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serversocket 提供http服务

2015-02-12 11:47 274 查看
package com.cn21.server;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.ServerSocket;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.net.URLDecoder;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;

* A simple, tiny, nicely embeddable HTTP 1.0 server in Java
* Modified from NanoHTTPD, you can find it here
* http://elonen.iki.fi/code/nanohttpd/ *
* Use simple introduce:
* http get:after "?" is file full path .like this : http://localhost:10000?file=d:/test/tst.txt;key:file,value is filefullpath.
* http post:heap contain that wish post server store path .like this: key:fileFullPath,value:server store this file full path.
* The binding port is auto selected a unused port ,use method :HttpServer.getPort() to get current binding port.
* modify by crh@20150212
public class HttpServer
// ==================================================
// API parts
// ==================================================
private static int bindPort;
private  ServerSocket serverSocket;
private Thread myThread;

* HTTP response.
* Return one of these from serve().
public class Response
* Default constructor: response = HTTP_OK, data = mime = 'null'
public Response()
this.status = HTTP_OK;


* Basic constructor.
public Response( String status, String mimeType, InputStream data )
this.status = status;
this.mimeType = mimeType;
this.data = data;

* Convenience method that makes an InputStream out of
* given text.
public Response( String status, String mimeType, String txt )
this.status = status;
this.mimeType = mimeType;
this.data = new ByteArrayInputStream( txt.getBytes("UTF-8"));
catch ( java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException uee )

* Adds given line to the header.
public void addHeader( String name, String value )
header.put( name, value );

* HTTP status code after processing, e.g. "200 OK", HTTP_OK
public String status;

* MIME type of content, e.g. "text/html"
public String mimeType;

* Data of the response, may be null.
public InputStream data;

* Headers for the HTTP response. Use addHeader()
* to add lines.
public Properties header = new Properties();

* Some HTTP response status codes
public static final String
HTTP_OK = "200 OK",
HTTP_PARTIALCONTENT = "206 Partial Content",
HTTP_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE = "416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable",
HTTP_REDIRECT = "301 Moved Permanently",
HTTP_FORBIDDEN = "403 Forbidden",
HTTP_NOTFOUND = "404 Not Found",
HTTP_BADREQUEST = "400 Bad Request",
HTTP_INTERNALERROR = "500 Internal Server Error",
HTTP_NOTIMPLEMENTED = "501 Not Implemented";

* Common mime types for dynamic content
public static final String
MIME_PLAINTEXT = "text/plain",
MIME_HTML = "text/html",
MIME_DEFAULT_BINARY = "application/octet-stream",
MIME_XML = "text/xml";

// ==================================================
// Socket & server code
// ==================================================

* Starts a HTTP server to given port.<p>
* Throws an IOException if the socket is already in use
public HttpServer( int port ) throws IOException
bindPort = port;
boolean flag = false;
ServerSocket tmp;
for(int i = port;i<port+1000;i++)
if(null != createServerSocket( i )){
bindPort = i;

myThread = new Thread( new Runnable()
public void run()
while( true )
new HTTPSession( serverSocket.accept());
catch ( IOException ioe )
//myThread.setDaemon( true );

public ServerSocket createServerSocket(int port){
ServerSocket tmp = null;
tmp = new ServerSocket( port );
serverSocket = tmp;
return tmp;
}catch ( Exception e ){
return null;


public static int getPort(){

return bindPort;

* Stops the server.
public void stop()
catch ( IOException ioe ) {}
catch ( InterruptedException e ) {}

* Handles one session, i.e. parses the HTTP request
* and returns the response.
private class HTTPSession implements Runnable
private final String defFile = "d:/test/default.txt";

public HTTPSession( Socket s )
mySocket = s;
Thread t = new Thread( this );
t.setDaemon( true );

public void run()

InputStream is = null;
BufferedReader in = null;
is = mySocket.getInputStream();
if ( is == null) return;

// Read the first 8192 bytes.
// The full header should fit in here.
// Apache's default header limit is 8KB.
int bufsize = 8192;
byte[] buf = new byte[bufsize];
int rlen = is.read(buf, 0, bufsize);
if (rlen <= 0) return;

