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// Class to read and write to Excel and text delimited spreadsheet


// Created by Yap Chun Wei

// December 2001


// Version 1.1

// Updates: Fix bug in ReadRow() which prevent reading of single column spreadsheet

// Modified by jingzhou xu



#include <odbcinst.h>

#include <afxdb.h>

class CSpreadSheet



CSpreadSheet(CString File, CString SheetOrSeparator, bool Backup = true); // Open spreadsheet for reading and writing

~CSpreadSheet(); // Perform some cleanup functions

bool AddHeaders(CStringArray &FieldNames, bool replace = false); // Add header row to spreadsheet

bool DeleteSheet(); // Clear text delimited file content

bool DeleteSheet(CString SheetName); // Clear entire Excel spreadsheet content. The sheet itself is not deleted

bool AddRow(CStringArray &RowValues, long row = 0, bool replace = false); // Insert or replace a row into spreadsheet. Default is add new row.

bool AddCell(CString CellValue, CString column, long row = 0, bool Auto = true); // Replace or add a cell into Excel spreadsheet using header row or column alphabet. Default is add cell into new row. Set Auto to false if want to force column to be used as header

bool AddCell(CString CellValue, short column, long row = 0); // Replace or add a cell into spreadsheet using column number. Default is add cell into new row.

bool ReplaceRows(CStringArray &NewRowValues, CStringArray &OldRowValues); // Search and replace rows in Excel spreadsheet

bool ReadRow(CStringArray &RowValues, long row = 0); // Read a row from spreadsheet. Default is read the next row

bool ReadColumn(CStringArray &ColumnValues, CString column, bool Auto = true); // Read a column from Excel spreadsheet using header row or column alphabet. Set Auto to false if want to force column to be used as header name

bool ReadColumn(CStringArray &ColumnValues, short column); // Read a column from spreadsheet using column number

bool ReadCell (CString &CellValue, CString column, long row = 0, bool Auto = true); // Read a cell from Excel spreadsheet using header row or column alphabet. Default is read the next cell in next row. Set Auto to false if want to force column to be used as
header name

bool ReadCell (CString &CellValue, short column, long row = 0); // Read a cell from spreadsheet using column number. Default is read the next cell in next row.

void BeginTransaction(); // Begin transaction

bool Commit(); // Save changes to spreadsheet

bool RollBack(); // Undo changes to spreadsheet

bool Convert(CString SheetOrSeparator);

inline void GetFieldNames (CStringArray &FieldNames) {FieldNames.RemoveAll(); FieldNames.Copy(m_aFieldNames);} // Get the header row from spreadsheet

inline long GetTotalRows() {return m_dTotalRows;} // Get total number of rows in spreadsheet

inline short GetTotalColumns() {return m_dTotalColumns;} // Get total number of columns in spreadsheet

inline long GetCurrentRow() {return m_dCurrentRow;} // Get the currently selected row in spreadsheet

inline bool GetBackupStatus() {return m_bBackup;} // Get status of backup. True if backup is successful, False if spreadsheet is not backup

inline bool GetTransactionStatus() {return m_bTransaction;} // Get status of Transaction. True if Transaction is started, False if Transaction is not started or has error in starting

inline CString GetLastError() {return m_sLastError;} // Get last error message


bool Open(); // Open a text delimited file for reading or writing

void GetExcelDriver(); // Get the name of the Excel-ODBC driver

short CalculateColumnNumber(CString column, bool Auto); // Convert Excel column in alphabet into column number

bool m_bAppend; // Internal flag to denote newly created spreadsheet or previously created spreadsheet

bool m_bBackup; // Internal flag to denote status of Backup

bool m_bExcel; // Internal flag to denote whether file is Excel spreadsheet or text delimited spreadsheet

bool m_bTransaction; // Internal flag to denote status of Transaction

long m_dCurrentRow; // Index of current row, starting from 1

long m_dTotalRows; // Total number of rows in spreadsheet

short m_dTotalColumns; // Total number of columns in Excel spreadsheet. Largest number of columns in text delimited spreadsheet

