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QT下 TableWidget 实现右键菜单栏,以及TableWidget整体美化工作。

2014-07-01 18:27 1301 查看
转载请注明出处: http://blog.csdn.net/elfprincexu
QT TableWidget 是一个很常用的widget, 可以实现类似excel表格的效果。现在讲解一下如何实现右键菜单项选择。先附图如下

cpp 文件当中:
connect (_tableWidget, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), SLOT(customMenuRequested(QPoint)))  	// right click connection

void MyClass::customMenuRequested(QPoint pos)
QTableWidgetItem* selecteditem = _tableWidget->itemAt(pos) ;	//get right click pos item
* do sth  relative with current selected item
*  QString finalStr = selecteditem->text();
QMenu* menu = new QMenu(this);
QAction* action = new QAction(tr(&Open Directory), this);
action->setData(finalStr )	;	// set data, for later in slot, we can get necessary info
menu->popup(_tableWidget->viewport()->mapToGlobal(pos)) ; 		//show the menu at right click pos
connect (action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openDirectory));

void myClass::openDirectory()
QAction* action = qobject_cast<QAction*> (sender());
if (action == 0) return;

QString str = action->data();	//get previous data saved by us

//do sth relative with the action
QProcess proc;
proc.setWorkingDirectory(str);		// set current path as str we got
proc.start("gnone-Terminal");		// open a new terminal
bool result = proc.waitForStarted(1000);
result& = proc.waitForFinished(1000);

if (result) qDebug()<<"success";
else qDebug()<<"failure";


void customMenuRequested(QPoint pos);
void openDirectory();

附上tablewidge常用修饰代码: header 字体颜色,伸缩框样式,整行选取等

// set header for tablewidget
QStringList headers;
headers<<"Creation Time"<<"GenDebug Name" ;
// only selecting entire rows
// only single row selection
// forbidden edit
// customcontext menu

// set header font, bold
QFont font = _tableWidget->horizontalHeader()->font();
// set selection mode
_tableWidget->setStyleSheet("selection-background-color: darkblue");  // selection background color :blue
// set header height
// set header bg color, horizontalscroll vericalscrollbar style
_tableWidget->horizontalScrollBar()->setStyleSheet("QScrollBar{background:transparent; height:10px;}"
"QScrollBar::handle{background:lightgray; border:2px solid transparent; border-radius:5px;}"
_tableWidget->verticalScrollBar()->setStyleSheet("QScrollBar{background:transparent; width: 10px;}"
"QScrollBar::handle{background:lightgray; border:2px solid transparent; border-radius:5px;}"
// no highlight to header
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