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iOS二维码: ZBarSDK打包支持armv7s

2014-02-27 17:27 405 查看

In this moment the great qr/bar code reader library ZBar (SourceForge
link) don't work on iPhone 5 simply because noone has re-compiled the library for armv7, and if you try to use this lib in you armv7s ready ios project you obtain:

[xml] view

ld: file is universal (3 slices) but does not contain a(n) armv7s slice: /Users/rainbird/Desktop/myapp/iFileManager/iFileManager/ZBarSDK/libzbar.a for architecture armv7s  

clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)  

here two solutions:

The easy and ready to cook solution: Download and include my re-compiled library (support armv6-7-7s and i386) fromHERE (note:
no warranty, no support, nothing, if don't work delete it 


The advanced solution: re-compile yourself the libzbar.a following this steps:

1 - Download the source code (you must have Mercurial for
hg clone http://zbar.hg.sourceforge.net:8000/hgroot/zbar/zbar cd zbar
hg checkout iPhoneSDK-1.2.2
open iphone/zbar.xcodeproj

2 - In the xcode project edit the "libzbar" scheme and select Release in Build configuration


3 - Compile libzbar for device AND for simulator, here the configuration:

4 - Find the compiled libzbar.a and go in the folder using Teminal.app, my folder:

In this folder you you should have two sub folder Release-iphoneos and Release-iphonesimulator

5 - using xcode command line tools build you universal lib:
lipo -create Release-iphoneos/libzbar.a Release-iphonesimulator/libzbar.a -o libzbar.a

the end 

 now you can
use the libzbar.a created, both in device and simulator.


When you make "Product -> Archive" to avoid the error:

[xml] view

'Cordova/CDVViewController.h' file not found  

add this fields:

 to Your taget - > Building settings -> Header search paths
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