CString m_sSql; // SQL statement to open Excel spreadsheet for reading

CString m_sDsn; // DSN string to open Excel spreadsheet for reading and writing

CString m_stempSql; // Temporary string for SQL statements or for use by functions

CString m_stempString; // Temporary string for use by functions

CString m_sSheetName; // Sheet name of Excel spreadsheet

CString m_sExcelDriver; // Name of Excel Driver

CString m_sFile; // Spreadsheet file name

CString m_sSeparator; // Separator in text delimited spreadsheet

CString m_sLastError; // Last error message

CStringArray m_atempArray; // Temporary array for use by functions

CStringArray m_aFieldNames; // Header row in spreadsheet

CStringArray m_aRows; // Content of all the rows in spreadsheet

CDatabase *m_Database; // Database variable for Excel spreadsheet

CRecordset *m_rSheet; // Recordset for Excel spreadsheet


// Open spreadsheet for reading and writing

CSpreadSheet::CSpreadSheet(CString File, CString SheetOrSeparator, bool Backup) :

m_Database(NULL), m_rSheet(NULL), m_sFile(File),

m_dTotalRows(0), m_dTotalColumns(0), m_dCurrentRow(1),

m_bAppend(false), m_bBackup(Backup), m_bTransaction(false)


// Detect whether file is an Excel spreadsheet or a text delimited file

m_stempString = m_sFile.Right(4);


if (m_stempString == ".xls") // File is an Excel spreadsheet


m_bExcel = true;

m_sSheetName = SheetOrSeparator;

m_sSeparator = ",;.?";


else // File is a text delimited file


m_bExcel = false;

m_sSeparator = SheetOrSeparator;


if (m_bExcel) // If file is an Excel spreadsheet


m_Database = new CDatabase;


m_sDsn.Format("DRIVER={%s};DSN='';FIRSTROWHASNAMES=1;READONLY=FALSE;CREATE_DB=\"%s\";DBQ=%s", m_sExcelDriver, m_sFile, m_sFile);

if (Open())


if (m_bBackup)


if ((m_bBackup) && (m_bAppend))


CString tempSheetName = m_sSheetName;

m_sSheetName = "CSpreadSheetBackup";

m_bAppend = false;

if (!Commit())


m_bBackup = false;


m_bAppend = true;

m_sSheetName = tempSheetName;

m_dCurrentRow = 1;





else // if file is a text delimited file


if (Open())


if ((m_bBackup) && (m_bAppend))


m_stempString = m_sFile;

m_stempSql.Format("%s.bak", m_sFile);

m_sFile = m_stempSql;

if (!Commit())


m_bBackup = false;


m_sFile = m_stempString;





// Perform some cleanup functions



if (m_Database != NULL)



delete m_Database;



// Add header row to spreadsheet

bool CSpreadSheet::AddHeaders(CStringArray &FieldNames, bool replace)


if (m_bAppend) // Append to old Sheet


if (replace) // Replacing header row rather than adding new columns


if (!AddRow(FieldNames, 1, true))


return false;




return true;



if (ReadRow(m_atempArray, 1)) // Add new columns


if (m_bExcel)


// Check for duplicate header row field

for (int i = 0; i < FieldNames.GetSize(); i++)


for (int j = 0; j < m_atempArray.GetSize(); j++)


if (FieldNames.GetAt(i) == m_atempArray.GetAt(j))


m_sLastError.Format("Duplicate header row field:%s\n", FieldNames.GetAt(i));

return false;






if (!AddRow(m_atempArray, 1, true))


m_sLastError = "Problems with adding headers\n";

return false;


