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2015-04-19 15:55 836 查看

String[] upload_file(

String group_name,//组名,不指定则可设为null

long file_size,//文件大小,必须制定

UploadCallback callback,//回调

String file_ext_name,

NameValuePair[] meta_list


* Upload File to DFS, directly transferring java.io.InputStream to java.io.OutStream
* @author Poechant
* @email zhongchao.ustc@gmail.com
* @param fileBuff, file to be uploaded.
* @param uploadFileName, the name of the file.
* @param fileLength, the length of the file.
* @return the file ID in DFS.
* @throws IOException
public String[] uploadFileByStream(InputStream inStream, String uploadFileName, long fileLength) throws IOException {

String[] results = null;
String fileExtName = "";
if (uploadFileName.contains(".")) {
fileExtName = uploadFileName.substring(uploadFileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
} else {
logger.warn("Fail to upload file, because the format of filename is illegal.");
return results;

TrackerClient tracker = new TrackerClient();
TrackerServer trackerServer = tracker.getConnection();
StorageServer storageServer = null;
StorageClient1 client = new StorageClient1(trackerServer, storageServer);

NameValuePair[] metaList = new NameValuePair[3];
metaList[0] = new NameValuePair("fileName", uploadFileName);
metaList[1] = new NameValuePair("fileExtName", fileExtName);
metaList[2] = new NameValuePair("fileLength", String.valueOf(fileLength));

try {
// results[0]: groupName, results[1]: remoteFilename.
results = client.upload_file(null, fileLength, new UploadFileSender(inStream), fileExtName, metaList);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.warn("Upload file \"" + uploadFileName + "\"fails");


return results;


private static class UploadFileSender implements UploadCallback {

private InputStream inStream;

public UploadFileSender(InputStream inStream) {
this.inStream = inStream;

public int send(OutputStream out) throws IOException {
int readBytes;
while((readBytes = inStream.read()) > 0) {
return 0;
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