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2015-09-05 10:28 597 查看

java  自己的计算机简易版的日历,其中还有点问题没有解决,就是关于中国农历的算法,还是有一定的误差,如果大家有什么稿件可以一起互相讨论一下!


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Calendersssss {


  Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in);


    + "\n*************************************************"

    + "***************************************************");


  .println("please input the year what your rearch for(after the year 1905)"

    + "(请输入你要查询的年份:1905年以后的年份):");

  int year = reader.nextInt();

  while (year < 1905) {

   System.out.println("please input the year again(请重新输入年份:):");

   year = reader.nextInt();

  }// 输入年份

  int sumDay = 0;

  int x = 1905;

  while (x < year) {

   if (((x % 4 == 0) && (x % 100 != 0)) || (x % 400 == 0))

    sumDay += 366;


    sumDay += 365;



  // 计算年份的总天数

  int temp1 = sumDay;//计算农历日期


  .println("please input the month what your rearch for(1~12)(请输入月份1~12月):");

  int month = reader.nextInt();

  while (month < 1 || month > 12) {

   System.out.println("please input the month again(请重新输入月份):");

   month = reader.nextInt();


  switch (month - 1) {

  case 12:

   sumDay += 31;

  case 11:

   sumDay += 30;

  case 10:

   sumDay += 31;

  case 9:

   sumDay += 30;

  case 8:

   sumDay += 31;

  case 7:

   sumDay += 31;

  case 6:

   sumDay += 30;

  case 5:

   sumDay += 31;

  case 4:

   sumDay += 30;

  case 3:

   sumDay += 31;

  case 2: {

   if ((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0))

    sumDay += 29;


    sumDay += 28;



  case 1:

   sumDay += 31;



   sumDay += 0;


  // 计算年份的天数加上月份的天数

  int  temp2 = sumDay - temp1;//计算农历日期

  int first = sumDay % 7;// 该月的第一天星期几

  System.out.println("please input the day of  " + year + "年 " + month

    + "月 what your rearch for (请输入某日):");

  int day = reader.nextInt();

  int temp = 0;

  if (month == 2) {

   if ((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0))

    temp = 29;

   else {

    temp = 28;



  if (month == 1 || month == 3 || month == 5 || month == 7 || month == 8

    || month == 10 || month == 12) {

   temp = 31;


  if (month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 9 || month == 11) {

   temp = 30;


  // temp2+=day;//计算农历日期.........................

  if (day > temp || day < 0) {

   System.out.println("please input the day again(请重新输入): ");

   day = reader.nextInt();

  }// 输入某天后的总天数

  int week = (sumDay + day) % 7;// 所查询的某一天是星期几

  String weeks = null;

  switch (week-1) {

  case 1:

   weeks = "一";


  case 2:

   weeks = "二";


  case 3:

   weeks = "三";


  case 4:

   weeks = "四";


  case 5:

   weeks = "五";


  case 6:

   weeks = "六";


  case 0:

   weeks = "日";


  default: weeks = "日";



  int x1 = year%60 - 3;




  String ganZhi = null;


  case 1: ganZhi = "甲子";break; case 2: ganZhi = "乙丑";break; case 3: ganZhi = "丙寅" ;break;

  case 4: ganZhi = "丁卯 ";break; case 5:ganZhi = "戊辰";break; case 6: ganZhi = "己巳 ";break;

  case 7: ganZhi = "庚午";break; case 8:ganZhi = "辛未";break; case 9: ganZhi = "壬申";break;

  case 10: ganZhi = "癸酉";break; case 11:ganZhi = "甲戌";break; case 12:ganZhi = "乙亥";break;

  case 13:ganZhi = "丙子";break; case 14:ganZhi = "丁丑";break;case 15:ganZhi ="戊寅"; break;

  case 16:ganZhi = "己卯 ";break; case 17:ganZhi = "庚辰 ";break; case 18:ganZhi = "辛巳";break;

  case 19:ganZhi = "壬午";break; case 20:ganZhi = "癸未";break; case 21:ganZhi = "甲申";break;

  case 22:ganZhi = "乙酉";break; case 23:ganZhi = "丙戌";break; case 24:ganZhi = "丁亥 ";break;