// Update largest number of columns if necessary

if (m_atempArray.GetSize() > m_dTotalColumns)


m_dTotalColumns = m_atempArray.GetSize();


return true;


return false;


else // New Sheet


m_dTotalColumns = FieldNames.GetSize();

if (!AddRow(FieldNames, 1, true))


return false;




m_dTotalRows = 1;

return true;




// Clear text delimited file content

bool CSpreadSheet::DeleteSheet()


if (m_bExcel)


if (DeleteSheet(m_sSheetName))


return true;




m_sLastError = "Error deleting sheet\n";

return false;







m_dTotalColumns = 0;

m_dTotalRows = 0;

if (!m_bTransaction)




m_bAppend = false; // Set flag to new sheet

return true;



// Clear entire Excel spreadsheet content. The sheet itself is not deleted

bool CSpreadSheet::DeleteSheet(CString SheetName)


if (m_bExcel) // If file is an Excel spreadsheet


// Delete sheet

m_Database->OpenEx(m_sDsn, CDatabase::noOdbcDialog);

SheetName = "[" + SheetName + "$A1:IV65536]";

m_stempSql.Format ("DROP TABLE %s", SheetName);







m_dTotalColumns = 0;

m_dTotalRows = 0;


catch(CDBException *e)


m_sLastError = e->m_strError;



return false;


return true;


else // if file is a text delimited file


return DeleteSheet();



// Insert or replace a row into spreadsheet.

// Default is add new row.

bool CSpreadSheet::AddRow(CStringArray &RowValues, long row, bool replace)


long tempRow;

if (row == 1)


if (m_bExcel)


// Check for duplicate header row field for Excel spreadsheet

for (int i = 0; i < RowValues.GetSize(); i++)


for (int j = 0; j < RowValues.GetSize(); j++)


if ((i != j) && (RowValues.GetAt(i) == RowValues.GetAt(j)))


m_sLastError.Format("Duplicate header row field:%s\n", RowValues.GetAt(i));

return false;




// Check for reduced header row columns

if (RowValues.GetSize() < m_dTotalColumns)


m_sLastError = "Number of columns in new header row cannot be less than the number of columns in previous header row";

return false;


m_dTotalColumns = RowValues.GetSize();


// Update header row






if (m_bExcel)


if (m_dTotalColumns == 0)


m_sLastError = "No header row. Add header row first\n";

return false;




if (m_bExcel) // For Excel spreadsheet


if (RowValues.GetSize() > m_aFieldNames.GetSize())


m_sLastError = "Number of columns to be added cannot be greater than the number of fields\n";

return false;



else // For text delimited spreadsheet


// Update largest number of columns if necessary

if (RowValues.GetSize() > m_dTotalColumns)


m_dTotalColumns = RowValues.GetSize();



// Convert row values


for (int i = 0; i < RowValues.GetSize(); i++)


if (i != RowValues.GetSize()-1) // Not last column


m_stempSql.Format("\"%s\"%s", RowValues.GetAt(i), m_sSeparator);

m_stempString += m_stempSql;


else // Last column


m_stempSql.Format("\"%s\"", RowValues.GetAt(i));

m_stempString += m_stempSql;



if (row)


if (row <= m_dTotalRows) // Not adding new rows


if (replace) // Replacing row


m_aRows.SetAt(row-1, m_stempString);


else // Inserting row


m_aRows.InsertAt(row-1, m_stempString);



if (!m_bTransaction)




return true;


else // Adding new rows


// Insert null rows until specified row

m_dCurrentRow = m_dTotalRows;


CString nullString;

for (int i = 1; i <= m_dTotalColumns; i++)


if (i != m_dTotalColumns)


if (m_bExcel)


nullString.Format("\" \"%s", m_sSeparator);




nullString.Format("\"\"%s", m_sSeparator);


m_stempSql += nullString;




if (m_bExcel)


m_stempSql += "\" \"";




m_stempSql += "\"\"";




for (int j = m_dTotalRows + 1; j < row; j++)









tempRow = m_dCurrentRow;

m_dCurrentRow = m_dTotalRows;


// Insert new row



if (row > m_dTotalRows)


m_dTotalRows = row;


else if (!row)


m_dTotalRows = m_dCurrentRow;

m_dCurrentRow = tempRow;


if (!m_bTransaction)




return true;


// Replace or add a cell into Excel spreadsheet using header row or column alphabet.

