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2014-11-13 14:12 225 查看

示范代码以输出 IP 包头为例, 使用python 2.7 编写(Python 3 应该也能运行)。本程序还可以用来画类似结构的表格图,再次抛砖引玉,欢迎大家使用交流。


[python] view

#!/usr/bin/env python

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


Copyright (c) 2014, Thomas Hu. All rights reserved.

Created on 2014-8-3

@author: Thomas Hu

@email : thomashtq#163.com


import math

from string import ljust, rjust, center

def format_protocol(head_list, just_type):

just_dict = {"ljust": ljust,

"rjust": rjust,

"center": center,


just_func = just_dict.get(just_type.lower(), center)

vchar = "|"

head = vchar

width = 2

max_key = 0

# Get the maximum width

for item in head_list:

tmp = math.ceil(float(len(item[0])) / item[1])

if tmp > width:

width = int(tmp)

if len(item[0]) > max_key:

max_key = len(item[0])

for i in range(32):

head += " "*(width - len(str(i))) + str(i) + vchar

hline = vchar + "-" *(len(head) - 2) + vchar



index = 0

line = vchar

# Print protocol head

for item in head_list:

line += item[0].center(item[1] * (width + 1) - 1, " ") + vchar

index += item[1]

if index % 32 == 0:



line = vchar

# Print protocol description

print("\r\nThe protocol head items description are as follows:")

for item in head_list:

print("%s : %s"%(just_func(item[0], max_key, " "), item[2]))

if __name__ == '__main__':

head_list = [("Ver", 4, "Protocol version"),

("Head", 4, "Head length(in bytes)"),

("TOS", 8, "Type of service"),

("Total Length", 16, "The total length of IP packet(in bytes)"),

("ID", 16, "The identification of packet"),

("Flag", 3, "The flag"),

("Offset", 13, "The offset"),

("TTL", 8, "Time to live"),

("Proto", 8, "The protocol id"),

("Checksum", 16, "The head check sum"),

("Source Address", 32, "The source IP address"),

("Destination Address", 32, "The destination IP address"),

("Opitons(if has)", 32, "The options block, if has that"),

("Data", 32, "The data block of IP packet"),


format_protocol(head_list, "ljust")


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