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时隔3年半Spring.NET 2.0终于正式Release了

2015-03-31 23:55 399 查看

直到4天前,Spring.NET 2.0 GA终于Release。
Github上显示Source code已经Release,但是还没有Build好的dll下载。

以下为Github上发布的Release notes:

New Feature Highlights

Spring CodeConfig integrated to core

.NET 3.5 and later supported

Generic types taken into use

ASP.NET MVC 5 / WebAPI 2.2 support

NHibernate 4 Support

API and Behavioural Changes

Protected fields were changed to private. Access is now allowed via public/protected property member.

Most of members marked as Obsolete before 2.0 release were removed.

DbProvider automatically sets BindByName to true for Oracle's ODP.NET OracleCommand instances when created

Project Structure and Packaging changes

Spring.Data.NHibernate.3x projects were merged to single Spring.Data.NHibernate3 project

You need to uninstall old NuGet packages and install the new Spring.DataNHibernate3 package

Spring.Scheduling.Quartz has been replaced with Spring.Scheduling.Quartz2

Detailed Issues


[SPRNET-21] - Event Wiring Prototype Source to Singleton Sink Does Nothing
[SPRNET-1386] - WebServiceExporter results in case-sensitive .asmx URLs
[SPRNET-1409] - Bug in MethodParametersCriteria.IsSatisfied() Method
[SPRNET-1427] - Prevent ObjectFactory from doing work when in the process of being disposed to prevent object resolution when container is in an inconsistent state
[SPRNET-1433] - AopUtils.IsAopProxy and IsAopProxyType fails to consider InheritanceAopProxy instances and types
[SPRNET-1458] - Nuget package Spring.Testing.NUnit can not find nunit.framework
[SPRNET-1461] - Transaction Timeout value not adhered while using TransactionAttribute
[SPRNET-1464] - WCF Service Exporter does not support contract interfaces that inherit from other interfaces
[SPRNET-1468] - Variables not working in BaseBindingContainer
[SPRNET-1470] - Setting property of type IList using without the @element-type specified fails.
[SPRNET-1473] - A call to SpringMvcDependencyResolver GetServices fails with a cast exception (DictionaryEntry -> Implementation)
[SPRNET-1474] - SimpleDelegatingSessionFactory.cs Connection Leak
[SPRNET-1481] - SpringControllerFactory does not properly delegate to underlying base class if Controller not registered with the ApplicationContext (MVC2)
[SPRNET-1482] - SpringControllerFactory returns null instance by default
[SPRNET-1485] - CachedSession CreateProducer destination null
[SPRNET-1490] - NumberUtils.IsZero: invalid cast for Byte and SByte
[SPRNET-1499] - WebService Exported produces "Duplicate type name within an assembly" exception
[SPRNET-1505] - Support using Proxyied Objects as Factory Objects
[SPRNET-1462] - Spring DB Provider initialization issue with Oracle 11 g 64 bit - Errors attached.
[SPRNET-1518] - IDestructionAwareObjectPostProcessor defined PostProcessors do not receive PostProcessBeforeDestruction method calls
[SPRNET-1519] - [Controller] attribute stereotype does not exists
[SPRNET-1520] - Autowired into Spring.Collections.Generic.ISet does not work, Exceptions shows that abstract class Set can't be intantiated
[SPRNET-1524] - IndexOutOfRangeException when matching ambiguous method using params parameters
[SPRNET-1527] - GetObject(string nameValue) does not resolve objects correctly
[SPRNET-1529] - ExpressionEvaluation cannot process Byte values
[SPRNET-1516] - Spring.Reflection.Dynamic.SafeMethod ctor not thread safe
[SPRNET-1535] - XmlMessageConverter always appends UTF8 preamble (BOM)
[SPRNET-1543] - DefaultListableObjectFactory.GetObjectDefinitionNames is getting them from all ancestors, but VariablePlaceholderConfigurer is trying to get the ObjectDefinition just from the current context and not the parent, potential NPE exception.
[SPRNET-1544] - CodeConfig ComponentScan does not setup ObjectScope.Session and ObjectScope.Request not automatically with LazyInit
[SPRNET-1545] - Web scoped objects with IDisposable failing when object created twice
[SPRNET-1547] - ScannedGenericObjectDefinition doesn't apply default autowire mode
[SPRNET-1549] - 2.0.0 M2 Release with MVC4 fails on second request for controller object with duplicate key error
[SPRNET-1558] - Spring.Aop.Framework.HashtableCachingAdvisorChainFactory not thread safe
[SPRNET-1563] - Make code as ClsCompliant as possible
[SPRNET-1566] - Spring.Data.Support.FallbackExceptionTranslator.Translate() should return an exception, not throw one
[SPRNET-1567] - HibernateTransactionManager assign incorrect connection timeout
[SPRNET-1318] - Dramatically inefficent ObjectFactory disposing
[SPRNET-1513] - HibernateTransactionManager DoBegin fails with Oracle 8i
[SPRNET-1435] - Unhandled exception from TypeConversionUtils.cs at line 147.
[SPRNET-1494] - Class Spring.Aop.Framework.DynamicProxy.CachedAopProxyFactory logs message on INFO level
[SPRNET-1445] - Can not autowire IDictionary
[SPRNET-1498] - Prevent SimpleDelegatingSessionFactory second level cache key conflict


