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* BST.h
* Created on: Oct 31, 2015
* Author: chris

#ifndef BST_H_
#define BST_H_


typedef int KeyType;
struct ElemType{
int val;
ElemType(): val(0) {}

typedef struct BSTNode{
KeyType key;
int bf;
BSTNode *lchild, *rchild;
ElemType data;
BSTNode(): key(0), bf(0),
lchild(NULL), rchild(NULL) {}

//BST using key
bool BSTCreateLinearOrder(BST & T, KeyType* keys, int low, int high);
bool BSTCreateSecondOptimalSW(BST & T, KeyType* keys, double* sw, int low, int high );
bool BSTCreateSecondOptimalW(BST & T,int num ,KeyType* keys, double * w);
void BSTDestroy(BST & T);

bool BSTInsertKey(BST & T, KeyType key, ElemType & e);
bool BSTDeleteKey(BST & T, KeyType key, ElemType & e);
bool BSTDeleteKey(BST & T, KeyType key);

BSTNode* BSTSearchKey(BST & T, KeyType key);
bool BSTSearchKey(BST & T, KeyType key, ElemType & e);
bool BSTSearchKey(BST & T, KeyType key, BSTNode*& pre , BSTNode*& cur);

void BSTDisplayInOrder(BST & T);
void BSTDisplayPreOrder(BST & T);

//AVL using key, bf
bool AVLInsertKey(BST & T, KeyType key, ElemType & e);
bool AVLDeleteKey(BST & T, KeyType key, ElemType & e);
bool AVLDeleteKey(BST & T, KeyType key);

#endif /* BST_H_ */

* BST.cpp
* Created on: Oct 31, 2015
* Author: chris


using namespace std;

bool BSTCreateLinearOrder(BST & T, KeyType* keys, int low, int high)
if( low > high )
return false;
else {
int mid = (low + high) / 2;
T = new BSTNode();
if(!T) return false;
T->key = keys[mid];

if( (low <= mid-1 && !BSTCreateLinearOrder(T->lchild, keys, low, mid-1))
|| (mid+1 <= high && !BSTCreateLinearOrder(T->rchild, keys, mid+1, high))) {
if(T->lchild) delete T->lchild;
if(T->rchild) delete T->rchild;
delete T;
return false;
return true;

bool BSTCreateSecondOptimalSW(BST & T, KeyType* keys, double* sw, int low, int high )
{ // sw: cumul sum of weights, sw[0] = 0
if( low < 1 || low > high )
return false;

int i = low;
int minw = abs(sw[high] - sw[low]);
int dw = sw[high] + sw[low-1];
for(int j = low+1; j <= high; ++j)
if(abs(dw-sw[j]-sw[j-1]) < minw) {
i = j;
minw = abs(dw - sw[j] - sw[j-1]);

T = new BSTNode();
if(!T) return false;
T->key = keys[i];

//build subTree.
if( (low < i && !BSTCreateSecondOptimalSW(T->lchild, keys, sw, low, i-1))
|| (i < high && !BSTCreateSecondOptimalSW(T->rchild, keys, sw, i+1, high)) ) {
delete T;
return false;
return true;

bool BSTCreateSecondOptimalW(BST & T,int num ,KeyType* keys, double * w)
if(num < 1) return false;
w[0] = 0;
for(int i = 1; i <= num; ++i)
w[i] = w[i] + w[i-1];
return BSTCreateSecondOptimalSW(T, keys, w, 1, num);

void BSTDestroy(BST & T)
if(!T) return;
if(T->lchild) BSTDestroy(T->lchild);
if(T->rchild) BSTDestroy(T->rchild);
delete T;

bool BSTInsertKey(BST & T, KeyType key, ElemType & e)
BSTNode *pre = NULL, *cur = NULL;
if( !BSTSearchKey(T, key, pre, cur) ) {
// load.
cur = new BSTNode();
if(!cur) return false;
cur->key = key;
cur->data = e;
// insert
if(!pre) T = cur;
else if( key < pre->key )
pre->lchild = cur;
pre->rchild = cur;
return true;
return false;

bool BSTDeleteKey(BST & T, KeyType key, ElemType & e)
return false;
else {
if( key == T->key ) {
//Delete BST Node while maintaining the props.
BSTNode *q = NULL, *s = NULL;
if( !T->rchild ) {
q = T;
T = T->lchild;
delete q;
else if( !T->lchild ) {
q = T;
T = T->rchild;
delete q;
else {
q = T;
s = q->lchild;
while( s->rchild ) {
q = s;
s = s->rchild;