// Default is add cell into new row.

// Set Auto to false if want to force column to be used as header name

bool CSpreadSheet::AddCell(CString CellValue, CString column, long row, bool Auto)


short columnIndex = CalculateColumnNumber(column, Auto);

if (columnIndex == 0)


return false;


if (AddCell(CellValue, columnIndex, row))


return true;


return false;


// Replace or add a cell into spreadsheet using column number

// Default is add cell into new row.

bool CSpreadSheet::AddCell(CString CellValue, short column, long row)


if (column == 0)


m_sLastError = "Column cannot be zero\n";

return false;


long tempRow;

if (m_bExcel) // For Excel spreadsheet


if (column > m_aFieldNames.GetSize() + 1)


m_sLastError = "Cell column to be added cannot be greater than the number of fields\n";

return false;



else // For text delimited spreadsheet


// Update largest number of columns if necessary

if (column > m_dTotalColumns)


m_dTotalColumns = column;



if (row)


if (row <= m_dTotalRows)


ReadRow(m_atempArray, row);

// Change desired row

m_atempArray.SetAtGrow(column-1, CellValue);

if (row == 1)


if (m_bExcel) // Check for duplicate header row field


for (int i = 0; i < m_atempArray.GetSize(); i++)


for (int j = 0; j < m_atempArray.GetSize(); j++)


if ((i != j) && (m_atempArray.GetAt(i) == m_atempArray.GetAt(j)))


m_sLastError.Format("Duplicate header row field:%s\n", m_atempArray.GetAt(i));

return false;





// Update header row




if (!AddRow(m_atempArray, row, true))


return false;


if (!m_bTransaction)




return true;




// Insert null rows until specified row

m_dCurrentRow = m_dTotalRows;


CString nullString;

for (int i = 1; i <= m_dTotalColumns; i++)


if (i != m_dTotalColumns)


if (m_bExcel)


nullString.Format("\" \"%s", m_sSeparator);




nullString.Format("\"\"%s", m_sSeparator);


m_stempSql += nullString;




if (m_bExcel)


m_stempSql += "\" \"";




m_stempSql += "\"\"";




for (int j = m_dTotalRows + 1; j < row; j++)









tempRow = m_dCurrentRow;

m_dCurrentRow = m_dTotalRows;


// Insert cell



for (int j = 1; j <= m_dTotalColumns; j++)


if (j != m_dTotalColumns) // Not last column


if (j != column)


if (m_bExcel)


m_stempSql.Format("\" \"%s", m_sSeparator);




m_stempSql.Format("\"\"%s", m_sSeparator);


m_stempString += m_stempSql;




m_stempSql.Format("\"%s\"%s", CellValue, m_sSeparator);

m_stempString += m_stempSql;



else // Last column


if (j != column)


if (m_bExcel)


m_stempString += "\" \"";




m_stempString += "\"\"";





m_stempSql.Format("\"%s\"", CellValue);

m_stempString += m_stempSql;





if (row > m_dTotalRows)


m_dTotalRows = row;


else if (!row)


m_dTotalRows = m_dCurrentRow;

m_dCurrentRow = tempRow;


if (!m_bTransaction)




return true;


