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用Python实现Dijkstra算法用来寻找两点之间的最短路径 (Implementation of Dijkstra in Python)

2015-06-18 21:36 1416 查看
pair,返回他们之间的 distance 与 shortest path。废话不多说,有图有真相:可以运行。需要的拿走用就是了。

====== A. Code: (The dijkstra_raw(...) is the borrowed function, the dijkstra(...) is my design.)

from collections import defaultdict
from heapq import *

def dijkstra_raw(edges, from_node, to_node):
g = defaultdict(list)
for l,r,c in edges:
q, seen = [(0,from_node,())], set()
while q:
(cost,v1,path) = heappop(q)
if v1 not in seen:
path = (v1, path)
if v1 == to_node:
return cost,path
for c, v2 in g.get(v1, ()):
if v2 not in seen:
heappush(q, (cost+c, v2, path))
return float("inf"),[]

def dijkstra(edges, from_node, to_node):
len_shortest_path = -1
length,path_queue = dijkstra_raw(edges, from_node, to_node)
if len(path_queue)>0:
len_shortest_path = length		## 1. Get the length firstly;
## 2. Decompose the path_queue, to get the passing nodes in the shortest path.
left = path_queue[0]
ret_path.append(left)		## 2.1 Record the destination node firstly;
right = path_queue[1]
while len(right)>0:
left = right[0]
ret_path.append(left)	## 2.2 Record other nodes, till the source-node.
right = right[1]
ret_path.reverse()	## 3. Reverse the list finally, to make it be normal sequence.
return len_shortest_path,ret_path

====== B. The topology used in the following use-case:

====== C. Use-case:

### ==================== Given a list of nodes in the topology shown in Fig. 1.
list_nodes_id = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20];
### ==================== Given constants matrix of topology.
M=99999	# This represents a large distance. It means that there is no link.
### M_topo is the 2-dimensional adjacent matrix used to represent a topology.
M_topo = [
[M, 1,1,M,1,M, 1,1,1,M,M, M,M,M,M,M, M,M,M,M,M],
[1, M,1,M,M,1, M,M,M,M,M, M,M,M,M,M, M,M,M,M,M],
[1, 1,M,1,M,M, M,M,M,M,M, M,M,M,M,M, M,M,M,M,M],
[M, M,1,M,1,M, M,M,M,M,M, M,M,M,M,M, M,M,M,M,M],
[1, M,M,1,M,M, M,M,M,1,1, 1,M,M,M,M, M,M,M,M,M],
[M, 1,M,M,M,M, 1,M,M,M,M, M,M,M,M,M, M,M,M,M,M],
[1, M,M,M,M,1, M,1,M,M,M, M,M,M,M,M, M,M,M,M,M],
[1, M,M,M,M,M, 1,M,1,M,M, M,M,M,M,M, M,M,M,M,M],
[1, M,M,M,M,M, M,1,M,1,M, M,1,M,M,M, M,M,M,M,M],
[M, M,M,M,1,M, M,M,1,M,M, 1,M,M,M,M, M,M,M,M,M],
[M, M,M,M,1,M, M,M,M,M,M, 1,M,1,M,M, M,M,M,M,M],
[M, M,M,M,1,M, M,M,M,1,1, M,M,1,1,M, M,M,M,M,M],
[M, M,M,M,M,M, M,M,1,M,M, M,M,M,1,M, M,M,M,M,M],
[M, M,M,M,M,M, M,M,M,M,1, 1,M,M,1,M, M,1,1,M,M],
[M, M,M,M,M,M, M,M,M,M,M, 1,1,1,M,1, 1,M,M,M,M],
[M, M,M,M,M,M, M,M,M,M,M, M,M,M,1,M, 1,M,1,1,M],
[M, M,M,M,M,M, M,M,M,M,M, M,M,M,1,1, M,M,M,M,1],
[M, M,M,M,M,M, M,M,M,M,M, M,M,1,M,M, M,M,1,M,M],
[M, M,M,M,M,M, M,M,M,M,M, M,M,1,M,1, M,1,M,1,M],
[M, M,M,M,M,M, M,M,M,M,M, M,M,M,M,1, M,M,1,M,1],
[M, M,M,M,M,M, M,M,M,M,M, M,M,M,M,M, 1,M,M,1,M]

### --- Read the topology, and generate all edges in the given topology.
edges = []
for i in range(len(M_topo)):
for j in range(len(M_topo[0])):
if i!=j and M_topo[i][j]!=M:
edges.append((i,j,M_topo[i][j]))### (i,j) is a link; M_topo[i][j] here is 1, the length of link (i,j).

print "=== Dijkstra ==="
print "Let's find the shortest-path from 0 to 9:"
length,Shortest_path = dijkstra(edges, 0, 9)
print 'length = ',length
print 'The shortest path is ',Shortest_path

====== D. 执行结果:


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