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Java中的Double-checked Locking (DCL)问题

2014-01-21 15:48 288 查看
Double-checked Locking (DCL)用来在lazy initialisation 的单例模式中避免同步开销的一个方法。


public class MyFactory {
private static MyFactory instance;

public synchronized static MyFactory getFactory() {
if (instance == null)
instance = new MyFactory();
return instance;


public class MyBrokenFactory {
private static MyFactory instance;
private int field1, field2 ...

public static MyBrokenFactory getFactory() {
// This is incorrect: don't do it at home, kids!
if (instance == null) {
synchronized (MyBrokenFactory.class) {
if (instance == null)
instance = new MyFactory();
return instance;

private MyBrokenFactory() {
field1 = ...
field2 = ...


Thread 1: 'gets in first' and starts creating instance.Thread 2: gets in just as Thread 1 has written the object reference to memory, but before it has written all thefields.
1. Is instance null? Yes.

2. Synchronize on class.

3. Memory is allocated for instance.

4. Pointer to memory saved into instance.

7. Values for field1 and field2 are written to memory allocated for object.
5. Is instance null? No.

6. instance is non-null, but field1 and field2 haven't yet been set! This thread sees invalid values for field1 and field2!

方法1:使用class loader

public class MyFactory {
private static final MyFactory instance = new MyFactory();

public static MyFactory getInstance() {
return instance;

private MyFactory() {}


public class MyFactory {
private static final MyFactory instance;

static {
try {
instance = new MyFactory();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Darn, an error's occurred!", e);

public static MyFactory getInstance() {
return instance;

private MyFactory() throws IOException {
// read configuration files...

但是这样就失去了lazy initialisation带来的好处,Java5以后还有一种办法,



public class MyFactory {
private static volatile MyFactory instance;

public static MyFactory getInstance(Connection conn)
throws IOException {
if (instance == null) {
synchronized (MyFactory.class) {
if (instance == null)
instance = new MyFactory(conn);
return instance;

private MyFactory(Connection conn) throws IOException {
// init factory using the database connection passed in

JAVA5以后,访问一个volatile的变量具有synchronized 的语义。换句话说,JAVA5保证unsycnrhonized volatile read 会在写之后发生。(Accessing a volatile variable has the semantics of synchronization as of Java 5. In other words Java
5 ensures that the unsycnrhonized volatile readmust happen after the write has taken place。)






In Java 5, a change was made to the definition of final fields. Where the values of these fields are set in the constructor, the JVM ensures that these values are committed to main memorybefore
the object reference itself. In other words, another thread that can "see" the objectcannot ever see uninitialised values of its final fields. In that case, we wouldn't actually need to declare the instance reference as volatile.

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