T->key = s->key;
T->data = s->data;

if(q != T) q->rchild = s->lchild;
else q->lchild = s->lchild;
delete s;

return true;
}//endif T child.
}//endif key found
else if( key < T->key )
return BSTDeleteKey(T->lchild, key, e);
return BSTDeleteKey(T->rchild, key, e);
} // else
return true;

bool BSTDeleteKey(BST & T, KeyType key)
ElemType e;
return BSTDeleteKey(T, key, e);

BSTNode* BSTSearchKey(BST & T, KeyType key)
BSTNode *pre = NULL, *cur = NULL;
if( !BSTSearchKey(T, key, pre, cur) )
return NULL;
return cur;

bool BSTSearchKey(BST & T, KeyType key, ElemType & e)
BSTNode *pre = NULL, *cur = NULL;
if( !BSTSearchKey(T, key, pre, cur) )
return false;
e = cur->data;
return true;

bool BSTSearchKey(BST & T, KeyType key, BSTNode*& pre , BSTNode*& cur) {
cur = T;
if(!T) return false;
else if( key == T->key )
return true;
else {
pre = T;
if( key < T->key )
return BSTSearchKey(T->lchild, key, pre, cur);
return BSTSearchKey(T->rchild, key, pre, cur);

void BSTDisplayInOrder(BST & T)
cout << "NIL";
else if(!T->lchild && !T->rchild)
cout << T->key;
else {
cout << " { ";
cout << " ( " << T->key << " ) ";
cout << " } ";

void BSTDisplayPreOrder(BST & T)
cout << "NIL";
else if(!T->lchild && !T->rchild)
cout << T->key;
else {
cout << " <" << T->key << ": ";
cout << "L:{ ";
cout << " } - R:{ ";
cout << " }> ";

#define LH 1
#define EH 0
#define RH -1

void AVLRotateRight(BST & T) {
BSTNode* lc = T->lchild;
T->lchild = lc->rchild;
lc->rchild = T;
T = lc;
} //rot right.

void AVLRotateLeft(BST & T) {
BSTNode* rc = T->rchild;
T->rchild = rc->lchild;
rc->lchild = T;
T = rc;
} //rot left.

void AVLLeftBalance(BST & T) {
BSTNode *lc = T->lchild, *rd = NULL;
switch( lc->bf ) {
case LH:
T->bf = lc->bf = EH;
case RH:
rd = lc->rchild;
switch(rd->bf) {
case LH: T->bf = RH; lc->bf = EH; break;
case EH: T->bf = lc->bf = EH; break;
case RH: T->bf = EH; lc->bf = LH; break;
rd->bf = EH;
AVLRotateLeft( T->lchild );
AVLRotateRight( T );

void AVLRightBalance(BST & T) {
BSTNode *rc = T->rchild, *ld = NULL;
switch( rc->bf ) {
case RH:
T->bf = rc->bf = EH;
case LH:
ld = rc->lchild;
switch(ld->bf) {
case RH: T->bf = LH; rc->bf = EH; break;
case EH: T->bf = rc->bf = EH; break;
case LH: T->bf = EH; rc->bf = RH; break;
ld->bf = EH;
AVLRotateRight( T->rchild );
AVLRotateLeft( T );

bool _AVLInsertKey(BST & T, KeyType key, ElemType & e, bool & taller)
if(!T) {
T = new BSTNode();
if(!T) return false;
T->key = key;
T->data = e;
T->bf = EH;
taller = true;
} else {
if( key == T->key ) { //already exists.
taller = false;
return false;
if( key < T->key ) {
if(!_AVLInsertKey(T->lchild, key, e, taller))
return false;
switch(T->bf) {
case LH: AVLLeftBalance( T ); taller = false; break; //**
case EH: T->bf = LH; taller = true; break;
case RH: T->bf = EH; taller = false; break;
else {
if(!_AVLInsertKey(T->rchild, key, e, taller))
return false;
switch(T->bf) {
case LH: T->bf = EH; taller = false; break;
case EH: T->bf = RH; taller = true; break;
case RH: AVLRightBalance( T ); taller = false; break; //**
return true;

