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2014-05-29 14:02 218 查看

create table student(

id number(9) not null primary key,

name varchar2(40) not null,

age number(9),

classname varchar2(40) not null



alter table student add address varchar2(40)

alter table student add birthday date not null


alter table student drop column address

alter table student drop column classname


alter table student modify address addresses varchar2(40)


insert into student values(1,'mary',19,to_date('01-01-1995','MM-DD-YYYY'));

insert into student values(2,'john',20,to_date('01-01-1994','MM-DD-YYYY'));

insert into student values(3,'tom',21,to_date('01-01-1993','MM-DD-YYYY'));

select * from student



create sequence stu_seq increment by 1 start with 4 MAXVALUE 99 NOCYCLE NOCACHE


insert into student values(stu_seq.nextval,'tokea',23,to_date('02-05-1991','MM-DD-YYYY'))

insert into student values(stu_seq.nextval,'joy',25,to_date('02-05-1989','MM-DD-YYYY'))

insert into student values(stu_seq.nextval,'yeak',23,to_date('29-08-1991','MM-DD-YYYY'))


delete from 表名 where id=4


select name from student where age not between 19 and 20


select name from student where name like 'j%'


select ×from(

select t.*,rownum from table1 t where condition)

where rownum>(pagen)
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