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MIT公开课:计算机科学及编程导论 Python 笔记5 浮点数,逐次逼近法和二分法

2015-05-18 17:47 666 查看

Lecture5: Floating point number , successive refinement, finding roots 浮点数和二分法

3wschool 数字


>>> a = 2 ** 1000
>>> a
>>> b = 2 ** 999
>>> b
>>> a/b

IEEE 754 floating point

wiki IEEE floating point

wiki IEEE 754 中文

scientific notation

a mantissa 尾数(0=< mantissa < 2) and an exponent 指数

worry about == on float number!

>>> import math
>>> a = math.sqrt(2)
>>> a
>>> a * a == 2

# 大约相等
abs(a*a - 2.0) < epsilon

>>> s = 0.0
>>> for i in range(10): s += 0.1
>>> s

Why might this be a challenge? What are some of the issues?

might not be an exact answer 没有确切的值 例如:sqrt(2)

can’t enumerate all guesses 无法枚举所有的可能值,因为实数是不可数的

guess, check, and improve

successive approximation 逐次逼近法

# 逐次逼近法(伪代码):
guess = inital guess
for iter in range(100):
if f(guess) close enough: return guess
else: guess = better guess


- 二分法,求x的平方根,epsilon (ε) 是一个足够小的数,ctr 迭代次数

def squareRootBi(x, epsilon):
"""Assume x >= 0 and epsilon > 0
Return y s.t. y*y is within epsilon(ε) of x"""

assert epsilon > 0, 'epsilon must be postive, not' + str(epsilon)
low = 0
high = max(x, 1)
guess = (low + high) / 2.0
ctr = 1
while abs(guess ** 2 - x) > epsilon and ctr <= 100:
# print 'low:', low, 'high:', high, 'guess:', guess
if guess**2 < x:
low = guess
high = guess
guess = (low + high) / 2.0
ctr += 1
assert ctr <= 100, 'Iteration count exceeded'
print 'Bi method. Num. iterations:', ctr, 'Estimate:', guess
return guess

def squareRootNR(x, epsilon):
"""Return y s.t. y*y is within epsilon of x"""

assert epsilon > 0, 'epsilon must be postive, not' + str(epsilon)
x = float(x)
guess = x / 2.0
guess = 0.001
diff = guess ** 2 - x
ctr = 1
while abs(diff) > epsilon and ctr <= 100:
# print 'Error:', diff, 'guess:', guess
guess = guess - diff/(2.0*guess)
diff = guess ** 2 - x
ctr += 1
assert ctr <= 100, 'Iteration count exceeded'
print 'NR method. Num. iterations:', ctr, 'Estimate:', guess
return guess
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