bool AVLInsertKey(BST & T, KeyType key, ElemType & e)
bool taller = false;
return _AVLInsertKey(T, key, e, taller);

bool _AVLDeleteKey(BST & T, KeyType key, ElemType & e, bool & shorter)
if(!T) return false;
else {
if( key == T->key ) {
e = T->data;
BSTNode *q = NULL, *s = NULL;
if( !T->rchild ) {
q = T;
T = T->lchild;
shorter = true;
delete q;
else if( !T->lchild ) {
q = T;
T = T->rchild;
shorter = true;
delete q;
else { // q is pre of s
q = T;
s = q->lchild;
while( s->rchild ) {
q = s;
s = s->rchild;

T->key = s->key;
T->data = s->data;

if(q != T) q->rchild = s->lchild;
else q->lchild = s->lchild;
delete s;

//update bf of q.
if(q != T) { // s is rchild of q
switch (q->bf) {
case EH: q->bf = LH; shorter = false; break;
case LH: AVLLeftBalance(q); shorter = false; break;
case RH: q->bf = EH; shorter = true; break;
} else { // s is lchild of q, q is T
switch(T->bf) {
case EH: T->bf = RH; shorter = false; break;
case LH: T->bf = EH; shorter = true; break;
case RH: AVLRightBalance(T); shorter = false; break;
return true;
}//endif T child.
}//endif key found
else if( key < T->key ) {
if(!_AVLDeleteKey(T->lchild, key, e, shorter))
return false;
switch(T->bf) {
case EH: T->bf = RH; shorter = false; break;
case LH: T->bf = EH; shorter = true; break;
case RH: AVLRightBalance(T); shorter = false; break;
}//end lt
else {
if(!_AVLDeleteKey(T->rchild, key, e, shorter))
return false;
switch(T->bf) {
case EH: T->bf = LH; shorter = false; break;
case LH: AVLLeftBalance(T); shorter = false; break;
case RH: T->bf = EH; shorter = true; break;
}//end gt
} // else
return true;

bool AVLDeleteKey(BST & T, KeyType key, ElemType & e)
bool shorter = false;
return _AVLDeleteKey(T, key, e, shorter);

bool AVLDeleteKey(BST & T, KeyType key)
bool shorter = false;
ElemType e;
return _AVLDeleteKey(T, key, e, shorter);

* Main.cpp
* Created on: Oct 31, 2015
* Author: chris


using namespace std;

//sw 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 4 9 12 16 20 23 28
//w 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 2 5 3 4 4 3 5
//w 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 30 2 29 3

int main(void) {
int n;
cout << "number of keys: "; cout.flush();
cin >> n;

KeyType * keys = new KeyType
if(!keys) return -1;

cout << "Enter keys: "; cout.flush();
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
cin >> keys[i];

for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
ElemType e;
AVLInsertKey(T, keys[i], e);

cout << "T: " << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;

cout << "Enter the number of keys to del: "; cout.flush();
cin >> n;
while(n--) {
KeyType key;
cin >> key;
AVLDeleteKey(T, key);

cout << "T: " << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;

delete keys;
return 0;

int main(void)
int n;
cout << "number of keys: "; cout.flush();
cin >> n;

KeyType * keys = new KeyType[n+1];
double * w = new double[n+1];
if(!keys || !w) {
if(keys) delete keys;
if(w) delete w;
return -1;

cout << "Enter keys: "; cout.flush();
keys[0] = 0;
for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
cin >> keys[i];
cout << "Enter w: "; cout.flush();
w[0] = 0;
for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
cin >> w[i];

BSTCreateSecondOptimalW(T ,n ,keys, w );

cout << "T:" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;

KeyType key;
cout << "Enter key: "; cout.flush();
cin >> key;
BSTNode *pre = NULL, *cur = NULL;
if(BSTSearchKey(T, key, pre, cur)) {
cout << key << " is the child of " << pre->key << endl;
else cout << key << " is root." << endl;
cout << "Not found." << endl;

cout << "Enter key to delete: "; cout.flush();
cin >> key;
if(BSTDeleteKey(T, key)) {
cout << "success." << endl;
cout << "T after delete key:" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "failed." << endl;

delete keys;
delete w;
return 0;


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