// Search and replace rows in Excel spreadsheet

bool CSpreadSheet::ReplaceRows(CStringArray &NewRowValues, CStringArray &OldRowValues)


if (m_bExcel) // If file is an Excel spreadsheet


m_Database->OpenEx(m_sDsn, CDatabase::noOdbcDialog);

m_stempSql.Format("UPDATE [%s] SET ", m_sSheetName);

for (int i = 0; i < NewRowValues.GetSize(); i++)


m_stempString.Format("[%s]='%s', ", m_aFieldNames.GetAt(i), NewRowValues.GetAt(i));

m_stempSql = m_stempSql + m_stempString;


m_stempSql.Delete(m_stempSql.GetLength()-2, 2);

m_stempSql = m_stempSql + " WHERE (";

for (int j = 0; j < OldRowValues.GetSize()-1; j++)


m_stempString.Format("[%s]='%s' AND ", m_aFieldNames.GetAt(j), OldRowValues.GetAt(j));

m_stempSql = m_stempSql + m_stempString;


m_stempSql.Delete(m_stempSql.GetLength()-4, 5);

m_stempSql += ")";






return true;


catch(CDBException *e)


m_sLastError = e->m_strError;



return false;



else // if file is a text delimited file


m_sLastError = "Function not available for text delimited file\n";

return false;



// Read a row from spreadsheet.

// Default is read the next row

bool CSpreadSheet::ReadRow(CStringArray &RowValues, long row)


// Check if row entered is more than number of rows in sheet

if (row <= m_aRows.GetSize())


if (row != 0)


m_dCurrentRow = row;


else if (m_dCurrentRow > m_aRows.GetSize())


return false;


// Read the desired row


m_stempString = m_aRows.GetAt(m_dCurrentRow-1);


// Search for separator to split row

int separatorPosition;

m_stempSql.Format("\"%s\"", m_sSeparator);

separatorPosition = m_stempString.Find(m_stempSql); // If separator is "?"

if (separatorPosition != -1)


// Save columns

int nCount = 0;

int stringStartingPosition = 0;

while (separatorPosition != -1)


nCount = separatorPosition - stringStartingPosition;

RowValues.Add(m_stempString.Mid(stringStartingPosition, nCount));

stringStartingPosition = separatorPosition + m_stempSql.GetLength();

separatorPosition = m_stempString.Find(m_stempSql, stringStartingPosition);


nCount = m_stempString.GetLength() - stringStartingPosition;

RowValues.Add(m_stempString.Mid(stringStartingPosition, nCount));

// Remove quotes from first column

m_stempString = RowValues.GetAt(0);

m_stempString.Delete(0, 1);

RowValues.SetAt(0, m_stempString);

// Remove quotes from last column

m_stempString = RowValues.GetAt(RowValues.GetSize()-1);

m_stempString.Delete(m_stempString.GetLength()-1, 1);

RowValues.SetAt(RowValues.GetSize()-1, m_stempString);

return true;




// Save columns

separatorPosition = m_stempString.Find(m_sSeparator); // if separator is ?

if (separatorPosition != -1)


int nCount = 0;

int stringStartingPosition = 0;

while (separatorPosition != -1)


nCount = separatorPosition - stringStartingPosition;

RowValues.Add(m_stempString.Mid(stringStartingPosition, nCount));

stringStartingPosition = separatorPosition + m_sSeparator.GetLength();

separatorPosition = m_stempString.Find(m_sSeparator, stringStartingPosition);


nCount = m_stempString.GetLength() - stringStartingPosition;

RowValues.Add(m_stempString.Mid(stringStartingPosition, nCount));

return true;


else // Treat spreadsheet as having one column


// Remove opening and ending quotes if any

int quoteBegPos = m_stempString.Find('\"');

int quoteEndPos = m_stempString.ReverseFind('\"');

if ((quoteBegPos == 0) && (quoteEndPos == m_stempString.GetLength()-1))


m_stempString.Delete(0, 1);

m_stempString.Delete(m_stempString.GetLength()-1, 1);






m_sLastError = "Desired row is greater than total number of rows in spreadsheet\n";

return false;


// Read a column from Excel spreadsheet using header row or column alphabet.