// Create a BufferedReader for parsing the header.
ByteArrayInputStream hbis = new ByteArrayInputStream(buf, 0, rlen);
BufferedReader hin = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( hbis ));
Properties pre = new Properties();
Properties parms = new Properties();
Properties header = new Properties();
Properties files = new Properties();

// Decode the header into parms and header java properties
decodeHeader(hin, pre, parms, header);
String method = pre.getProperty("method");
String uri = pre.getProperty("uri");

long size = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFl;
String contentLength = header.getProperty("content-length");
if (contentLength != null)
try {
size = Integer.parseInt(contentLength);
}catch (NumberFormatException ex) {}

// We are looking for the byte separating header from body.
// It must be the last byte of the first two sequential new lines.
int splitbyte = 0;
boolean sbfound = false;
while (splitbyte < rlen)
if (buf[splitbyte] == '\r' && buf[++splitbyte] == '\n' && buf[++splitbyte] == '\r' && buf[++splitbyte] == '\n') {
sbfound = true;

// Write the part of body already read to ByteArrayOutputStream f
ByteArrayOutputStream f = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
if (splitbyte < rlen) f.write(buf, splitbyte, rlen-splitbyte);

// While Firefox sends on the first read all the data fitting
// our buffer, Chrome and Opera sends only the headers even if
// there is data for the body. So we do some magic here to find
// out whether we have already consumed part of body, if we
// have reached the end of the data to be sent or we should
// expect the first byte of the body at the next read.
if (splitbyte < rlen)
size -= rlen - splitbyte +1;
else if (!sbfound || size == 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFl)
size = 0;

// Now read all the body and write it to f
buf = new byte[512];
while ( rlen >= 0 && size > 0 )
rlen = is.read(buf, 0, 512);
size -= rlen;
if (rlen > 0)
f.write(buf, 0, rlen);

// Get the raw body as a byte []
byte [] fbuf = f.toByteArray();

// Create a BufferedReader for easily reading it as string.
ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(fbuf);
in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(bin));

// If the method is POST, there may be parameters
// in data section, too, read it:
if ( method.equalsIgnoreCase( "POST" ))
String contentType = "";
String contentTypeHeader = header.getProperty("content-type");
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( contentTypeHeader , "; " );
if ( st.hasMoreTokens()) {
contentType = st.nextToken();

if (contentType.equalsIgnoreCase("multipart/form-data"))
// Handle multipart/form-data
if ( !st.hasMoreTokens())
sendError( HTTP_BADREQUEST, "BAD REQUEST: Content type is multipart/form-data but boundary missing." );
String boundaryExp = st.nextToken();
st = new StringTokenizer( boundaryExp , "=" );
if (st.countTokens() != 2)
sendError( HTTP_BADREQUEST, "BAD REQUEST: Content type is multipart/form-data but boundary syntax error." );
String boundary = st.nextToken();
String fullPath = header.getProperty("fileFullPath");
decodeMultipartData(boundary, fbuf, in, fullPath == null?defFile:fullPath, files);
// Handle application/x-www-form-urlencoded
String postLine = "";
char pbuf[] = new char[512];
int read = in.read(pbuf);
while ( read >= 0 && !postLine.endsWith("\r\n") )
postLine += String.valueOf(pbuf, 0, read);
read = in.read(pbuf);
postLine = postLine.trim();
decodeParms( postLine, parms );
{//get do here
String filePath =parms.getProperty("file",null);
if ( filePath == null )
sendError( HTTP_INTERNALERROR, "SERVER INTERNAL ERROR: param:file=null,please fill with file full path" );
Response r = serveFile( filePath, header, false );//serve( uri, method, header, parms, files );
if ( r == null )
sendError( HTTP_INTERNALERROR, "SERVER INTERNAL ERROR: Serve() returned a null response." );
sendResponse( r.status, r.mimeType, r.header, r.data );
catch ( IOException ioe )
sendError( HTTP_INTERNALERROR, "SERVER INTERNAL ERROR: IOException: " + ioe.getMessage());
catch ( Throwable t ) {}
catch ( InterruptedException ie )
// Thrown by sendError, ignore and exit the thread.

try {
if(null != in)
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
try {
if(null != is)
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block

