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2014-10-17 13:34 381 查看



1.ConfigurationProlperties->c/c++->Language->Open MP Support->Yes


inline INT64 __popcount64(INT64x)


return __popcnt((unsignedint)(x )) +__popcnt((unsignedint)(x>> 32));



1. objectness下的properties->general->linker->linklibrary dependency 后面改成yes

2.在linear.cpp中函数voidset_print_string_function(void(*print_func)(const char*))前加入extern “c”;

3.build Liblinear工程,然后在ConfigurationProperties->Linker->General->Additional Library Directories中添加LibLinear.lib所在的位置路径。

五、Debugging information *.exe cannot be found or does not match(C++不能调试解决方法)


To enable debugging:

1) Goto Project->HelloWorld Properties

2) On the left expand "Configuration Properties"

3) Expand "C/C++"

4) On the left, Select "General"

5) On the right, change "Debug Information Format" to "ProgramDatabase For Edit And Continue (/ZI)"

5) On the left, Select "Optimization"

6) On the right, change "Optimization" to "Disabled (/Od)"

7) On the left, expand "Linker"

8) On the left, select "Debugging"

9) On the right, change "Generate Debug Info" to "Yes"

10) Click ok

11) Set your breakpoints

12) Rebuild your application


1.具体原因暂时无法知道,可能是opencv中Mat_对INT64(unsignedlong long)类型的支持问题,可以用以下matchTemplate()函数替换FilterTIP.cpp文件中的matchTemplate原函数。


void FilterTIG::matchTemplate(const Mat &mag1u, Mat &matchCost1f)
	const int H = mag1u.rows, W = mag1u.cols;
	const Size sz(W+1, H+1); // Expand original size to avoid dealing with boundary conditions
	Mat_<float> scores(sz);
	// @ 2013.3.22 by ly;
	const int sizeSZ = sz.width * sz.height;
	INT64 * Tig1 = (INT64 *)malloc(sizeSZ * sizeof(INT64));
	INT64 * Tig2 = (INT64 *)malloc(sizeSZ * sizeof(INT64));
	INT64 * Tig4 = (INT64 *)malloc(sizeSZ * sizeof(INT64));
	INT64 * Tig8 = (INT64 *)malloc(sizeSZ * sizeof(INT64));
	byte * Row1 = (byte *)malloc(sizeSZ * sizeof(byte));
	byte * Row2 = (byte *)malloc(sizeSZ * sizeof(byte));
	byte * Row4 = (byte *)malloc(sizeSZ * sizeof(byte));
	byte * Row8 = (byte *)malloc(sizeSZ * sizeof(byte));
	memset(Tig1, 0, sizeSZ * sizeof(INT64)); memset(Tig2, 0, sizeSZ * sizeof(INT64));
	memset(Tig4, 0, sizeSZ * sizeof(INT64)); memset(Tig8, 0, sizeSZ * sizeof(INT64));
	memset(Row1, 0, sizeSZ * sizeof(byte)); memset(Row2, 0, sizeSZ * sizeof(byte));
	memset(Row4, 0, sizeSZ * sizeof(byte)); memset(Row8, 0, sizeSZ * sizeof(byte));
	for (int y=1; y<= H; y++)
		const byte * G = mag1u.ptr(y-1);
		INT64 * T1 = Tig1 + y*sz.width;
		INT64 * T2 = Tig2 + y*sz.width;
		INT64 * T4 = Tig4 + y*sz.width;
		INT64 * T8 = Tig8 + y*sz.width;
		INT64 * Tu1 = Tig1 + (y-1)*sz.width;
		INT64 * Tu2 = Tig2 + (y-1)*sz.width;
		INT64 * Tu4 = Tig4 + (y-1)*sz.width;
		INT64 * Tu8 = Tig8 + (y-1)*sz.width;
		byte * R1 = Row1 + y*sz.width;
		byte * R2 = Row2 + y*sz.width;
		byte * R4 = Row4 + y*sz.width;
		byte * R8 = Row8 + y*sz.width;
		float *s = scores.ptr<float>(y);
		for (int x=1; x<= W; x++)
			byte g = G[x-1];
			R1[x] = (R1[x-1] << 1) | ((g >> 4) & 1);
			R2[x] = (R2[x-1] << 1) | ((g >> 5) & 1);
			R4[x] = (R4[x-1] << 1) | ((g >> 6) & 1);
			R8[x] = (R8[x-1] << 1) | ((g >> 7) & 1);
			T1[x] = (Tu1[x] << 8) | R1[x];
			T2[x] = (Tu2[x] << 8) | R2[x];
			T4[x] = (Tu4[x] << 8) | R4[x];
			T8[x] = (Tu8[x] << 8) | R8[x];
			s[x] = dot(T1[x], T2[x], T4[x], T8[x]);
	free(Tig1);	free(Tig2);	free(Tig4);	free(Tig8);
	free(Row1); free(Row2); free(Row4); free(Row8);

	scores(Rect(8, 8, W-7, H-7)).copyTo(matchCost1f);

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