  case 25:ganZhi = "戊子";break; case 26:ganZhi = "己丑";break; case 27:ganZhi = "庚寅";break;

  case 28:ganZhi = "辛卯";break; case 29:ganZhi = "壬辰";break; case 30:ganZhi = "癸巳";break;

  case 31:ganZhi = "甲午";break; case 32:ganZhi = "乙未 ";break; case 33:ganZhi = "丙申";break;

  case 34:ganZhi = "丁酉";break; case 35:ganZhi = "戊戌 ";break; case 36:ganZhi = "己亥";break;

  case 37:ganZhi = "庚子";break; case 38:ganZhi = "辛丑";break; case 39:ganZhi = "任寅";break;

  case 40:ganZhi = "癸卯 ";break; case 41:ganZhi = "甲辰 ";break; case 42:ganZhi = "乙巳";break;

  case 43:ganZhi = "丙午";break; case 44:ganZhi = "丁未";break; case 45:ganZhi = "戊申";break;

  case 46:ganZhi = "己酉";break; case 47:ganZhi = "庚戌";break; case 48:ganZhi = "辛亥";break;

  case 49:ganZhi = "壬子";break; case 50:ganZhi = "癸丑";break; case 51:ganZhi = "甲寅";break;

  case 52:ganZhi = "乙卯";break; case 53:ganZhi = "丙辰";break; case 54:ganZhi = "丁己";break;

  case 55:ganZhi = "戊午";break; case 56:ganZhi = "己未 ";break; case 57:ganZhi = "庚申";break;

  case 58:ganZhi = "辛酉";break; case 59:ganZhi = "壬戌";break; case 60:ganZhi = "癸亥";break; 


  int x2 = (year-1900)%12+1;

  String animal = null;


  case 1: animal = "(子)鼠";break; case 2: animal = "(丑)牛";break; case 3: animal = "(寅)虎" ;break;

  case 4: animal = "(卯) 兔 ";break; case 5:animal = "(辰)龙";break; case 6: animal = "(巳)蛇";break;

  case 7: animal = "(午)马";break; case 8:animal = "(未)羊";break; case 9: animal = "(申)猴";break;

  case 10: animal = "(酉)鸡";break; case 11:animal = "(戌)狗";break; case 0:animal = "(亥)猪";break;




  System.out.println("\n"+year+"年   "+month+"月 "+day+"日农历 : ["+ganZhi+" "+animal+"年]" );//计算农历日期

  System.out.println(year + "年 " + month + "月 " + day + "日 :星期" + weeks);


  for (int i =1; i < week; i++) {



  System.out.print(" ^^ ");//输出星期

  int x3 = 6 - first;

  System.out.println("\n\n" + year + "年 " + month + "月的日历: ");


  for (int i = 0; i < first; i++) {



  int q,r,n;

  q = (year-1901)/4;

  r = (year-1901)%4;

  int lo;

  String Li = null;

  int j1,t;

  int a,b=0;

  for (int i = 1 ; i <= temp; i++) {

   if(month == 1 && i == 1){


   }else if(month == 2 && i == 2){


   }else if(month == 2 && i == 14){


   }else if(month == 3 && i == 3){


   }else if(month == 3 && i == 5){


   }else if(month == 3 && i == 8){


   }else if(month == 3 && i == 9){


   }else if(month == 3 && i == 12){


   }else if(month == 3 && i == 14){


   }else if(month == 3 && i == 15){


   }else if(month == 3 && i == 21){


   }else if(month == 3 && i == 22){


   }else if(month == 3 && i == 23){



   else if(month == 3 && i == 24){


   }else if(month == 4 && i == 1){


   }else if(month == 4 && i == 5){


   }else if(month == 4 && i == 7){


   }else if(month == 4 && i == 22){


   }else if(month == 4 && i == 26){


   }else if(month == 5 && i == 1){


   }else if(month == 5 && i == 3){


   }else if(month == 5 && i == 4){


   }else if(month == 5 && i == 8){


   }else if(month == 5 && i == 12){


   }else if(month == 5 && i == 15){


   }else if(month == 5 && i == 17){


   }else if(month == 5 && i == 20){


   }else if(month == 5 && i == 23){


   }else if(month == 5 && i == 31){


   }else if(month == 6 && i == 1){


   }else if(month == 6 && i == 6){


   }else if(month == 6 && i == 17){


   }else if(month == 6 && i == 23){


   }else if(month == 6 && i == 25){


   }else if(month == 6 && i == 26){


   }else if(month == 7 && i == 1){


   }else if(month == 7 && i == 7){

    System.out.print("(抗日 日)\t");