* Decodes the sent headers and loads the data into
* java Properties' key - value pairs
private  void decodeHeader(BufferedReader in, Properties pre, Properties parms, Properties header)
throws InterruptedException
try {
// Read the request line
String inLine = in.readLine();
if (inLine == null) return;
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( inLine );
if ( !st.hasMoreTokens())
sendError( HTTP_BADREQUEST, "BAD REQUEST: Syntax error. " );

String method = st.nextToken();
pre.put("method", method);

if ( !st.hasMoreTokens())
sendError( HTTP_BADREQUEST, "BAD REQUEST: Missing URI. " );

String uri = st.nextToken();

// Decode parameters from the URI
int qmi = uri.indexOf( '?' );
if ( qmi >= 0 )
decodeParms( uri.substring( qmi+1 ), parms );
uri = decodePercent( uri.substring( 0, qmi ));
else uri = decodePercent(uri);

// If there's another token, it's protocol version,
// followed by HTTP headers. Ignore version but parse headers.
// NOTE: this now forces header names lowercase since they are
// case insensitive and vary by client.
if ( st.hasMoreTokens())
String line = in.readLine();
while ( line != null && line.trim().length() > 0 )
int p = line.indexOf( ':' );
if ( p >= 0 )
header.put( line.substring(0,p).trim().toLowerCase(), URLDecoder.decode(line.substring(p+1).trim()));
line = in.readLine();

pre.put("uri", uri);
catch ( IOException ioe )
sendError( HTTP_INTERNALERROR, "SERVER INTERNAL ERROR: IOException: " + ioe.getMessage());

* Decodes the Multipart Body data and put it
* into java Properties' key - value pairs.
private void decodeMultipartData(String boundary, byte[] fbuf, BufferedReader in, String  fullPath, Properties files)
throws InterruptedException
int[] bpositions = getBoundaryPositions(fbuf,boundary.getBytes());
int boundarycount = 1;
String mpline = in.readLine();
while ( mpline != null )
if (mpline.indexOf(boundary) == -1)
sendError( HTTP_BADREQUEST, "BAD REQUEST: Content type is multipart/form-data but next chunk does not start with boundary. " );
Properties item = new Properties();
mpline = in.readLine();
while (mpline != null && mpline.trim().length() > 0)
int p = mpline.indexOf( ':' );
if (p != -1)
item.put( mpline.substring(0,p).trim().toLowerCase(), mpline.substring(p+1).trim());
mpline = in.readLine();
if (mpline != null)
String contentDisposition = item.getProperty("content-disposition");
if (contentDisposition == null)
sendError( HTTP_BADREQUEST, "BAD REQUEST: Content type is multipart/form-data but no content-disposition info found. " );
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( contentDisposition , "; " );
Properties disposition = new Properties();
while ( st.hasMoreTokens())
String token = st.nextToken();
int p = token.indexOf( '=' );
if (p!=-1)
disposition.put( token.substring(0,p).trim().toLowerCase(), URLDecoder.decode(token.substring(p+1).trim()));
/*						String pname = disposition.getProperty("name");
pname = pname.substring(1,pname.length()-1);*/

String value = "";
if (item.getProperty("content-type") == null) {
while (mpline != null && mpline.indexOf(boundary) == -1)
mpline = in.readLine();
if ( mpline != null)
int d = mpline.indexOf(boundary);
if (d == -1)
if (boundarycount> bpositions.length)
sendError( HTTP_INTERNALERROR, "Error processing request" );
int offset = stripMultipartHeaders(fbuf, bpositions[boundarycount-2]);
String fileName = disposition.getProperty("filename");
String path = saveFile(fbuf, offset, bpositions[boundarycount-1]-offset-4,fullPath);
/*							files.put(pname, path);
value = disposition.getProperty("filename");
value = value.substring(1,value.length()-1);*/
mpline = null ;
/*							do {
mpline = in.readLine();
} while (mpline != null && mpline.indexOf(boundary) == -1);*/
//parms.put(pname, value);
catch ( IOException ioe )
sendError( HTTP_INTERNALERROR, "SERVER INTERNAL ERROR: IOException: " + ioe.getMessage());

