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Oracle DBA课程系列笔记(16)

2015-03-31 11:53 435 查看
第十六章: 用户管理

  1、schema : user.object ,用户认证方式:os 认证,database 认证



  2、建立 database认证的用户:

  10:00:48 SQL> create user rose                                                                                                          

10:14:46   2    identified by oracle                                                                                                    

10:14:53   3     default tablespace users                                                                                               

10:14:58   4     temporary tablespace temp                                                                                              

10:15:08   5      quota 10m on users                                                                                                    

10:15:18   6    password expire;                                                                                                        

User created.

10:15:27 SQL> grant create session to rose;                                                                                             

Grant succeeded.

10:15:41 SQL> conn rose/oracle                                                                                                          


ORA-28001: the password has expired

Changing password for rose

New password:                                                                                                                           

Retype new password:                                                                                                                    

Password changed


10:15:47 SQL>

3、建立OS认证(操作系统认证)用户(sys 用户属于os 认证)

10:19:00 SQL> show parameter auth                                                                                                       

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

os_authent_prefix                    string      ops$

10:19:00 SQL> show parameter auth                                                                                                       

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

os_authent_prefix                    string      ops$

remote_os_authent                    boolean     FALSE

10:19:01 SQL> create user "OPS$ORACLE"                                                                                                  

10:19:34   2    identified  externally                                                                                                  

10:19:42   3     profile default                                                                                                        

10:19:49   4      default tablespace users                                                                                              

10:19:53   5      temporary tablespace temp                                                                                             

10:19:59   6         quota 10m on users;                                                                                                

User created.

10:20:07 SQL>

10:20:07 SQL> select username ,account_status from dba_users;                                                                           

USERNAME                       ACCOUNT_STATUS

------------------------------ --------------------------------

MGMT_VIEW                      OPEN

SYS                            OPEN

SYSTEM                         OPEN

DBSNMP                         OPEN

SYSMAN                         OPEN

SCOTT                          OPEN

ROSE                           OPEN

OPS$ORACLE                     OPEN

TOM                            OPEN

10:20:55 SQL> select username ,password ,PROFILE,DEFAULT_TABLESPACe,TEMPORARY_TABLESPACE from dba_users;


---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------

MGMT_VIEW  4F538DF5F344F348               DEFAULT    SYSTEM                         TEMP

SYS        8A8F025737A9097A               DEFAULT    SYSTEM                         TEMP

SYSTEM     2D594E86F93B17A1               DEFAULT    SYSTEM                         TEMP

DBSNMP     FFF45BB2C0C327EC               MONITORING SYSAUX                         TEMP


SYSMAN     2CA614501F09FCCC               DEFAULT    SYSAUX                         TEMP

SCOTT      F894844C34402B67               DEFAULT    USERS                          TEMP

ROSE       1166A1F535AF6EFB               DEFAULT    USERS                          TEMP

OPS$ORACLE EXTERNAL                       DEFAULT    USERS                          TEMP

10:23:05 SQL> grant create session to ops$oracle;                                                                                       

Grant succeeded.

10:23:14 SQL> exit                                                                                                                      

Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production

With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

[oracle@work ~]$ id

uid=501(oracle) gid=501(oinstall) groups=501(oinstall),502(dba)

[oracle@work ~]$ sqlplus /   ----------登录不需要提供用户名和密码(oracle 必须属于os的dba组)

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Aug 10 10:23:20 2011

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production

With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

10:23:20 SQL>

10:23:20 SQL> show user;                                                                                                                


10:23:22 SQL>

4、quota 管理:(对象的最大存储空间,用户在表空间上建立对象,必须在相应的tablespace 上获得quota)

10:27:09 SQL> select TABLESPACE_NAME,USERNAME,bytes/1024,max_bytes/1024/1024 from dba_ts_quotas                                         

10:27:11   2   where username='ROSE';                                                                                                   

TABLESPACE_NAME                USERNAME                       BYTES/1024 MAX_BYTES/1024/1024

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- -------------------

USERS                          ROSE                                    0                  10

------BYTES 已经使用过的配额,max_bytes 所分配的配额

10:28:18 SQL> grant create table to rose;                                                                                               

Grant succeeded.

10:28:23 SQL> grant select on scott.emp to rose;                                                                                        

Grant succeeded.

10:28:26 SQL> conn rose/rose                                                                                                            


10:28:29 SQL>

10:28:29 SQL> create table emp1 as select * from scott.emp;                                                                             

Table created.

10:28:41 SQL> conn /as sysdba                                                                                                           


10:28:47 SQL>

10:28:47 SQL> select TABLESPACE_NAME,USERNAME,bytes/1024,max_bytes/1024/1024 from dba_ts_quotas                                         

10:28:50   2  where username='ROSE';                                                                                                    

TABLESPACE_NAME                USERNAME                       BYTES/1024 MAX_BYTES/1024/1024

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- -------------------

USERS                          ROSE                                   64                  10

10:28:53 SQL>


10:29:26 SQL> alter user rose quota 0 on users;                                                                                         

User altered.

10:30:01 SQL> select TABLESPACE_NAME,USERNAME,bytes/1024,max_bytes/1024/1024 from dba_ts_quotas                                         

10:30:04   2   where username='ROSE';                                                                                                   

no rows selected

10:29:30 SQL> conn rose/rose                                                                                                            


10:29:37 SQL>

10:29:37 SQL> insert into emp1 select * from emp1;                                                                                      

14 rows created.

10:29:51 SQL> /                                                                                                                         

28 rows created.

10:30:20 SQL> conn rose/rose                                                                                                            


10:31:51 SQL>

10:31:51 SQL> insert into emp1 select * from emp1;                                                                                      

56 rows created.

10:31:54 SQL> /                                                                                                                         

112 rows created.

10:31:56 SQL> /                                                                                                                         

224 rows created.

10:31:57 SQL> /                                                                                                                         

insert into emp1 select * from emp1


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-01536: space quota exceeded for tablespace 'USERS'

10:31:58 SQL> analyze table emp1 compute statistics;                                                                                    

Table analyzed.

10:32:16 SQL> select table_name,num_rows ,blocks,empty_blocks from user_tables;                                                         


------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ------------

EMP1                                  448          8            0

10:32:36 SQL>


10:33:56 SQL> select username,sid,serial# from v$session                                                                                

10:34:08   2   where username is not null;                                                                                              

USERNAME                              SID    SERIAL#

------------------------------ ---------- ----------

SYS                                   153        219

ROSE                                  159         55

10:34:15 SQL>

10:33:40 SQL>

10:33:40 SQL> drop user rose;                                                                                                           

drop user rose


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-01940: cannot drop a user that is currently connected


10:34:15 SQL> alter system kill session '159,55';                                                                                       

System altered.

10:32:36 SQL> select * from emp1;                                                                                                       

select * from emp1


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-00028: your session has been killed

10:35:23 SQL> drop user rose cascade;                                                                                                   

User dropped.

10:36:18 SQL>
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