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2013-12-26 13:47 183 查看

my_fun() {
echo "$#"
echo 'the number of parameter in "$@" is '$(my_fun "$@")
echo 'the number of parameter in "$*" is '$(my_fun "$*")
执行:./my.sh p1 "p2 p3" p4后返回:
the number of parameter in "$@" is 3
the number of parameter in "$*" is 1


脚本名称叫test.sh 入参三个: 1 2 3
运行test.sh 1 2 3后
$*为"1 2 3"(一起被引号包住)
$@为"1" "2" "3"(分别被包住)
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标签:  shell脚本 $* $@