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2015-08-22 16:39 417 查看
 * binheap.cpp
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "fatal.h"
#include "binheap.h"

#define MinPQSize (10)
#define MinData (-32767)

struct HeapStruct
	int Capacity;
	int Size;
	ElementType *Elements;

PriorityQueue Initialize(int MaxElements)
	PriorityQueue H;

	if (MaxElements < MinPQSize)
		FatalError("Priority queue size is too small!");

	H = (PriorityQueue)malloc(sizeof(struct HeapStruct));
	if (H == NULL)
		FatalError("Out of space!");

	/* Allocate the array plus one extra for sentinel */
	H->Elements = (ElementType *)malloc(sizeof(ElementType) 
		* (MaxElements + 1));
	if (H->Elements == NULL)
		FatalError("Out of space!");

	H->Capacity = MaxElements;
	H->Size = 0;
	H->Elements[0] = MinData;

	return H;

void MakeEmpty(PriorityQueue H)
	H->Size = 0;

int IsEmpty(PriorityQueue H)
	return H->Size == 0;

int IsFull(PriorityQueue H)
	return H->Size == H->Capacity;

 * H->Elements[0] is a sentinel.
 * Heap Order Proprety: 
 * In a heap, for every node x, the key in the parent of X is smaller than
 * (or equal to) the key in X, with the exception of the root(which has no parent).
void Insert(ElementType X, PriorityQueue H)
	int i;

	if (IsFull(H))
		FatalError("Priority queue is full!");

	for (i = ++H->Size; H->Elements[i / 2] > X; i /= 2)
		H->Elements[i] = H->Elements[i / 2];
	H->Elements[i] = X;

ElementType DeleteMin(PriorityQueue H)
	int i, Child;
	ElementType MinElement, LastElement;

	if (IsEmpty(H))
		FatalError("Priority queue is empty!");
	MinElement = H->Elements[1];
	LastElement = H->Elements[H->Size--];

	for (i = 1; i * 2 <= H->Size; i = Child)
		/* Find smaller child */
		Child = i * 2;
		if (Child != H->Size
			&& H->Elements[Child + 1] < H->Elements[Child])

		/* Percolate one level */
		if (LastElement > H->Elements[Child])
			H->Elements[i] = H->Elements[Child];
	H->Elements[i] = LastElement;

	return MinElement;

ElementType FindMin(PriorityQueue H)
	if (!IsEmpty(H))
		return H->Elements[1];
		FatalError("Priority queue is empty!");
		return -1;		/* Just for avoid warning */

void Destroy(PriorityQueue H)
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