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2014-01-25 16:08 357 查看

select colunm from table;


select distinct column from table;


select column from table where condition

where and

where or

where between and

where in()


select column from table like keywords like %_;


select table1.colunm, table2.colunm from table1,table2

where condition

--二、组函数(avg()、sum())\分组函数(group by)\排序(order by)bbb

--1、组函数 avg\sum\max\min\count


group by column

having condition

select avg(salary),department_id from employees

group by department_id

having avg(salary)>1000;


order by

select last_name,salary from employees order by salary

select last_name,hire_date from employees order by hire_date desc;


select * from employees where salary =

(select salary from employees where last_name ='joll');

select * from employees where salary =(select max(salary) from employees);

select * from employees where salary in ();
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