -slibclntsh.so.12.1 libclntsh.so
ln -slibocci.so.12.1 libocci.so

4). Set the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to thedirectory created in Step 2, for example:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/oracle/instantclient_12_1:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Alternatively, add this path to an ldconfig configuration file if there is noother Oracle software that will be impacted.

5). To use supplied binaries such as SQL*Plus, update yourPATH environment variable, for example:


6). Start your application. >>可以使用sqlplus了

2. Installation of RPMs: >>使用rpm包安装

1). Download the desired Instant Client RPM packages. Allinstallations require the Basic or Basic Lite RPM.
或者Basic Lite包)

2). As the root user, installthe packages with "rpm". For example:

rpm -ivhoracle-instantclient12.1-basic-

3). Set the environmentvariable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the appropriate directory for the Instant Clientversion, for example:


Alternatively, add this path to an ldconfig configuration file if there is noother Oracle software that will be impacted.

4). To use supplied binaries such as SQL*Plus, update yourPATH environment variable, for example:


5). Start your application.
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