// Set Auto to false if want to force column to be used as header name

bool CSpreadSheet::ReadColumn(CStringArray &ColumnValues, CString column, bool Auto)


short columnIndex = CalculateColumnNumber(column, Auto);

if (columnIndex == 0)


return false;


if (ReadColumn(ColumnValues, columnIndex))


return true;


return false;


// Read a column from spreadsheet using column number

bool CSpreadSheet::ReadColumn(CStringArray &ColumnValues, short column)


if (column == 0)


m_sLastError = "Column cannot be zero\n";

return false;


int tempRow = m_dCurrentRow;

m_dCurrentRow = 1;


for (int i = 1; i <= m_aRows.GetSize(); i++)


// Read each row

if (ReadRow(m_atempArray, i))


// Get value of cell in desired column

if (column <= m_atempArray.GetSize())











m_dCurrentRow = tempRow;

m_sLastError = "Error reading row\n";

return false;



m_dCurrentRow = tempRow;

return true;


// Read a cell from Excel spreadsheet using header row or column alphabet.

// Default is read the next cell in next row.

// Set Auto to false if want to force column to be used as header name

bool CSpreadSheet::ReadCell (CString &CellValue, CString column, long row, bool Auto)


short columnIndex = CalculateColumnNumber(column, Auto);

if (columnIndex == 0)


return false;


if (ReadCell(CellValue, columnIndex, row))


return true;


return false;


// Read a cell from spreadsheet using column number.

// Default is read the next cell in next row.

bool CSpreadSheet::ReadCell (CString &CellValue, short column, long row)


if (column == 0)


m_sLastError = "Column cannot be zero\n";

return false;


int tempRow = m_dCurrentRow;

if (row)


m_dCurrentRow = row;


if (ReadRow(m_atempArray, m_dCurrentRow))


// Get value of cell in desired column

if (column <= m_atempArray.GetSize())


CellValue = m_atempArray.GetAt(column-1);





m_dCurrentRow = tempRow;

return false;


m_dCurrentRow = tempRow;

return true;


m_dCurrentRow = tempRow;

m_sLastError = "Error reading row\n";

return false;


// Begin transaction

void CSpreadSheet::BeginTransaction()


m_bTransaction = true;


// Save changes to spreadsheet

bool CSpreadSheet::Commit()


if (m_bExcel) // If file is an Excel spreadsheet


m_Database->OpenEx(m_sDsn, CDatabase::noOdbcDialog);

if (m_bAppend)


// Delete old sheet if it exists

m_stempString= "[" + m_sSheetName + "$A1:IV65536]";

m_stempSql.Format ("DROP TABLE %s", m_stempString);





catch(CDBException *e)


m_sLastError = e->m_strError;



return false;


// Create new sheet

m_stempSql.Format("CREATE TABLE [%s$A1:IV65536] (", m_sSheetName);

for (int j = 0; j < m_aFieldNames.GetSize(); j++)


m_stempSql = m_stempSql + "[" + m_aFieldNames.GetAt(j) +"]" + " char(255), ";


m_stempSql.Delete(m_stempSql.GetLength()-2, 2);

m_stempSql += ")";




// Create new sheet

m_stempSql.Format("CREATE TABLE [%s] (", m_sSheetName);

for (int i = 0; i < m_aFieldNames.GetSize(); i++)


m_stempSql = m_stempSql + "[" + m_aFieldNames.GetAt(i) +"]" + " char(255), ";


m_stempSql.Delete(m_stempSql.GetLength()-2, 2);

m_stempSql += ")";





if (!m_bAppend)


m_dTotalColumns = m_aFieldNames.GetSize();

m_bAppend = true;



catch(CDBException *e)


m_sLastError = e->m_strError;



return false;


// Save changed data

for (int k = 1; k < m_dTotalRows; k++)


ReadRow(m_atempArray, k+1);

