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Blind XPath Injection

2014-04-08 11:28 489 查看


XPath is a type of query language that describes how to locate specific elements (including attributes, processing instructions, etc.) in an XML document. Since it is a query language, XPath is somewhat similar to Structured Query Language (SQL),
however, XPath is different in that it can be used to reference almost any part of an XML document without access control restrictions. In SQL, a "user" (which is a term undefined in the XPath/XML context) may be restricted to certain databases, tables, columns,
or queries. Using an XPATH Injection attack, an attacker is able to modify the XPATH query to perform an action of his choosing.
XPath 是一种查询语言,该语言描述了如何定位XML文档中的特定元素(包括属性、处理指令等)的位置。因为是一种查询语言,XPath在某些程度上类似于SQL语言,但是,不同之处是XPath几乎可以访问xml文档的任何部分,而不受访问控制的约束。在SQL中,用户在访问特定的数据库、数据表、列或者查询时受到限制。使用XPath注入攻击,攻击者可以通过修改XPath查询进行其选择的操作。

Blind XPath Injection attacks can be used to extract data from an application that embeds user supplied data in an unsafe way. When input is not properly sanitized, an attacker can supply valid XPath code that is executed. This type of attack is
used in situations where the attacker has no knowledge about the structure of the XML document, or perhaps error message are suppressed, and is only able to pull once piece of information at a time by asking true/false questions(booleanized queries), much
like Blind SQL Injection.

For more information, please see the article on regular XPATH Injection.

Risk Factors



The attacker may mount a successful attack using two methods: Boolenization and XML Crawling. By adding to the XPath syntax, the attacker uses additional expressions (replacing what the attacker entered in the
place of the injection).


Using the "Boolenization" method the attacker may find out if the given XPath expression is True or False. Let's assume that the aim of the attacker is to log in to an account in a web application. A Successful log in would return "True" and failed
log in attempt would return "False". Only a small portion of the information is targeted via the analyzed character or number. When the attacker focuses on a string he may reveal it in its entirety by checking every single character within the class/range
of characters this string belongs to.

Using a string-length(S) function, where S is a string, the attacker may find out the length of this string. With the appropriate number of substring(S,N,1) function
iterations, where S is a previously mentioned string, N is a start character, and "1" is a next character counting from N character, the attacker is able to enumerate the whole string.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<realname>Simple User</realname>


string.stringlength(//user[position()=1]/child::node()[position()=2]) returns the length of the second string of the first user (8),
substring((//user[position()=1]/child::node()[position()=2),1,1) returns the first character of this user ('r').

XML Crawling

To get to know the XML document structure the attacker may use:



This will return the number of nodes (in this case 2).



Using this query the attacker will find out if the second string (password) of the first node (user 'admin') consists of 6 characters.

substring(string, number, number)


This query will confirm (True) or deny (False) that the first character of the user ('admin') password is an "a" character.

If the log in form would look like this:
String FindUser;
FindUser = "//user[login/text()='" + Request("Username") + "' And
password/text()='" + Request("Password") + "']";

then the attacker should inject the following code:
Username: ' or substring((//user[position()=1]/child::node()[position()=2]),1,1)="a" or ''='

The XPath syntax may remind you of common SQL Injection attacks but the
attacker must consider that this language disallows commenting out the rest of expresssion. To omit this limitation the attacker should use
OR expressions to void all expressions, which may disrupt the attack.
Because of Boolenization the number of queries, even within a small XML document, may be very high (thousands, houndred of thousands and more). That is why this attack is not conducted manually. Knowing a few basic
XPath functions, the attacker is able to write an application in a short time which will rebuild the structure of the document and will fill it with data by itself.

Related Threat


Related Attacks


Related Vulnerabilities


Related Controls

Category:Input Validation


http://dl.packetstormsecurity.net/papers/bypass/Blind_XPath_Injection_20040518.pdf -
by Amit Klein (much more detailes, in my opinion the best source about Blind XPath Injection).
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