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Spring Batch Tutorial

2015-09-28 09:57 309 查看

Spring Batch Tutorial

Photo credit: Spring
Spring Batch, is an open source framework
for batch processing – execution of a series of jobs. Spring Batch provides classes and APIs to read/write resources, transaction management, job processing statistics, job restart and partitioning techniques to process high-volume of data.
The following Spring Batch tutorials and examples are tested with :

Spring Core 3.2.2.RELEASE
Spring Batch 2.2.0.RELEASE

P.S Spring Batch is part of the Spring Portfolio.

1. Quick Guide

A simple batch job, and run with command line.

Spring Batch Hello World Example

Short description about Spring batch, and create a job to read data from a CSV File, process it, and write it to an XML file (JAXB).
Spring Batch TaskletStep example

Example to cleanup the resources after the batch job has completed.
Run Spring Batch Job With CommandLineJobRunner

Run Spring batch job with command line.

2. ItemReader, ItemProcessor, ItemWriter

Few examples to show the use of Spring batch classes to read/write resources (csv, xml and database).

Spring Batch Example – CSV File To MySQL database

Read data from a CSV file and write it into a MySQL database, job meta is stored in the database.
Spring Batch Example – XML File To MongoDB database

Read data from a XML file (XStream) and write it into a nosql database MongoDB, also unit test the batch job.
Spring Batch Example – XML File To CSV File

Read data from a XML file (JAXB2), process with ItemProcessor and write it into a CSV file. It also shows you how to convert Date and BigDecimal data type to/from object via JAXB2.
Spring Batch Example – MySQL Database To XML

Read data from a MySQL database and write it into an XML file (XStream), also the use of jobParameters.
Spring Batch MultiResourceItemReader example

A ItemReader to read multiple files.

3. Scheduler

Run batch job with scheduler frameworks.

Spring Batch + Spring TaskScheduler example

Spring TaskScheduler to schedule a batch job to run every 5 seconds.
Spring Batch + Quartz Scheduler example

Integrate Quartz to schedule a batch job to run every 10 seconds.

4. Unit Test

Spring Batch unit test example

How to unit test a batch job or individual steps.

5. Advance

Spring Batch partitioner example

Multiple threads to process range of data.
Spring Batch listener example

Examples to intercept the step execution of a batch job.

6. Spring Batch FAQs

Some common questions and answers in Spring Batch.

How to convert Date in BeanWrapperFieldSetMapper
Spring Batch : A job instance already exists and is complete for parameters={}
Spring Batch metadata tables are not created automatically?
NoSuchBeanDefinitionException : No qualifying bean of type JobLauncherTestUtils
jobParameters cannot be found on object of type BeanExpressionContext


Spring Batch official website
Spring Batch Reference Documentation
Wikipedia : Spring Batch
Spring Batch Samples
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