* Find the byte positions where multipart boundaries start.
public int[] getBoundaryPositions(byte[] b, byte[] boundary)
int matchcount = 0;
int matchbyte = -1;
Vector matchbytes = new Vector();
for (int i=0; i<b.length; i++)
if (b[i] == boundary[matchcount])
if (matchcount == 0)
matchbyte = i;
if (matchcount==boundary.length)
matchbytes.addElement(new Integer(matchbyte));
matchcount = 0;
matchbyte = -1;
i -= matchcount;
matchcount = 0;
matchbyte = -1;
int[] ret = new int[matchbytes.size()];
for (int i=0; i < ret.length; i++)
ret[i] = ((Integer)matchbytes.elementAt(i)).intValue();
return ret;

* Retrieves the content of a sent file and saves it
* to a temporary file.
* The full path to the saved file is returned.
private String saveFile(byte[] b, int offset, int len,String fileFullPath)
String path = "";
if (len > 0)

File targetFile = new File(fileFullPath);
if (!targetFile.exists()) {
File dir = targetFile.getParentFile();
if (dir.exists() || dir.mkdirs()) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block

try {

OutputStream fstream = new FileOutputStream(targetFile);
fstream.write(b, offset, len);
path = targetFile.getAbsolutePath();
} catch (Exception e) { // Catch exception if any
System.err.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());
return path;

* It returns the offset separating multipart file headers
* from the file's data.
private int stripMultipartHeaders(byte[] b, int offset)
int i = 0;
for (i=offset; i<b.length; i++)
if (b[i] == '\r' && b[++i] == '\n' && b[++i] == '\r' && b[++i] == '\n')
return i+1;

* Decodes the percent encoding scheme. <br/>
* For example: "an+example%20string" -> "an example string"
private String decodePercent( String str ) throws InterruptedException
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for( int i=0; i<str.length(); i++ )
char c = str.charAt( i );
switch ( c )
case '+':
sb.append( ' ' );
case '%':
sb.append((char)Integer.parseInt( str.substring(i+1,i+3), 16 ));
i += 2;
sb.append( c );
return sb.toString();
catch( Exception e )
sendError( HTTP_BADREQUEST, "BAD REQUEST: Bad percent-encoding." );
return null;

* Decodes parameters in percent-encoded URI-format
* ( e.g. "name=Jack%20Daniels&pass=Single%20Malt" ) and
* adds them to given Properties. NOTE: this doesn't support multiple
* identical keys due to the simplicity of Properties -- if you need multiples,
* you might want to replace the Properties with a Hashtable of Vectors or such.
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
private void decodeParms( String parms, Properties p )
throws InterruptedException, UnsupportedEncodingException
if ( parms == null )

StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( parms, "&" );
while ( st.hasMoreTokens())
String e = st.nextToken();
int sep = e.indexOf( '=' );
if ( sep >= 0 )
p.put(e.substring( 0, sep ).trim(),//decodePercent( )
URLDecoder.decode(e.substring( sep+1 ),"utf-8"));

* Returns an error message as a HTTP response and
* throws InterruptedException to stop further request processing.
private void sendError( String status, String msg ) throws InterruptedException
sendResponse( status, MIME_PLAINTEXT, null, new ByteArrayInputStream( msg.getBytes()));
throw new InterruptedException();

* Sends given response to the socket.
private void sendResponse( String status, String mime, Properties header, InputStream data )
if ( status == null )
throw new Error( "sendResponse(): Status can't be null." );

OutputStream out = mySocket.getOutputStream();
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter( out );
pw.print("HTTP/1.0 " + status + " \r\n");
if ( mime != null )
pw.print("Content-Type: " + mime + "\r\n");

if ( header == null || header.getProperty( "Date" ) == null )
pw.print( "Date: " + gmtFrmt.format( new Date()) + "\r\n");

if ( header != null )
Enumeration e = header.keys();
while ( e.hasMoreElements())
String key = (String)e.nextElement();
String value = header.getProperty( key );
pw.print( key + ": " + value + "\r\n");


if ( data != null )
int pending = data.available();	// This is to support partial sends, see serveFile()
byte[] buff = new byte[2048];
while (pending>0)
int read = data.read( buff, 0, ( (pending>2048) ?  2048 : pending ));
if (read <= 0)	break;
out.write( buff, 0, read );
pending -= read;
if ( data != null )
catch( IOException ioe )
// Couldn't write? No can do.
try { mySocket.close(); } catch( Throwable t ) {}

private Socket mySocket;