// Create Insert SQL

m_stempSql.Format("INSERT INTO [%s$A1:IV%d] (", m_sSheetName, k);

for (int i = 0; i < m_atempArray.GetSize(); i++)


m_stempString.Format("[%s], ", m_aFieldNames.GetAt(i));

m_stempSql = m_stempSql + m_stempString;


m_stempSql.Delete(m_stempSql.GetLength()-2, 2);

m_stempSql += ") VALUES (";

for (int j = 0; j < m_atempArray.GetSize(); j++)


m_stempString.Format("'%s', ", m_atempArray.GetAt(j));

m_stempSql = m_stempSql + m_stempString;


m_stempSql.Delete(m_stempSql.GetLength()-2, 2);

m_stempSql += ")";

// Add row





catch(CDBException *e)


m_sLastError = e->m_strError;



return false;




m_bTransaction = false;

return true;


else // if file is a text delimited file




CFile *File = NULL;

File = new CFile(m_sFile, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite | CFile::shareDenyNone);

if (File != NULL)


CArchive *Archive = NULL;

Archive = new CArchive(File, CArchive::store);

if (Archive != NULL)


for (int i = 0; i < m_aRows.GetSize(); i++)





delete Archive;

delete File;

m_bTransaction = false;

return true;


delete File;






m_sLastError = "Error writing file\n";

return false;



// Undo changes to spreadsheet

bool CSpreadSheet::RollBack()


if (Open())


m_bTransaction = false;

return true;


m_sLastError = "Error in returning to previous state\n";

return false;


bool CSpreadSheet::Convert(CString SheetOrSeparator)


// Prepare file

m_stempString = m_sFile;

m_stempString.Delete(m_stempString.GetLength()-4, 4);

if (m_bExcel) // If file is an Excel spreadsheet


m_stempString += ".csv";

CSpreadSheet tempSheet(m_stempString, SheetOrSeparator, false);

// Stop convert if text delimited file exists

if (tempSheet.GetTotalColumns() != 0)


return false;



for (int i = 1; i <= m_dTotalRows; i++)


if (!ReadRow(m_atempArray, i))


return false;


if (!tempSheet.AddRow(m_atempArray, i))


return false;



if (!tempSheet.Commit())


return false;


return true;


else // if file is a text delimited file


m_stempString += ".xls";

CSpreadSheet tempSheet(m_stempString, SheetOrSeparator, false);

// Stop convert if Excel file exists

if (tempSheet.GetTotalColumns() != 0)


return false;



// Check for duplicate header row field

bool duplicate = false;

for (int i = 0; i < m_atempArray.GetSize(); i++)


for (int j = 0; j < m_atempArray.GetSize(); j++)


if ((i != j) && (m_atempArray.GetAt(i) == m_atempArray.GetAt(j)))


m_sLastError.Format("Duplicate header row field:%s\n", m_atempArray.GetAt(i));

duplicate = true;




if (duplicate) // Create dummy header row



for (int k = 1; k <= m_dTotalColumns; k++)


m_stempString.Format("%d", k);



if (!tempSheet.AddHeaders(m_atempArray))


return false;


for (int l = 1; l <= m_dTotalRows; l++)


if (!ReadRow(m_atempArray, l))


return false;


if (!tempSheet.AddRow(m_atempArray, l+1))


return false;



return true;




if (!tempSheet.AddHeaders(m_atempArray))


return false;


for (int l = 2; l <= m_dTotalRows; l++)


if (!ReadRow(m_atempArray, l))


return false;


if (!tempSheet.AddRow(m_atempArray, l))


return false;



return true;




// Open a text delimited file for reading or writing

bool CSpreadSheet::Open()


if (m_bExcel) // If file is an Excel spreadsheet


m_Database->OpenEx(m_sDsn, CDatabase::noOdbcDialog);

// Open Sheet

m_rSheet = new CRecordset( m_Database );

m_sSql.Format("SELECT * FROM [%s$A1:IV65536]", m_sSheetName);



m_rSheet->Open(CRecordset::forwardOnly, m_sSql, CRecordset::readOnly);




delete m_rSheet;

m_rSheet = NULL;


return false;