[SPRNET-1247] - Update to use Common.Logging 2.0
[SPRNET-1385] - update README for first time checkout and build
[SPRNET-1471] - Set IDictionary property using non-generic element.
[SPRNET-1489] - Support invalidating cache at the entire method level
[SPRNET-751] - Add generic method "T GetObject(string name)" to interface IObjectFactory
[SPRNET-881] - Add autowire-candidate and primary as metadata options for defining object definitions.
[SPRNET-1522] - Eliminate cache key conflicts when using SimpleDelegatingSessionFactory and second-level caching with multiple databases
[SPRNET-1534] - Object Definitions with identical values for id="..." and name="..." are excluded from GetObjectsByType(...) and GetObjects() calls
[SPRNET-1509] - Upgrade to NUnit 2.6
[SPRNET-1525] - OracleODP-11-2.0
[SPRNET-1540] - Update NHibernate to 3.3.3
[SPRNET-1542] - Automatically register context namespace parser
[SPRNET-1559] - Update to use Apache NMS 1.6
[SPRNET-1571] - DbProvider should set BindByName for OracleCommand to true
[SPRNET-1415] - Generic IAdoOperations missing CreateDbParameters()

New Feature

[SPRNET-1478] - Use lazy properties of NHibernate in Spring.NET
[SPRNET-1497] - Add Support for ASP.NET MVC4 and HTTP WebAPI
[SPRNET-1501] - Add Support for SQLite 1.0.80
[SPRNET-1504] - Support NHibernate 3.3.0 GA
[SPRNET-1514] - Add IFactoryObject implementation to support arbitrary delegate invocation for object creation
[SPRNET-1521] - Add AutowireAttributePostProcessor
[SPRNET-1387] - ASP.NET PageHandlerFactory cannot inject dependencies in the presence of the WebForms 4.0 routing infrastructure
[SPRNET-1507] - Add support for dynamic type ExpandoObject in spring.net expressions
[SPRNET-1536] - Merge SPRNET-CODECONFIG project into SPRNET
[SPRNET-1539] - Quartz.NET 2.3 support
[SPRNET-1561] - ASP.NET MVC 5 support
[SPRNET-1572] - Support Oracle ODP.NET Managed provider v. 121.1


[SPRNET-1383] - test ConfigSectionVariableSourceTests.TestVariableResolutionFromApplicationSettingsSchema fails under .NET 3.5
[SPRNET-1459] - Remove VS2003, VS2005 projects and solutions
[SPRNET-1460] - Drop Framework 1.x Support
[SPRNET-1503] - Update Messaging.Nms to Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ 1.5.4
[SPRNET-1508] - Publish pre-release versions to NuGet
[SPRNET-1512] - Spring.Context.Support.AbstractApplicationContext.GetObjectNamesForType(..) fails to account for parent ApplicationContext/ObjectFactory object definitions
[SPRNET-1560] - Remove VS2008 project and solution files
[SPRNET-1564] - Remove code marked as obsolete
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