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2014-03-17 16:33 676 查看

NodeSchool.io interactive lessons

Hello World

Hello World
Web Server

Node.js guide

Build a blog with Node.js, express
and mongodb

Node.Js Tutorials At Project 70

for Beginners

Node.js Completely and with Confidence


Node tuts

Introduction to Node.js with
Ryan Dahl

Node.js: Asynchronous Purity
Leads to Faster Development

Programming with Node.js

Server-side JavaScript with Node, Connect & Express

First Look

Node.js with MongoDB

Ryan Dahl's Google Tech Talk


Learn All The Nodes




The Node Beginner Book

Mastering Node.js

Up and Running
with Node.js

Node.js in Action

Smashing Node.js: JavaScript Everywhere

Node.js & Co. (in German)

Sam's Teach Yourself Node.js in 24 Hours

Most detailed list of free JavaScript Books

Mixu's Node Book

Node.js the Right
Way: Practical, Server-Side JavaScript That Scale

Beginning Web Development
with Node.js


Real Time Web with Node.js


The Node.js blog

How To Node


Nodejitsu blog

Ryan Wilcox's Whitepaper




JavaScript resources

Crockford's videos (must see!)

JavaScript Design Patterns For Beginners

JavaScript garden

JavaScript Patterns book

JavaScript: The Good Parts book

Node Modules

Search for registered node.js modules

Wiki List on Github/Joyent/Node (start
here last!)

A completely
biased and incomplete selection of useful Node modules


JSApp.US - like jsfiddle, but for node.js

Node with VJET JS
(for Eclipse IDE)

Production sites with published source:

Node Knockout Hackathon (source)

Node.js Tools, Tutorials and Resources

Runnable.com - like jsfiddle, but for server side
as well


First, learn the core concepts of Node.js:

You'll want
to understand the asynchronous coding style that Node encourages.

Async != concurrent.
Understand Node's event loop!

Node uses CommonJS-style
require() for code loading; it's probably a bit different from what you're used to.

Familiarize yourself with Node's standard library.

Then, you're going to want to see what the community has to offer:

The gold standard for Node package management is NPM.

It is a command line
tool for managing your project's dependencies.

Make sure you understand how Node and NPM interact with
your project via the node_modules folder and package.json.

NPM is also a registry of pretty much every Node package out there

Finally, you're going to want to know what some of the more popular packages are for various tasks:

Useful Tools for Every Project:

Underscore contains just about every core
utility method you want.

CoffeeScript makes JavaScript considerably more bearable,
while also keeping you out of trouble!

Caveat: A large portion of the community frowns upon it. If you are writing a library, you should consider regular JavaScript, to benefit from wider collaboration.

Unit Testing:

Mocha is a popular test framework.

Vows is a fantastic take on asynchronous testing, albeit somewhat

Expresso is a more traditional unit testing

node-unit is another relatively traditional unit
testing framework.

Web Frameworks:

Express is by far the most popular framework.

Meteor bundles together jQuery, Handlebars, Node.js, websockets,
mongoDB, and DDP and promotes convention over configuration without being a Rails clone.

Tower is an abstraction of top of Express that aims to be a Rails

Geddy is another take on web frameworks.

RailwayJS is a Ruby-on-Rails inspired MVC web framework.

SailsJS is a realtime MVC web framework.

Sleek.js is a simple web framework, bulit upon express.js.

Web Framework Tools:

Jade is the HAML/Slim of the Node world

EJS is a more traditional templating language.

Don't forget about Underscore's template


Connect is the Rack or WSGI of the Node world.

Request is a very popular HTTP request library.

socket.io is handy for building WebSocket servers.

Command Line Interaction:

Optimist makes argument parsing a joy.

Commander is another popular argument parser.

Colors makes your CLI output pretty.
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