// Get number of columns

m_dTotalColumns = m_rSheet->m_nResultCols;

if (m_dTotalColumns != 0)




m_bAppend = true;

m_dTotalRows++; // Keep count of total number of rows

// Get field names i.e header row

for (int i = 0; i < m_dTotalColumns; i++)


m_stempSql = m_rSheet->m_rgODBCFieldInfos[i].m_strName;


// Join up all the columns into a string

if (i != m_dTotalColumns-1) // Not last column


m_stempString = m_stempString + "\"" + m_stempSql + "\"" + m_sSeparator;


else // Last column


m_stempString = m_stempString + "\"" + m_stempSql + "\"";



// Store the header row as the first row in memory


// Read and store the rest of the rows in memory

while (!m_rSheet->IsEOF())


m_dTotalRows++; // Keep count of total number of rows



// Get all the columns in a row


for (short column = 0; column < m_dTotalColumns; column++)


m_rSheet->GetFieldValue(column, m_stempSql);

// Join up all the columns into a string

if (column != m_dTotalColumns-1) // Not last column


m_stempString = m_stempString + "\"" + m_stempSql + "\"" + m_sSeparator;


else // Last column


m_stempString = m_stempString + "\"" + m_stempSql + "\"";



// Store the obtained row in memory




catch (...)


m_sLastError = "Error reading row\n";

delete m_rSheet;

m_rSheet = NULL;


return false;





delete m_rSheet;

m_rSheet = NULL;


m_dCurrentRow = 1;

return true;


else // if file is a text delimited file




CFile *File = NULL;

File = new CFile(m_sFile, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyNone);

if (File != NULL)


CArchive *Archive = NULL;

Archive = new CArchive(File, CArchive::load);

if (Archive != NULL)



// Read and store all rows in memory





ReadRow(m_aFieldNames, 1); // Get field names i.e header row

delete Archive;

delete File;

// Get total number of rows

m_dTotalRows = m_aRows.GetSize();

// Get the largest number of columns

for (int i = 0; i < m_aRows.GetSize(); i++)


ReadRow(m_atempArray, i);

if (m_atempArray.GetSize() > m_dTotalColumns)


m_dTotalColumns = m_atempArray.GetSize();



if (m_dTotalColumns != 0)


m_bAppend = true;


return true;


delete File;






m_sLastError = "Error in opening file\n";

return false;



// Convert Excel column in alphabet into column number

short CSpreadSheet::CalculateColumnNumber(CString column, bool Auto)


if (Auto)


int firstLetter, secondLetter;


if (column.GetLength() == 1)


firstLetter = column.GetAt(0);

return (firstLetter - 65 + 1); // 65 is A in ascii


else if (column.GetLength() == 2)


firstLetter = column.GetAt(0);

secondLetter = column.GetAt(1);

return ((firstLetter - 65 + 1)*26 + (secondLetter - 65 + 1)); // 65 is A in ascii



// Check if it is a valid field name

for (int i = 0; i < m_aFieldNames.GetSize(); i++)


if (!column.Compare(m_aFieldNames.GetAt(i)))


return (i + 1);



m_sLastError = "Invalid field name or column alphabet\n";

return 0;


// Get the name of the Excel-ODBC driver

void CSpreadSheet::GetExcelDriver()


char szBuf[2001];

WORD cbBufMax = 2000;

WORD cbBufOut;

char *pszBuf = szBuf;

// Get the names of the installed drivers ("odbcinst.h" has to be included )

if(!SQLGetInstalledDrivers(szBuf,cbBufMax,& cbBufOut))


m_sExcelDriver = "";


// Search for the driver...



if( strstr( pszBuf, "Excel" ) != 0 )


// Found !

m_sExcelDriver = CString( pszBuf );



pszBuf = strchr( pszBuf, '\0' ) + 1;


while( pszBuf[1] != '\0' );


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