* URL-encodes everything between "/"-characters.
* Encodes spaces as '%20' instead of '+'.
private String encodeUri( String uri )
String newUri = "";
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( uri, "/ ", true );
while ( st.hasMoreTokens())
String tok = st.nextToken();
if ( tok.equals( "/" ))
newUri += "/";
else if ( tok.equals( " " ))
newUri += "%20";
newUri += URLEncoder.encode( tok );
// For Java 1.4 you'll want to use this instead:
// try { newUri += URLEncoder.encode( tok, "UTF-8" ); } catch ( java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException uee ) {}
return newUri;

// ==================================================
// File server code
// ==================================================

* Serves file from homeDir and its' subdirectories (only).
* Uses only URI, ignores all headers and HTTP parameters.
public Response serveFile( String fileFullPath, Properties header,
boolean allowDirectoryListing )
Response res = null;

File f = new File(fileFullPath );
if ( res == null && !f.exists())
"Error 404, file not found." );
if ( res == null )
// Get MIME type from file name extension, if possible
String mime = null;
int dot = f.getCanonicalPath().lastIndexOf( '.' );
if ( dot >= 0 )
mime = (String)theMimeTypes.get( f.getCanonicalPath().substring( dot + 1 ).toLowerCase());
if ( mime == null )

// Support (simple) skipping:
long startFrom = 0;
long endAt = -1;
String range = header.getProperty( "range" );
if ( range != null )
if ( range.startsWith( "bytes=" ))
range = range.substring( "bytes=".length());
int minus = range.indexOf( '-' );
try {
if ( minus > 0 )
startFrom = Long.parseLong( range.substring( 0, minus ));
endAt = Long.parseLong( range.substring( minus+1 ));
catch ( NumberFormatException nfe ) {}

// Change return code and add Content-Range header when skipping is requested
long fileLen = f.length();
if (range != null && startFrom >= 0)
if ( startFrom >= fileLen)
res.addHeader( "Content-Range", "bytes 0-0/" + fileLen);
if ( endAt < 0 )
endAt = fileLen-1;
long newLen = endAt - startFrom + 1;
if ( newLen < 0 ) newLen = 0;

final long dataLen = newLen;
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream( f ) {
public int available() throws IOException { return (int)dataLen; }
fis.skip( startFrom );

res = new Response( HTTP_PARTIALCONTENT, mime, fis );
res.addHeader( "Content-Length", "" + dataLen);
res.addHeader( "Content-Range", "bytes " + startFrom + "-" + endAt + "/" + fileLen);
res = new Response( HTTP_OK, mime, new FileInputStream( f ));
res.addHeader( "Content-Length", "" + fileLen);
catch( IOException ioe )
res = new Response( HTTP_FORBIDDEN, MIME_PLAINTEXT, "FORBIDDEN: Reading file failed." );

res.addHeader( "Accept-Ranges", "bytes"); // Announce that the file server accepts partial content requestes
return res;

* Hashtable mapping (String)FILENAME_EXTENSION -> (String)MIME_TYPE
private static Hashtable theMimeTypes = new Hashtable();
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(
"css		text/css "+
"js			text/javascript "+
"htm		text/html "+
"html		text/html "+
"txt		text/plain "+
"asc		text/plain "+
"gif		image/gif "+
"jpg		image/jpeg "+
"jpeg		image/jpeg "+
"png		image/png "+
"mp3		audio/mpeg "+
"m3u		audio/mpeg-url " +
"pdf		application/pdf "+
"doc		application/msword "+
"ogg		application/x-ogg "+
"zip		application/octet-stream "+
"exe		application/octet-stream "+
"class		application/octet-stream " );
while ( st.hasMoreTokens())
theMimeTypes.put( st.nextToken(), st.nextToken());

* GMT date formatter
private static java.text.SimpleDateFormat gmtFrmt;
gmtFrmt = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat( "E, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'", Locale.US);


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