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linux shell实现自动获取某地的天气和空气质量

2015-07-01 22:46 483 查看



#This module using to get the weather of Henan, from webpage:http://www.weather.com.cn/html/province/henan.shtml

echo "Program starting..."






















#Module 1, Wget the webpage from internet and saved as weather in current directory.

echo "Getting the weather from webpage..."

#The url where get the weather page. This page is from China Meteorologic Administration, Henan.


#date_doay is today's date, such as 2015-06-27

date_today=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')


wget -O - $url > weather_province

echo "Got the weather file from internet."

#Module 2, Analysize the weather file and getting the information

echo "Getting the weather information..."

#Geting the line where include the weather

sed -n '/'${city}'天气预报/p' weather_province > province.weather

echo " Province weather file created."

#As all the information at one line, replace <dl> as \n, making a city at a line

sed -n '/<dl>/p' province.weather | sed 's/<dl>/\n/g' > city.weather

echo " Citys weather file created."

#Geting the city weather as format lines

sed -n '/'${city}'/p' city.weather | sed 's/</\n</g' > one_city.weather

echo " city Weather file created."

#Analysize from the file to get the state information and temputer

echo "     Anaysizing the weather state"

weather_state=$(sed -n '/img alt/p' one_city.weather | awk -F '"' '{print $2}' | sed -n '1p')

echo "The weather state is " $weather_state

#Getting the tempture

sed -n '/℃/p' one_city.weather | awk -F '>' '{print $2}'

tempture1=$(sed -n '/℃/p' one_city.weather | awk -F '>' '{print $2}' | sed -n '1p')

tempture2=$(sed -n '/℃/p' one_city.weather | awk -F '>' '{print $2}' | sed -n '2p')

echo "The high tempture is " $tempture1

echo "The low tempture is " $tempture2



#Getting the weather quality from http://www.pm25.com//XX.html 
echo " Getting the file from http://www.pm25.com//xx.html" 

wget -O - $air_url > city.air

city_air=$(sed -n '/全部监测点/p' city.air | awk -F '"' '{print $12}')

echo "The city air is " $city_air

city_pm25=$(sed -n '/全部监测点/p' city.air | awk -F '"' '{print $10}')

echo "The city pm 2.5 figure is: " $city_pm25

city_aqi=$(sed -n '/全部监测点/p' city.air | awk -F '"' '{print $8}')

echo "The city's air AQI index is:" $city_aqi




#author: Lion Lan

#   需要传递四个变量 省中文名称 省拼音 市中文名称 市拼音
#   调用示例 GetWeatherAir 河北 hebei 唐山 tangshan
#   默认函数中使用echo测试打印了取得的值(见注释部分2),实际使用中可以注释掉echo语句直接重定向输出使用

function GetWeatherAir()
#This module using to get the weather of one province, such as from webpage:http://www.weather.com.cn/html/province/henan.shtml

echo "Program starting..."






















#Module 1, Wget the webpage from internet and saved as weather in current directory.

echo "Getting the weather from webpage..."

#The url where get the weather page. This page is from China Meteorologic Administration, Henan.


#date_doay is today's date, such as 2015-06-27

date_today=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')


wget -O - $url > weather_province

echo "Got the weather file from internet."

#Module 2, Analysize the weather file and getting the information

echo "Getting the weather information..."

#Geting the line where include the weather

sed -n '/'${city}'天气预报/p' weather_province > province.weather

echo " Province weather file created."

#As all the information at one line, replace <dl> as \n, making a city at a line

sed -n '/<dl>/p' province.weather | sed 's/<dl>/\n/g' > city.weather

echo " Citys weather file created."

#Geting the city weather as format lines

sed -n '/'${city}'/p' city.weather | sed 's/</\n</g' > one_city.weather

echo " city Weather file created."

#Analysize from the file to get the state information and temputer

echo "     Anaysizing the weather state"

weather_state=$(sed -n '/img alt/p' one_city.weather | awk -F '"' '{print $2}' | sed -n '1p')

echo "The weather state is " $weather_state

#Getting the tempture

sed -n '/℃/p' one_city.weather | awk -F '>' '{print $2}'

temperature1=$(sed -n '/℃/p' one_city.weather | awk -F '>' '{print $2}' | sed -n '1p')

temperature2=$(sed -n '/℃/p' one_city.weather | awk -F '>' '{print $2}' | sed -n '2p')

echo "The high temperature is " $temperature1

echo "The low temperature is " $temperature2



#Getting the weather quality from http://www.pm25.com//XX.html 
echo " Getting the file from http://www.pm25.com//xx.html" 

wget -O - $air_url > city.air

city_air=$(sed -n '/全部监测点/p' city.air | awk -F '"' '{print $12}')

echo "The city air is " $city_air

city_pm25=$(sed -n '/全部监测点/p' city.air | awk -F '"' '{print $10}')

echo "The city pm 2.5 figure is: " $city_pm25

city_aqi=$(sed -n '/全部监测点/p' city.air | awk -F '"' '{print $8}')

echo "The city's air AQI index is:" $city_aqi



GetWeatherAir 河南 henan 周口 zhoukou
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