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1. Redis built-in Lua Script


使用"SCRIPT LOAD"命令将得到此脚本的SHA1 ID.
redis-cli SCRIPT LOAD "$(cat ./myexample.lua)


“SCRIPT LOAD”详见http://redis.io/commands/script-load

“Load a script into the scripts cache, without executing it. After the specified command is loaded into the script cache it will be callable using EVALSHA with the correct SHA1 digest of the script,
exactly like after the first successful invocation of EVAL.

The script is guaranteed to stay in the script cache forever (unless SCRIPT FLUSH is called).

The command works in the same way even if the script was already present in the script cache.

Please refer to the EVAL documentation for detailed information about Redis Lua scripting.

Return value

Bulk string reply This command returns the SHA1 digest of the script added into the script cache.”

“Evaluates a script cached on the server side by its SHA1 digest. Scripts are cached on the server side using the SCRIPT LOAD command. The command is otherwise identical to EVAL.”

[root@local redis-3.0.3]# redis-cli -h SCRIPT LOAD "$(cat /tmp/example.lua)"
[root@local redis-3.0.3]# redis-cli -h> SCRIPT EXISTS  05ee2d487091f65689075426914f42336d1695f5
1) (integer) 1> evalsha 05ee2d487091f65689075426914f42336d1695f5 3 domain:hi.com:oratelimit domain:hi.com:otraffic domain:hi.com:osetting 1 1447115363 5cbcf04a-8742-11e5-ae2e-000c290753a5

本例子中evalsha传入3个KEY:domain:hi.com:oratelimit domain:hi.com:otraffic domain:hi.com:osetting以及3个参数:1 1447115363 5cbcf04a-8742-11e5-ae2e-000c290753a5,最终返回结果“1”.

2. Redis Perl接口


Centos 6.3安装包:

yum -y install perl-Redis

以Redis Sentinel看守的1 Master 2 Slave的部署为例:

连接/断开redis master的示例代码

use Redis::Sentinel;
$redis_master = undef;
@sentinel_servers = ( '', '', '' );
sub conn_redis()
my $sentinel = undef;
foreach my $s (@sentinel_servers) {
$sentinel = Redis::Sentinel->new(
server => $s,
sentinels_cnx_timeout => 0.1,
sentinels_read_timeout => 1,
sentinels_write_timeout => 1,
if ($sentinel) {
my @redis_list = $sentinel->get_masters;
foreach my $h (@redis_list) {
if ( $h->{'role-reported'} eq 'master' ) {
my $redis_server = $h->{ip}.':'.$h->{port};
$redis_master = Redis->new(
server => $redis_server,
cnx_timeout => 0.1,
read_timeout => 1,
write_timeout => 1,
if ($redis_master) {
$redis_ok = 1;
return 1;
$redis_ok = 0;
return 0;

sub disconn_redis()
if ($redis_master) {

sub sync_to_redis() {
debug_print((caller(0))[3].">\n") if ($debug);
if ($redis_master) {
try {
eval {
if (@delete_records) {
foreach my $k (@delete_records) {
if (@new_records) {
foreach my $k (@new_records) {
$redis_master->hmset( "domain:$k->[1]:osetting", "window", $k->[3], "threshold", $k->[4], "interval", $k->[5] );
if (@update_records) {
foreach my $k (@update_records) {
$redis_master->hmset( "domain:$k->[1]:osetting", "window", $k->[3], "threshold", $k->[4], "interval", $k->[5] );
if ($@) {
my $err = $@;
#notify_alert("Warning: Failed to sync setting to Redis", "$host: Failed to sync setting to Redis, Exception: $err");
debug_print((caller(0))[3] . "> Failed to sync setting to Redis, Exception: $err\n");
return 0;
catch Error with {
my $ex = shift;
notify_alert( "Warning: Redis Problem", "$host: $ex->{-line} $ex->{-text}" );
return 0;
return 1;
调用built-in lua script的示例代码

my $rc = $redis_master->evalsha( $lua_sha1, 3, $key1, $key2, $key3, $dir, $epoch, $uuid );
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标签:  redis perl lua