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Redhat 6 上使用ASM(通过修改内核实现)

2015-07-21 08:22 411 查看
随着oracle linux的出现,oracle要大力推广自己的操作系统,所以对Redhat等其他的linux的支持力度有所下降。 在Redhat 6 上装ASM就是一个例子。

下面是Oracle对在Red Hat Linux 6上使用ASMLib的说明:

Oracle ASMLib Downloads for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6
Note: All ASMLib installations require that the 'kmod-oracleasm','oracleasmlib' and 'oracleasm-support' packages be installed on the system. The 'oracleasmlib' and 'oracleasm-support' packages are available for download at the locations listed below.
The kernel driver package 'kmod-oracleasm' is available directly from Red Hat, and can be installed from the "RHEL Server Supplementary (v. 6 64-bit x86_64)" channel on Red Hat Network (RHN).  Use the ASMLib kernel driver that corresponds to the version of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux kernel you're running.
To identify which version of the ASMLib kernel driver you need, view the description field of the 'kmod-oracleasm' package in the "RHEL Server Supplementary (v. 6 64-bit x86_64)" channel on RHN.

使用ASMLib需要3个包:kmod-oracleasm oracleasmlib oracleasm-support,后两个包都可以直接在网站上下载到,关键是第一个ASMLib内核驱动包需要到RHN上更新,且应该匹配操作系统的内核版本。



相对于Redhat,再看ASM对oracle linux的支持如何:

Oracle ASMLib Downloads for Oracle Linux 6

Note: All ASMLib installations require the oracleasmlib and oracleasm-support packages appropriate for their machine.

The oracleasm-support package can be downloaded from the Unbreakable Linux Network(ULN) if you have an active support subscription, or from http://public-yum.oracle.com if you do not.

The oracleasm kernel driver is built into the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel for Oracle Linux 6 and does not need to be installed manually.

The oracleasm kernel driver for the 64-bit (x86_64) Red Hat Compatible Kernel for Oracle Linux 6 can be installed manually from ULN or http://public-yum.oracle.com using the yum tool:
# yum install kmod-oracleasm

This kernel driver is not version-specific and does not need to be upgraded when the kernel is upgraded.

如果使用的是Oracle Linux的uek内核,oracleasm已经被编译到了内核中,如果使用的是和Red Hat兼容的内核,那么需要手动安装kmod-oracleasm包。











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