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关于 PostgreSQL 监控工具的学习

2014-09-26 13:43 573 查看

        从最近从网上搜索的结果来看,有关PostgreSQL的监控工具,相关讨论并不热烈。关于Pgwatch工具的安装使用,我只看到一篇 http://blog.csdn.net/lengzijian/article/details/8127207?reload#reply ,其他都是转载的这片文章。不过我到最后也是得到空的report。目前还没试出来。Pgwatch官网也只说停止目前1.0版本的开发,现正在进行2.0版本的开发。

         以下是从postgreSQL官网得到的关于PostgreSQL的监控工具列表。目前计划选择 Cacti plugin,EnterpriseDB Postgres Enterprise Manager ,pgwatch 和 OPM来测试评估。

Generic monitoring solutions with plugins


PostgreSQL Plugins developed in Perl are included in the Core Munin Distribution. The following
plugins are included by default: postgres_bgwriter, postgres_locks_, postgres_tuples_, postgres_cache_, postgres_querylength_, postgres_users, postgres_checkpoints, postgres_scans_, postgres_xlog, postgres_connections_, postgres_size_, postgres_connections_db,

PyMunin includes a Multigraph Munin Plugin written in Python that implements the following
graphs: pg_connections, pg_diskspace, pg_blockreads, pg_xact, pg_tup_read, pg_tup_write, pg_blockreads_detail, pg_xact_commit_detail, pg_xact_rollback_detail, pg_tup_return_detail, pg_tup_fetch_detail, pg_tup_delete_detail, pg_tup_update_detail, pg_tup_insert_detail

Detailed setup instructions for common Linux platforms can be found at highperfpostgres.com


pg_monz is a Zabbix monitoring
template for Postgres.


NewRelic is a commercial SaaS application monitoring solution which offers a PostgreSQL
plugin maintained by EnterpriseDB.


There has been work done on building a Postgres template for Cacti, Details can be found at the Cacti page.

Postgres-centric monitoring solutions

EnterpriseDB Postgres Enterprise Manager

Postgres Enterprise Manager is
a commercial application offered by EnterpriseDB which covers many aspects of Postgres operations & monitoring in large environments.


pganalyze is a commercial SaaS offering which focuses on performance monitoring and automated tuning


pgwatch is a PHP web application which
offers interactive graphs for relevant Postgres data.

pg_statsinfo & pg_stats_reporter

pg_statsinfo is a Postgres extension that collects lots of performance-relevant
information inside the Postgres server which then can be aggregated by pg_stats_reporter instances which provide a web interface to the collected data. Both are FOSS software maintained by NTT.


PGObserver is a Python & Java-based Postgres monitoring solution developed by Zalando.
It was developed with a focus on stored procedure performance but extended well beyond that.


pgCluu is a Perl-based monitoring solution which uses psql and sar to
collect information about Postgres servers and render comprehensive performance stats.


PoWA is a PostgreSQL Workload Analyzer that gathers performance stats and provides real-time
charts and graphs to help monitor and tune your PostgreSQL servers.

OPM: Open PostgreSQL Monitoring

Open PostgreSQL Monitoring (OPM) is a free software suite designed to help you manage your PostgreSQL servers.
It's a flexible tool that will follow the activity of each instance. It can gather stats, display dashboards and send warnings when something goes wrong. The long-term goal of the project is to provide similar features to those of Oracle Grid Control or SQL
Server Management Studio.
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