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Stacks-分别用链表和数组实现(in Java)

2015-08-07 12:09 513 查看

Stack Intro



插入对象 ;

移除对象;(LIFO原则-last in first out)

遍历 ;

测试是否为空集 ;


public class StackOfStringsComment
StackOfStrings()create an empty stack
void push(String item)insert a new String onto the stack
String pop()remove and return the string most recently added
boolean isEmpty()is the stack empty?

Stack - Linked-List Implementation

Linked-List Review

A linked list is a recursive data structure that is either empty(null) or a reference to a node have a generic item and a reference to a linked list.


private class Node { // a nested class
Item item; // a placeholder; generic mechanism-represent any reference type
Node next; // characterizes the linked nature
//no methods in this class

Build a linked list

Node first = new Node();
first.item = "itemOne";

Node second = new Node();
second.item = "itemTwo";
first.next = second;

Insert at the beginning

Node oldFirst = first; // save a link to the list
first = new Node(); // create a new node for the beginning

// set the instance variable in the new node
first.item = "insertHere";
first.next = oldFirst;

Remove from the beginning

first = first.next;

那个被移除掉的对象在这里成了“孤儿”,之后java的memory management system会回收这个对象之前占用的内存。


for(Node x = first; x != null; x = x.next)
... //process x.item

Stack: Linked-List Representation


- 维护一个指针指向链表里的第一个节点

- 从最前面插入对象/移除对象


public class LinkedStackOfStrings {
private class Node{
Item item;
Node next;

private Node first = null;

public void push(String item) {
Node oldFirst = first;
first = new Node();
first.item = item;
first.next = oldFirst;

public String pop() {
String item = first.item;
first = first.next();
return item;

public boolean isEmpty(){
return first == null;

Stack: Linked-List Performance


构建一个innner class所需的内存:

Per Stack NodeTotal: 40 bytes
Object Overhead16 bytes
Extra Overhead8 bytes
item8 bytes
next8 bytes
如果这个链表有N个对象,则需使用40N bytes

Stack - Array Implementation


- 使用一个数组 s[ ] 来存储stack上的N个对象 ;

- push: 在s

- pop: 从s[N-1]处移除对象


- 创建数组时需要定义数组大小,但实际情况却是,往往无法事先知晓N


- 数组大小的动态缩放


public class ArrayStackOfStrings{
private String[] s;
private int N = 0;

public ArrayStackOfStrings(){
s = new String[1]; // initialization

private void resize(int capacity) {
String[] copy = new String[capacity];
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
copy[i] = s[i];
s = copy;

public void push(String item) {
// if array is full, create a new array of twice the size and copy items
if(N == s.length) resize(2 * s.length);

// add the new item at s
; use N to index into array then increment N
s[N++] = item;

public String pop() {
String item = s[--N]; // remove item from s[N-1]; firstly decrement N, then use it to index into array

= null;// to avoid loitering; garbage collector claim memory only if no outstanding reference

// halve size of s[] when array is one-quarter full
if(N > 0 && N == s.length/4)
resize (s.length/2);
return item;

public boolean isEmpty() {
return N == 0;
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