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2015-07-27 18:25 435 查看
Twelves Monkeys
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James Cole is a convicted criminal living beneath a post-apocalyptic Philadelphia. Many years ago, the Earth's surface had been contaminated by a virus so deadly that it forced the survivors to move underground. In the years that followed, scientists
had engineered an imprecise form of time travel. To earn a pardon, Cole allows scientists to send him on dangerous missions to the past to collect information on the virus, thought to have been released by a terrorist organization known as the Army
of the Twelve Monkeys.

The time travel is powerful so that sicentists can send Cole from year
x[i] back to year y[i]. Eventually, Cole finds that Goines is the founder of the Army of the Twelve Monkeys, and set out in search of him. When they find and confront him, however, Goines denies any involvement with the viruscan.
After that, Cole goes back and tells scientists what he knew. He wants to quit the mission to enjoy life. He wants to go back to the any year before current year, but scientists only allow him to use time travel once. In case of failure,
Cole will find at least one route for backup. Please help him to calculate how many years he can go with at least two routes.


The input file contains multiple test cases.

The first line contains three integers n,m,q(1≤ n
≤ 50000, 1≤ m ≤ 50000, 1≤ q ≤ 50000), indicating the maximum year, the number of time travel path and the number of queries.

The following m lines contains two integers x,y(1≤ y
≤ x ≤ 50000) indicating Cole can travel from year
x to year y.

The following q lines contains one integers p(1≤ p
≤ n) indicating the year Cole is at now


For each test case, you should output one line, contain a number which is the total number of the year
Cole can go.

Sample Input

9 3 3
9 1
6 1
4 1

Sample Output



6 can go back to 1 for two route. One is 6-1, the other is 6-7-8-9-1.6 can go back to 2 for two route. One is 6-1-2, the other is 6-7-8-9-1-2.

Author: GAN, Tiansheng





而函数式线段树又称主席树。。(SBT)。。简称sb树或者super bt。。捂脸。






Persistent Singly Linked Lists


The singly linked list is one of the most widely used data structures in programming. It consists of a series of nodes linked together one right after the other. Each node has a reference to the node that comes after it, and the last node in the list terminates
with a null reference. To traverse a singly linked list, you begin at the head of the list and move from one node to the next until you have reached the node you are looking for or have reached the last node:



Let's insert a new item into the list. This list is not persistent, meaning that it can be changed in-place without generating a new version. After taking a look at the insertion operation on a non-persistent list, we'll look at the same operation on a persistent


Inserting a new item into a singly linked list involves creating a new node:


We will insert the new node at the fourth position in the list. First, we traverse the list until we've reached that position. Then the node that will precede the new node is unlinked from the next node...


...and relinked to the new node. The new node is, in turn, linked to the remaining nodes in the list:


Inserting a new item into a persistent singly linked list will not alter the existing list but create a new version with the item inserted into it. Instead of copying the entire list and then inserting the item into the copy, a better strategy is to reuse
as much of the old list as possible. Since the nodes themselves are persistent, we don't have to worry about aliasing problems.


To insert a new node at the fourth position, we traverse the list as before only copying each node along the way. Each copied node is linked to the next copied node:


The last copied node is linked to the new node, and the new node is linked to the remaining nodes in the old list:


On an average, about N/2 nodes will be copied in the persistent version for insertions and deletions, where N equals the number of nodes in the list. This isn't terribly efficient but does give us some savings. One persistent data structure where this approach
to singly linked list buys us a lot is the stack. Imagine the above data structure with insertions and deletions restricted to the head of the list. In this case, N nodes can be reused for pushing items onto a stack and N - 1 nodes can be reused for popping
a stack.



Persistent Binary Trees


A binary tree is a collection of nodes in which each node contains two links, one to its left child and another to its right child. Each child is itself a node, and either or both of the child nodes can be null, meaning that a node may have zero to two children.
In the binary search tree version, each node usually stores a key/value pair. The tree is searched and ordered according to its keys. The key stored at a node is always greater than the keys stored in its left descendents and always less than the keys stored
in its right descendents. This makes searching for any particular key very fast.


Here is an example of a binary search tree. The keys are listed as numbers; the values have been omitted but are assumed to exist. Notice how each key as you descend to the left is less than the key of its predecessor, and vice versa as you descend to the


Changing the value of a particular node in a non-persistent tree involves starting at the root of the tree and searching for a particular key associated with that value, and then changing the value once the node has been found. Changing a persistent tree,
on the other hand, generates a new version of the tree. We will use the same strategy in implementing a persistent binary tree as we did for the persistent singly linked list, which is to reuse as much of the data structure as possible when making a new version.


Let's change the value stored in the node with the key 7. As the search for the key leads us down the tree, we copy each node along the way. If we descend to the left, we point the previously copied node's left child to the currently copied node. The previous
node's right child continues to point to nodes in the older version. If we descend to the right, we do just the opposite.


This illustrates the "spine" of the search down the tree. The red nodes are the only nodes that need to be copied in making a new version of the tree:


You can see that the majority of the nodes do not need to be copied. Assuming the binary tree is balanced, the number of nodes that need to be copied any time a write operation is performed is at most O(Log N), where Log is base 2. This is much more efficient
than the persistent singly linked list.


Insertions and deletions work the same way, only steps should be taken to keep the tree in balance, such as using an AVL tree. If a binary tree becomes degenerate, we run into the same efficiency problems as we did with the singly linked list.



#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
typedef pair<int, int> PI;
#define lson l, m
#define rson m+1, r
const int N=50005;
int L[N<<5], R[N<<5], sum[N<<5];
int tot;
int T
, Hash
int build(int l, int r)
int rt=(++tot);
int m=(l+r)>>1;
return rt;

int update(int pre, int l, int r, int x)
int rt=(++tot);
L[rt]=L[pre], R[rt]=R[pre], sum[rt]=sum[pre]+1;
int m=(l+r)>>1;
L[rt]=update(L[pre], lson, x);
R[rt]=update(R[pre], rson, x);
return rt;

int query(int u, int v, int l, int r, int k)
return l;
int m=(l+r)>>1;
int num=sum[L[v]]-sum[L[u]];
return query(L[u], L[v], lson, k);
return query(R[u], R[v], rson, k-num);

PI a

int main()
int n, m, q;
while(~scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &m, &q))
for(int i=1; i<=m; i++)
int x, y;
scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);
a[i]=make_pair(x, y);
sort(a+1, a+1+m);
for(int i=1;i<=m;i++)
int d=unique(Hash+1, Hash+1+m)-Hash;
T[0]=build(1, d);
for(int i=1; i<=m; i++)
int x=lower_bound(Hash+1, Hash+1+m, a[i].second)-Hash;
T[i]=update(T[i-1], 1, d, x);
int k;
scanf("%d", &k);
int p=lower_bound(a+1, a+1+m, make_pair(k, 0))-a;
int x=query(T[p-1], T[m], 1, d, 2);
int ans=k-Hash[x];
printf("%d\n", ans);
return 0;
9 3 9
9 7
8 5
6 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

ZOJ 3888






。 此过程时间复杂度为O(log(M)),。


2015年7月的zoj月赛题目Twelves Monkeys

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