   }else if(month == 7 && i == 11){


   }else if(month == 8 && i == 1){


   }else if(month == 8 && i == 12){


   }else if(month == 9 && i == 8){


   }else if(month == 9 && i == 10){


   }else if(month == 9 && i == 16){


   }else if(month == 9 && i == 20){


   }else if(month == 9 && i == 21){


   }else if(month == 9 && i == 27){


   }else if(month == 10 && i == 1){


   }else if(month == 10 && i == 4){


   }else if(month == 10 && i == 5){


   }else if(month == 10 && i == 8){


   }else if(month == 10 && i == 9){


   }else if(month == 10 && i == 10){


   }else if(month == 10 && i == 15){


   }else if(month == 10 && i == 16){


   }else if(month == 10 && i == 17){


   }else if(month == 10 && i == 29){


   }else if(month == 10 && i == 31){


   }else if(month == 11 && i == 8){

    System.out.print("(中国记者日) ");

   }else if(month == 11 && i == 9){


   }else if(month == 11 && i == 14){


   }else if(month == 11 && i == 17){


   }else if(month == 12 && i == 1){


   }else if(month == 12 && i == 4){

    System.out.print("(法制宣传日) ");

   }else if(month == 12 && i == 9){


   }else if(month == 12 && i == 1){

    System.out.print("(生物多样性日) ");


    System.out.print(" "+i + "\t");}

   if ((i + first) % 7 == 0|| i==temp) {




    //排版输出 查询的某个月的日历

    for( j1 = a+1;j1 <=b; j1++){

     double s = 14*q + 10.6*(r+1)+temp2+j1;

     lo = (int)(s%29.5);

     if(year == 2015&&month == 1&&day == 19)



     case 1: Li = "初一";break; case 2: Li = "初二";break; case 3: Li = "初三" ;break;

     case 4: Li = "初四 ";break; case 5:Li = "初五";break; case 6: Li = "初六 ";break;

     case 7: Li = "初七";break; case 8:Li = "初八";break; case 9: Li = "初九";break;

     case 10: Li = "初十";break; case 11:Li = "十一";break; case 12:Li = "十二";break;

     case 13:Li = "十三";break; case 14:Li = "十四";break;case 15:Li ="十五"; break;

     case 16:Li = "十六 ";break; case 17:Li = "十七 ";break; case 18:Li = "十八";break;

     case 19:Li = "十九";break; case 20:Li = "二十";break; case 21:Li = "廿一";break;

     case 22:Li = "廿二";break; case 23:Li = "廿三";break; case 24:Li = "廿四 ";break;

     case 25:Li = "廿五";break; case 26:Li = "廿六";break; case 27:Li = "廿七";break;

     case 28:Li = "廿八";break; case 29:Li = "廿久";break; case 30:Li = "三十";break;


     if((j1 + first + x3)==7){

      for ( int j = 0; j < first; j++) {



     System.out.print(Li + "\t");

     if ((j1 + first) % 7 == 0) {


     }//排版输出 所查询的某个月的日历




 public static void main(String[] args) {

  Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in);

  new Calendersssss();


  String x= reader.next();



          new Calendersssss();










 * 遇到的困难和解决方法:

 *  1.计算年份的总天数时 while(x<year)

 *  2.计算月份的总天数时

 *  3.计算某月的第一天是星期几时,利用该月的上一个月的最后一天解决

 *  4.排版月的天数与星期对应时

 *  5.if(((x%4==0)&&(x%100!=0))||(x%400==0))

 *  6.月底与月首的衔接关系

 *  7.java中 一键规范格式ctrl + shift + f

 *  8.String 最好副初值null

 *  @author 吴鹏

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标签:  java 日历