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2014-12-08 09:17 113 查看


<title>CodeAve.com(Search db by Field)</title>

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">


u_input = trim(request.form("u_input")) 'u_input is the varible for user input 


u_field=request.form("u_field") 'the dropdown varible for user inputted search field

if u_input <> "" then ' If the user entered a value query the db

accessdb="state_info" ' name of the access db 

table_name="states" ' name of the table within the access db

cn="driver={microsoft access driver (*.mdb)};"

cn=cn & "dbq=" & server.mappath(accessdb)

set rs = server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset")

sql = "select * from "& table_name &" where " & u_field & " like '%%" & u_input & "%%' " 

response.write sql

rs.Open sql, cn

if rs.eof or rs.bof then 

response.write "No results found..." 




end if 'end check for observations

end if 'end check for user input


<% 'If there are observations then display them 

if observations > 0 then %>



<% 'Write the field names

for each table_element in rs.fields %>

<td><b><%= table_element.name%></B></TD><%

next %>



<% 'Write the values


do while not rs.eof

for each cell in rs.fields %>

<td><%= cell.value %></td><% 

next %>


<% rs.movenext

loop %>


<% end if 'end of check of obs for display %>

<form action ="<%= request.servervariables("script_name") %>" method="post">

<input type="text" name="u_input" value="<%= u_input %>">

<select name="u_field" size="1">

<option <% ' write out all the search fields and select

if u_field = "state" or u_field = "" then

response.write "selected "

end if


<option <%

if u_field = "statename" then

response.write "selected "

end if

%>value="statename">State Name</option>

<option <%

if u_field = "capital" then

response.write "selected "

end if



<input type="submit" value="Submit">


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